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Title Pages


Definition of Terms

A. What is Constructivism

B. The Role of Teacher

C. The Role of Student

D. Collaboration Among Other Philosophies

E. Scope and limitation

Topic Summary

The Presenter wishes to convey his sincerest gratitude and

heartfelt appreciation to the people behind this, with high praises to our

Almighty god, the creator of heaven and earth, source of wisdom,

strength, and the ultimate power.

To the family, for unending support offered and understanding

without conditions but purely love and affection.

To his colleagues and friends in education whose challenges serve

as inspirations and motivations in order to reach the ultimate goal in life.

To his Professor, for unselfishly sharing her knowledge and never

failed to respond her queries. For her enthusiasm encourages the author
to strive harder and to never settle for anything less.

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