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Mata Kuliah : Bisnis Internasional (B dan C)

Hari,Tanggal : Minggu, 2 November 2019
Waktu (Jam) : Deadline Minggu, 2 November 2019 (pk 23.55)
Ruang : R15.2
Sifat Ujian : Take Home Exam via e-learning
Dosen : Dr. Intan N. Awwaliyah, SE., M.Sc

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Flatpack Furniture: IKEA’s Development in

INDUSTRIES | 5 November 2018 By Ranjit Rose

PT Hero Supermarket TBK holds the license for IKEA’s operations in Indonesia,
which has had a successful run in the country for the past four years. Ranjit Jose
spoke to Patrik Lindvall, President Director, about the brand’s growth in this
Patrik Lindvall, President Director of IKEA Indonesia.
Photo by Raditya Fadilla/NOW!JAKARTA

IKEA has been operating here for a number of years. What has the
experience been like?
My experience in Indonesia is short as I have been here since February. My past
position with IKEA was in Hong Kong and I was closely following Indonesia. I can
share, on behalf of my team, that the experience is positive. The mission and
vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people. It’s an enormous
base for that vision statement. What we experienced so far is acceptance and
appreciation in the market, and we have seen visits growing every year since the
end of 2014 when we opened. So, it’s positive and we are humble for the trust in

We hope to grow the visits to store and website. We are privileged and honoured
by the acceptance

How have the recent currency fluctuations affected IKEA?

The cost of goods we buy is our biggest cost. That’s clear. The Rupiah is up and
down and has leverage on the cost factor but we can’t impact it. We focus on
what we can impact. Our commitment is everyday low prices and catalogue
prices fixed for a year. That’s our promise and our focus. At the same time we
live by our values whereof cost consciousness is one fundamental and crucial for
IKEA – only by keeping our costs low we can offer well designed, good quality,
sustainable, functional and low priced home furnishing products and solutions.
Are there plans for expansion to other cities?
Our first priority and focus is to deliver our promise in existing store and
website. At the same time Indonesia is an amazing opportunity and any retailer
here sees enormous potential. The challenge is to decide what to prioritize and
for IKEA it always starts with keeping the promise – making sure the shopping
experience in IKEA Alam Sutera and IKEA website is as good as possible. In
addition to that we are making IKEA more accessible through our pick up points
in Sentul, Bekasi and Surabaya as well as planning for a new store in eastern
Jakarta, Garden City, by end of 2020.

What are some of your challenges and what successes?

The rupiah issue, as you just mentioned, is one. Also, the licensing and
regulations are a challenge, but we always work closely with the government and
various ministries to stay well informed and compliant. Regardless of where we
are, we always comply with the regulations. With growth comes additional staff,
co-workers and we need to be effective leaders and inspire them. That keeps me
up at night.

We’re big fans of IKEA’s sustainability programmes and CSR initiatives.

Can you tell more about this?
It starts with sourcing and the supply chain. We have the iway—the IKEA way.
We work to standards that are acceptable to us. For example, we have zero
tolerance for child labour. Labour rights are important. I’m proud of representing
the brand this way. At the local level, when we opened, we had the “blue bag
project” where funds from selling the bags went toward installing septic tanks in
Jakarta. At the moment we have the removal and recycling service in
collaboration with a non-profit organisation for them to collect unused furniture
from customers’ homes, refurbish and sell them. The collected fund is used to
provide free education for less fortunate children.

We also have the soft toy programme where sales from our soft toys go to
UNICEF programmes. This is global thanks to the partnership. In the recent
tragedies in Indonesia, in Lombok and Palu, we are involved along with Hero, to
raise funds and products for those areas including blankets, medicines, fresh
water, doctors, etc

In conclusion, please tell us a little about your background. Have you been
in retail long?
I’m a Swede. So, I was born and raised with IKEA. All Swedes have a connection
to it but I didn’t think of joining it until I worked with a different company that was a
competitor. Me joining IKEA was a coincident - One day I asked to visit and find
out what they were doing, and I was offered a job right there!

IKEA has a clear business idea, offering good quality home furnishing products at
prices so low that as many people as possible can afford them that inspired me.
Also, the leadership and values, the brand represents, such as simplicity, cost
consciousness and humbleness resonates well with my own belief – it was a
natural fit and I joined the global franchisor of the IKEA brand in 2002. I was in
executive roles working with IKEA franchises in Europe and the Middle East and
eventually in the Asia Pacific.

Since joining the brand my role has changed and I moved from franchising to
being Managing Director to distribution in the Asia Pacific, then more recently in
HK leading the IKEA Hong Kong operations during a period of massive growth
and change – among others integrating online and offline retailing. Now I’m here.
I’ve been in retail since 2013 so it’s a long journey but since the world is evolving
quickly and IKEA is growing my learning is never ending and most things remain
to be done.

Additional reading:
Panduan Pertanyaan:

1. Berdasarkan artikel di atas dapatkah Anda menjelaskan profil bisnis IKEA

dan apa yang menjadi kekuatan usaha utamanya? Apakah ada
kelemahan yang Anda evaluasi dari bisnis IKEA ini? Berikan pendapat
2. IKEA merambah bisnis di berbagai negara di dunia dari awalnya hanya
berada di Swedia. Adakah aspek lingkungan yang perlu diperhatikan
dalam bisnis seperti ini? Berikan pendapat Anda dan hubungkan dengan
materi perkuliahan yang telah Anda peroleh!
3. Adakah tantangan dari lingkungan bisnis yang dihadapi IKEA saat ini
seperti persaingan dengan perusahaan lain yang telah ada (seperti
Informa) maupun pemain baru dalam pasar? Jelaskan tantangan
tersebut dan bagaimana dampaknya terhadap bisnis global yang
dihadapi IKEA?
4. Apakah peluang bisnis yang dimiliki IKEA hingga saat ini? Apakah
menurut prediksi Anda peluang ini akan tetap bertahan hingga beberapa
waktu mendatang! Jelaskan pendapat Anda!
5. Apakah bisnis model yang diterapkan IKEA masih relevan untuk saat ini?
Apakah ada kelemahan sari sisi strategi yang diterapkan? Jika ya lakukan
evaluasi dan apa yang dapat Anda sarankan untuk hal ini!
6. Keputusan IKEA untuk memasuki pasar negara berkembang seperti
Indonesia tidaklah mudah. Menurut pendapat Anda, apakah dengan
IKEA perlu terus berupaya untuk ekspansi ke emerging market guna
menambah pasar baru?
7. Bagaimana pendapat Anda tentang adanya program CSR yang dilakukan
oleh IKEA dan dampaknya terhadap bisnis IKEA itu sendiri?
8. Apa kesimpulan yang Anda dapatkan setelah memahami kasus IKEA ini?
Berikan saran akademis sesuai materi perkuliahan yang telah Anda
pelajari terkait bisnis internasional IKEA!

J Wish you all good luck J

J Wish you all good luck J

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