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The doodle marking the 66th Anniversary of the Roswell Incident tells the

story of an alien, who, despite having mastered interstellar space travel,

appears less than adept at making a smooth landing on Earth. The team was
inspired by classic point-and-click adventure games, and wanted to invite
users to help an alien repair its spacecraft by exploring a 1940's New Mexican
landscape, interacting with farm animals, and solving puzzles. When
designing the game, we tried to think of things from an alien's point of view...
chatting with a cow or chicken would be just as novel as meeting human
beings for the first time; horseshoes and sacks of feed might be considered
fascinating artifacts.

During the production period, this doodle underwent numerous changes, from
a fully playable paper prototype, to the final homepage build:

Items and npcs are indicated by sticky notes in this version of the game

First digital pass

The basic form of the game begins to emerge, but graphics are still
wonderfully abstract

Final build, with finished art and sound.

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