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Honorable chairs, fellow delegates,

The Finnish delegate really believes that this resolution solves a massive problem.

At the moment, for regions like Aland islands from Finland it is not enough to
have autonomy, but they manifest their desire to gain their independence.

This resolution, proposed by the delegation of Australia and supported by its co-
submitters and not only, gives the key answer to the problems that concern the
separatist movements.

Among the reasons why separatist movements are happening is the lack of
"patriotic education" that students from all regions of a country do not receive in
classes. Applying the second operative clause, the states would invest more than
they used to in the education of its students in spirit of loving their country. The
pupils and the students would teach how to love and how to respect their country in
a pleasant and interactive manner.

Why not try to solve this problem in an pleasant and peaceful manner, without
involving conflicts? This resolution just gave the answer.

To conclude, this delegate suggests you to vote for this resolution.

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