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5-alpha-reductase : An enzyme that converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone

2. activational effect : a temporary change in behavior resulting from the availability of
hormone to an adult animal
3. Allomone : a chemical signal that is released outside the body by one species and affects
the behavior of other species
4. amine hormone :a hormone composed of a single amino acid that has been modified
into a related molecules such as melatonin or epinephrine
5. androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) : a syndrome caused by an androgen receptor
gene mutation that renders tissues insensitive to a androgenic hormone like
testosterone. Affected by XY individuals are phenotypic females, but they have internal
testes and regressed internal genital structures
6. anterior pituitary: the front division of he pituitary gland, it secretes tropic hormones
7. anti-müllerian hormone (AMH) : a peptide hormone secreted by the fetal testes that
inhibits mullerian duct development
8. autoradiography : a technique that shows the distribution of radioactive chemicals in
9. castration : removal of the gonads usually the teste
10. cloacal exstrophy : a rare medical condition in which XY induvial re born completely
lacking a penis
11. congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) : any of several genetic mutations that can cause a
female fetus to be exposed to adrenal androgens, resulting in a partial masculinization
12. Coolidge effect : a propensity of animal that appears sexually satisfied with a current
partner to resume sexual activity when provided with a new partner
13. Copulation : also called coitus. The sexual act
14. corpus luteum : a structure that forms from the collapsed ovarian follicle after ovulation.
The corporal lutea are major sources of progesterone
15. dihydrotestosterone (DHT) :the 5-alpha- reduced metabolite of testosterone. DHT is a
potent androgen that is principally responsible for the masculinzition of the external
gentalia in mammals.
16. endocrine gland : a gland that secretes hormones into the bloodstream to act on distant
17. estradiol : formally called 17 beta estradiol. The primary type of estrogen secreted by the
18. estrus : a period during which female animals are sexually receptive
19. follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) : a gonadotropin, named for ts actions on ovarian
20. fraternal birth order effect : a phenomenon in human populations, such that the more
older biological brothers a boy as, the more likely he is a grow up to be gay.
21. Gamete : a sex cell ( sperm or ovum) that contains only unpaired chromosomes
therefore has only half of usual number of chromosomes
22. genital tubercle : in the early fetus, a bump between the legs that can devlope into either
a clitoris or a penis
23. gonad : any of the sexual organs ( ovaries in female, testes in male) that prodcues
gametes for reproduction
24. gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) : a hypothalamic hormone that controls the
release of lutenizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone from the pituitary
25. growth hormone (GH) : a tropic hormone, secreted by the anterior pituitary, that
promotes the growth of cells and tissues
26. guevedoces : a nickname for individuals who are raised as girls but at puberty change
appearance by negin behaving as boy
27. hypothalamic-pituitary portal system : an elaborate bed of blood vessels leading from
the hypothalamus to the anterior pituitary
28. immunocytochemistry (ICC) : a method for detecting a particular protein in tissues in
which an antibody recognizes and binds to the protein and then chemically methods are
used to leave a visible reactions product around each antibody
29. in situ hybridization : a methods for detecting particular RNA transcript in tissues
sections by providing a nucleotide probe that is complementary to, and will therefore
hybridize with the transcript of interest.
30. indifferent gonads : the undifferentiated gonads of the early mammalian fetus, which
will eventually develop into either testes or ovaries
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