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Coma 1n Infancy and Childhood


Assistant Professor, Pediatric Neurology, Medical College of Virginia, Health

Sciences Division of Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia

Coma is defined as an altered state of con- Pathophysiology of Coma

sciousness from which arousal due to appropriate From animal studies it appears that the ascend-
stimuli is not adequately achieved. Such a definition ing reticular activating system is chiefly responsible
of the state of coma is plag ued with semantic prob- for the state of conscio usness. When this system is
lem s, a nd terminology describing various comatose d am aged or d estroyed, a slow synchronized electro-
states is vast a nd even more a mbiguous when applied encephalogram (EEG) and coma ensue. The ascend-
to the infant. Rather than using such terms as coma, ing reticular activating system appears to include the
semicoma, stupor, or obtundation, it is better to de- rostral pons, pons, hypothalamus, and rnidbrain, and
scribe the physical state of the unresponsive patient. has indistinct boundaries with a multitude of inter-
The description should include the pa tient's appear- connections in volving the brain stern and forebrain.
ance, movements either sponta neous or elicited from Physiolog ica lly, there are asce nding and descending
stimuli , the patient's response to the stimulus, an d the system s with m a ny feedback m echani sm s. Anatomi-
nature of the stimulus, whether voice, pressure, or ca lly, thi s polysy naptic system h as not been a de-
pain. A detailed neurological description is not war- qu ately deciphered; however, the area rostral to the
ranted when describing the comatose state, but it is pons appears to be essential for the m a intenance of
appropriate to include whether or no t respirations consciousness.
are sponta neo us or supported , and the p atient's car- In extrapolating da ta to man m a ny inco nsist-
diovascula r state. Pupill ary size a nd activity should encies occu r, such as hypoth a la mi c destructi o n with
be included in the description of the stuporous pa- spa ring o f midbrain reticul a r fo rm ation, followed by
tient. The comatose state of an infant may be much susta ined somnolence. Beca use of the quality of the
more difficult to recognize and is often confused with cognitive functions of the human cerebral hemi-
physiological sleep states. An infant is considered to spheres, substantial lesions of either o r both hem i-
be in a coma when there is no appropriate response to spheres will interfere with mental in teg rative func-
shaking, pinching, visual, or a uditory stimuli. As tioning; the more diffuse the lesio n the more it affects
with the o lder child, a detailed description o f the state the state of conscio usness, whether or not associa ted
is necessary. More difficult to recognize in infants a nd brain stern lesio ns ex ist.' Eventua lly, ir respect ive of
children are the less severe forms of coma, especially the insult ca using cha nges in consciou sness, the ulti-
since fluctuating metabolic situations with rapid mate common pa thway is the blood suppl y of the
changes can occur and the state of consciousness may cells with oxygen and glucose necessary to maintain
change equally rapidly. Notwithstanding these diffi- mitochondrial acti vi ty a nd intracellular metabolism ,
culties of definitions a nd recognition , a cl assifica tion as well as to mai ntai n membrane stabi lity with ion ic
of coma (T a ble) in a n infant a nd child is essential. fluctuation s a nd neurot ra nsm itter release. R ecently it
has been shown that in head t ra uma seronton in and
Correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Edwin C. Myer, hom ova nillic acid levels change, indicati ng th at basic
Box 2 11 , Medical College o f Virginia, Richmond , Virgini a 23298. neurotransmitter dysfunction does occur; therefore,

MCV QUA RT E R LY 13(3): 93- 96, 1977 93


A Classification of Coma in the Infant and Child


Encephalitis: Viral Oxygen deprivation: Cardiac
Protozoa! (Hypoxia or Anoxia) Pulmonary
Rickettsial lschemic
Severe systemic infection Hypoglycemia
Hepatic coma
abnormalities: Sodium
Subdural Potassium
Concussion Calcium
Hemorrhage: Subdural Magnesium
Extradural Water
lntracranial Acid base abnormalities
Subarachnoid Hormonal dysfunction: Inappropriate ADH
Encephalopathy: Reye's syndrome

Neoplasms Antihistamines
Hematomas Barbiturates
Infective Belladonna
Hydrocephalus Drugs of abuse
Lead and other heavy metals
Thrombosis Salicylates
Vasculitis Tranquili ze rs (Benzodiazepines)
Embolization Tricyclics

to meet the high-energy demands required, a func- ical and anatomical correlation of stupor in coma is
tioning metabolism is ~ssential. 2 not available in the neonate .3
Under normal physiological conditions, glucose
is the main substrate used by the brain, but in certain Signs, Symptoms and Diagnostic Approach
circumstances ketones may be metabolized. As the With the unconscious patient a rapid gross as-
brain ' s glucose reserve is minimal, any alteration of sessment is necessary to establish the brain's basic
the state of consciousness may be an early sign of requirements in terms of blood volume, blood flow,
hypoglycemia. Certain enzymatic cofactors such as oxygenation, and glucose. This initial management is
thiamine and pyridoxine are required to utilize the essential to prevent permanent brain damage or
glucose; absence of these in the diet may affect the death or both . Once the state of unconsciousness has
status quo of the brain. A constant oxygen supply to been ascertained, cardiac output should be ascer-
the brain is vital and when this is deficient, lactic tained and adequate respiratory exchange main-
acidosis quickly occurs. The brain consumes 15% to tained. In addition intravenous fluids containing glu-
20% of the total body's oxygen needs and this oxygen cose should be administered after blood has been
consumption increases rapidly during seizures. Cere- drawn for laboratory tests. When the initial steps of
bral blood flow is equivalent to about 15% to 20% of establishing an airway and observing adequate car-
cardiac output and can increase or decrease under diac output have been taken, the patient should be
particular physiological stimuli, for example, changes examined to establish the cause of the coma. 4 A gen-
in Pco 2 or pH. Similar states with regard to the eral evaluation may give clues to the diagnosis; spe-
reticular activating system and cortical grey matter cific entities to be observed are cutaneous abnor-
probably exist in the infant, but as yet, detailed clin- malities including birthmarks, skin punctures and

bruises, and skull trauma, ecchymosis, and rashes. Infants and children with a history of seizures
Respiratory patterns may help in the localization of may frequently present with status epilepticus or in
the dysfunction. Of particular interest are the apneic postictal states especially associated with noncom-
spells seen in premature newborns which may be pliance with drug therapy . Seizures may be due to
related to brain stem immaturity or dysfunction. 3 The any of a variety of causes and require an immediate
ears should be examined for hemotympanum. Heart evaluation for exclusion of treatable causes , such as
murmurs may indicate endocarditis or brain abscess. metabolic dysfunction, noncompliance in medica-
Pupillary size and reactions may help localize the tion , and certain poisons and toxins . Poisons and
lesion. These are especially important in the deeply toxins causing coma require specific antidotes. It is
comatose patient when no history is available as essential that every comatose patient , infant and
metabolic encephalopathies usually have reactive pu- child, undergo immediate toxic screening of the urine
pils. A full neurological evaluation in the usual man- and, if necessary, of serum, even when there is no
ner will help determine the process causing the un- history of ingestion; any delay may result in death. In
consciousness.5 our experience toxic screening revealed the presence
In children trauma is not always obvious and of imipramine in the urine of a child who was admit-
shak ing an infant excessively may result in subdural ted unconscious to our institution and whose parents
hematomas . We have seen an infant who had inhaled had denied the existence of any drugs in their house .
a foreign body and was swung around in an effort to Unfortunately, the delay in performing the test re-
dislodge the article develop bilateral frontal lobe sulted in the death of the child two hours later from
intracranial contusions sufficiently severe to cause what is a treatable condition. Poisons are listed in the
death. coma classification and each one requires its own
Subdural effusions in the infant with an open treatment.
fontanelle are an infrequent cause of changes in con- Metabolic dysfunctions are probably the com-
sciousness; it is more likely that the underlying cere- monest causes of altered states of consciousness in
bral damage associated with the subdural hematoma the infant and child. They are not easily recognized
may be responsible. Seizures associated with cortical and the signs and symptoms may be similar to those
damage have also caused problems of consciousness. of an unconscious child who may or may not have
Subdural and extradural hematomas in the infant reflexes present with or without brain stem signs but
with fused sutures have been the sources of problems; who usually shows intact pupillary reflexes and no
however, considering the size of the infant and child neurological localizing signs. It has been our practice
and the number of relatively severe falls, trauma, to evaluate the blood immediately with Dextrostix to
excluding the battered baby, is a relatively infre- rule out hypoglycemia . If indicated, calcium is given
quent cause of coma. (The battered syndrome must empirically, especially if the child is having a seizure.
always be excluded when observing trauma-induced Routine laboratory tests to evaluate electrolyte status
unconsciousness in the infant and child. )6 are obtained as soon as possible; arterial blood gases
Infection may cause serious changes of con- are monitored and the appropriate corrections made .
sciousness in the infant and child . Any neonatal in- Reyes syndrome, with the associated encepha-
fant who shows a non-physiological depression of its lopathy, can result in profound metabolic coma, and
conscious state should be evaluated for meningitis . In the diagnosis needs to be considered in all comatose
the neonate and young infant this change of con- children where etiologies are in doubt. Depending on
sciousness may be the first , sign of an impending the type of metabolic dysfunction, specific treatment
infection . Changes of consciousness associated with may be indicated, but in general the treatment is pri-
purpuric or ecchymotic rashes require urgent eval - marily supportive.
uation to exclude a meningococcal meningitis or
Rocky Mountain spotted fever. All these infectious Evaluation
states in the young infant occur without any other After acute treatment and assessment of a pa-
typical signs of meningism . Thus , as part of the diag- tient in a coma , an immediate EEG is done which
nostic work-up , immediate lumbar puncture is re- frequently helps to establish the metabolic cause. The
quired . Supratentorial mass lesions or hydrocephalus EEG is usually diffusely slow, and in the infant and
are to be considered and spinal fluid may have to be neonate the slowness is difficult to correlate; however,
obtained from other routes. suppression or diffusely slow, low-voltage EEGs may

be helpful. The advent of the computerized axial intracranial pressure monitoring unless a surgically
tomography (CT) scan has helped tremendously in correctable lesion is present such as acute hydroceph-
the diagnosis of contusions and space-occupying le- alus. Using this monitoring system we have success-
sions as well as acute hydrocephalus. In our in- fully managed and treated the unconscious state in
stitution this test is performed as an emergency pro- Reye's syndrome.
cedure. X-rays of the skull are helpful in non-obvious The management of consciousness changes in
trauma, and skeletal surveys are done if a battered the neonate and infant is essentially the same as that
baby is suspected. of the child . In this group such changes have most
frequently been caused by metabolic dysfunction, hy-
Treatment poxia, and intracranial hemorrhage. Correction of
Once acute treatment has been established to- the metabolic state is essential in the treatment of the
gether with specific therapies, EEG, antibiotics, anti- coma and seizures which are frequently associated
convulsants, correction of electrolytes and acid base with these metabolic changes. We have not used
abnormalities, indicated surgery, and specific anti- intracranial pressure monitoring with infants.
dotes for poisons, the remainder of the treatment is
supportive. The unconscious patient is nursed in an Conclusion
intensive care unit; if any problems are related to Coma in the infant and child requires that the
breathing, the patient is intubated and if necessary, physician always adhere to a specific plan, and that
respiratory therapy is instituted. After particular ce- his actions be adequate to sustain brain function in
rebral insults, cerebral edema may occur and specific order to prevent irreversible damage. The advent of
precautions are taken for decreasing cerebral blood intensive care units, advances in technology, and a
flow by hypoventilation while insuring that adequate better understanding of the pathophysiology of coma
oxygenation to the brain is maintained . Of particular will help to decrease mortality and especially the
importance is the onset of the inappropriate anti- morbidity associated with coma.
diuretic hormone (ADH) syndrome, and our practice
has been to maintain these children on two thirds
fluid maintenance in anticipation of the development REFERENCES
of inappropriate ADH. This latter treatment has
I. PL UM F, POSNER J: Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma, ed 2. Phila-
been a problem in sickle cell disease where acute delphia , FA Davis and Co, 1972.
crises have caused multiple vascular occlusions re-
sulting in unconsciousness; in these circumstances 2. VECHT CJ, WoERKOM T , TEELK EN AW, ET AL: Th e nature of
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rochirurgica 34: 11-21, 1976.
anticipate inappropriate ADH.
Because of the association of cerebral edema 3. AVERY G (ED): Neonato/ogy. Philadelphia, J Lippincott and Co,
with many metabolic unconscious states, we have 1975, chap 32.
routinely used two forms of intracranial pressure
monitoring in conjunction with our neurosurgical 4. FROW EIN RA: The classification of coma. Acta Neurochirurgica
colleagues: 1) a dural screw and 2) intraventricular 34:5-10, 1976.
pressure monitors. The latter form is especially help-
ful since intraventricular cerebral spinal fluid can be 5. SWAIMAN KF, WRIGHT FS (EDS): The Practice of Pediatric Neu-
rology. St. Louis, CV Mosby Co, 1975 , vo l I, chap 5.
removed to relieve the increases of intracranial pres-
sure. Although hyperosmolar agents have been used 6. CAFFEY J: Th e whiplash shaken infant. Pediatrics 396-403 ,
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