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2D Art Project

Parker Schafer
I have just recently gotten into amateur photography. I mostly like to take pictures of the adventures
that I go on. For this project I tried to capture an entire adventure into a few photos for 2D collage. I
went to the west desert of Utah to a popular off roading spot with my Jeep. The meaning behind these
photos is to show the experience that I have and give people the same rush that I have when I go
exploring in my Jeep. I first tried gathering pictures of my jeep in scenic spots while on an adventure. I
found that this ended up giving my adventure a slower and boring feeling, not what I was going for. I
went back to the same spot the next week with a friend trying to capture the adventure again. I tasked
him with driving through certain spots and lined up the shots. This resulted in a ton of fun and
interesting photos. The photo’s I took ended up telling the story better than I did.

Top Left: this is a photo taken on the way to my off-roading spot. This was taken with a long photo
lenses which captures the twist and the bend of the road giving the road a look that most drivers might
not see when taking this road.

Top Middle: A photo that captures the backdrop of the location I explore and camp quite often. I hiked a
large hill to capture the snow peaked mountains, lake and hills all around. When you are done looking at
the large verity of viewpoints in the photo you stumble across the little red jeep on the dirt road putting
the area into perspective.

Top Right: The fun begins. A photo taken with a fast shutter speed suspends the sand in air, giving the
feeling of movement. Donuts in this soft sand are a must as long as you don’t get yourself stuck.

Middle Left: Mud puddles will always be hit with speed and ferocity; you have to show it who is boss.

Middle Right: This is the slowest picture taken and the one with the least amount of movement. This is
how all my adventures go. It is busy mud slinging fun but its not a successful trip if you don’t take a
minute to be in nature and nap in a hammock.

Bottom Middle: Another use of movement to tell a story. As the sun set on this adventure, we headed
home. This photo technique grasps the movement of the Jeep with a slow shutter speed. The
background is blurry and the Jeep is in focus. A perfect picture to wrap up an adventure.

I wanted to tell a story with this project and found that I could fit an all-day event into just a few
pictures. When I view these 6 photos it makes me want to go again. It gives me a sense of being there
and I wanted to share it with you. While staying true to a common theme. The jeep is always present
but in very different ways, as well as the environment and colors that are seen in the background.

I included a large photo of the small Jeep. It is hard from the Collage to see the details of the photo.

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