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Zeitgeist (Final Edition) -Spanish Part I Religion

It is a documentary, directed and produced by Peter Joseph in 2007. The title, Zeitgeist, is a
German expression that means "spirit of an era", referring to the experience of the
dominant cultural climate. In this it is affirmed that Jesus never existed and that in fact he is
a mythical character based on previous solar gods. The documentary exponent The causes
and motives of the deception and the infections that we have been subjected for centuries
with the sole objective of having controlled in a kind of sometime.

The documentary is an exhibition of Christianity as an astrological-literary myth. Describe

the similarities between myths of different ancient religions and Christianity. To do this, he
compares elements extracted from the Bible and the subsequent Roman Catholic tradition
with descriptions of gods from other civilizations prior to Christianity, mainly from
Egyptian mythology, concluding that the figure of Jesus is a copy of the different myths of
these religions. It is stated that the figure of Jesus corresponds to that of a solar God. Jesus
would be the Sun, figuratively, the one that is seen coming from the heavens, walking on
water, etc. The death and resurrection of the Sun God corresponds to the winter solstice:
during it, the Sun (the Sun God - Jesus) reaches its lowest point on the 22nd, dies, in the
vicinity of a known constellation called the Cross from the south. The Sun stops its trip for
three days until another group of well-known stars or the three kings, point towards the
sunrise, their resurrection, on the morning of December 25. Symbolically speaking: The
Sun God has died on the Cross and after three days come back to life.

Later the author states that most religions share the same mythological features, attributing
the same characteristics to their gods, and indicates that the first religions were formed by
observing the sky, explaining the relationship observed between astrology and religions.
Also other shared myths, with parallels between the universal Flood and the legend of
Gilgamesh, and several examples of myths similar to the history of Moses in the cultures of
India, Crete and Egypt. Finally, it is stated that the Church, as an institution linked to power
since the Roman Empire, has used the figure of Christ as justification to repress and
manipulate societies.

The world today, as we have already mentioned, is a disaster, it is a total chaos, it is a

Farsa, a lie. This lie, which is the world in general, has been growing over time, with
advances, with good and bad, with frauds and betrayals throughout history. Zeitgeist, in the
end he speaks again of religion, that a divided church is not a church. He says that all
beliefs are linked to the stars. Probably on the side of religion it was where they might be
wrong, because religion is not a thing of facts, of science or of evidence but something of
faith, something that has always come with man and has come not only accompanying him
but also It has emerged as a need for man to ask where we come from, and if all religions
probably agree to say that we come from the same side and that is why all humans are equal
and we should not be ready to these lies of the world or to be controlled by millionaire
owners of corporations that control the world to their liking and their way.

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