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Assignment 02

Dr. Pradeep Kumar Shrestha

• You have to submit individual report for a two

problem explained below. Group disucussion
are strongly encouraged even including
consultation with me.
me Copying is strongly
discouraged and may be penalized.

• Deadline
Deadline : Hardcopy Report on 2076
: Hardcopy Report on 2076‐02‐30
02 30  in 
the Class

Problem 01
Consider at any section of road or bus system or any other
means off transportation
i andd suggest any method
h d off intelligent
i lli
transportation system technology that can be suitably applied in
Nepal for improved performance of transportation system.system
Write down your assumptions of the situation, give supportive
reasoning to support your proposal, write down the description
of the method, benefit and possible problem regarding its
application in your assumed area.

Problem 02
Metropolitan in nepal (assume any) is considering to improve
situation of traffic congestion in one of its important road
(assume any section). Due to lack of fund to develop new road
or new transit system, Metropolitan office is considering
transportation demand management option. Suggest suitable
method. Write down your assumptions of the situation, give
ti reasoning
i tot supportt your proposal,l write
it down
d th
description of the method, benefit and possible problem
regarding its application in your assumed area.

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