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Name : Tifanny Beauty

Class : XI MIPA 4


 Hot issue
Should marijuana be legal ?

 Thesis Statement
I agree
According to me, the government should regulate the legalization of
the use of marijuana for health.

 Arguments
 Argument 1 : I agree, because marijuana is not narcotics.
Altough the law calls narcotics, marijuana is different
pharmacologycal witj synthetic narcotics.
 Argument 2 : I agree, because the case of civil servant in West
Kalimantan who was arrested for treating his wife who had
syringomyelia with marijuana and his wife died because no one
could treat it again, trough this case because the government
failed to control the interests of the community for the
accessibility of marijuana to the health sector.
 Argument 3 : I agree, because when the state criminalize
marijuana use, at the same time the prevalence of narcotics use
in Indonesia is said to continue to increase. The spread of
synthetic marijuana will not stop as long as marijuana is still
ilegal. A more appropriate step is to design regulations for the
consumption and production of marijuana as health.

 Closing
According to the above argument we can see that marijuana is part
of a drug that must be regulated, not strictly prohibited, On the
contrary, we must make sure to educate everyone about the effects
of marijuana.

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