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It’s the beginning of April, tourist are about to visit at the village of San Jose, this place
is a well-known place of interest in the village because of its white sand beach and Fire
dances and Surfing Activities at night. The village is the most peaceful village in town
because of the facilitation of their 45-year old barangay chairman Pablo De Vera, in the
village; he is frequently called “Mang Pablo” or “Kapt.”. He has a perfect family, a caring
and a lovely wife named Margarita. For the couple, it took them `0 years to have a baby
because Margarita always had a child misconception but at the 6th times they had their
Miracle baby they named the baby as “Mira” short for Miracle.

It’s night already when the couple Mang Pablo and Aling Margarita left the house for a
awarding ceremony because Mang Pablo will give his opening remarks at the closing
program for the annual San Jose Surfing Competition, He left her child “Mira’ to their
maids. After the couple left, Mira asked permission to buy at the Sari-Sari store but the
maid did not allowed Mira to go outside because it’s already night. But Mira insists,
without knowing by the maids. Mira escaped the house bringing her phone. While
walking, Mira noticed that there was a man who has a horrifying face that man keeps on
following Mira. Due to frightfulness, Mira called their maid and said that there is a
horrifying tall man who is following her and the call conversation was ended upon the
maid heard Mira shouting. The maid automatically left the house to find for Mira.

Mira is not answering the call. The maid looks anxious because she can’t find Mira. Until
she called Mira’s parents that Mira is lost. The parents who are currently in a program
leaves after knowing Mira’s situation. The parent where mad at the maid because she
did not perform her responsibility. Then after it, Mang Pablo called his Village
Councilors and some police officers. They asked for a help to find Mira. Until the
councilors found out that the Chairman’s only daughter is died and was caught sprawled
at the sands. The SOCO did an investigation and based on the result the 6-year old
child was raped and was been punched at her face for four times. After knowing by the
parents, the maid with her boss went to the police station and told that the last time that
they are conversing with Mira, Mira said that she was followed by a horrifying man. The
police searched for that man and luckily, they’ve found the suspect.

The suspect is known “Guido”, his face is scary and everybody seems to be scared
when they saw Guido. Guido denied that he was the rapist and he accused someone,
according to him, a white skinned teen ager boy is the one who raped Mira because she
saw the actual scenario of raping from grabbing to torturing to death and he also added
that he didn’t went to the police station because he was scared. But the lower court find
the suspect guilty for killing the chairman’s daughter.
After a month, the family is still mourning upon the death of their sole daughter. The
perfect couple seems to be the worst because they are always fighting, until one day,
before the summer ends a crying handsome man appeared on the jail and said he was
the one who raped Mira’s spirit is always appearing on the real suspect. Guido was
been out of the jail and the criminal was been imprisoned. The justice that they wished
is already granted but the couple still fights, till Mira’s spirit appeared in their house and
said “Mom and Dad, don’t argue anymore. I had the justice. I accept that my sudden
death, I already forgive the criminal who is paying for his sins at the jail. I hope you will
not argue anymore, it’s not you or our maid’s fault. It was mine and the criminal. Don’t
blame yourselves. Always remember this I will be always at your side and I will love you

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