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Luis Maya

Gililland Middle School

1025 S Beck Ave
Tempe, AZ 85281 
November 1, 2019

Mr. and Mrs. Doe

123 Sesame St
Tempe, AZ 85281

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Doe,

I hope this letter finds you both well. I am writing in regard to your son, John. Over the past two
weeks, he has failed to turn in any assigned homework. When asked where it is, he says he was
unaware any homework had been assigned. Verbal and written notice of any assigned homework
is consistently given by me throughout the class period. John has even been given an extra day to
complete certain homework assignments, but has yet to turn them in.

As per our class syllabus, which was handed out to students in the beginning of the school year,
choosing not to turn in consecutive (3+) homework assignments will result in a grade of 0 for
those assignments, lunch detention for one week, and a letter sent home to their parents.

Since the start of the school year, John has consistently been a star student with wonderful grades
and a stellar homework completion record, which is why his recent behavior is so unusual. This
is where I ask for your support. Next Monday, I will be sending John home with a monthly
calendar page. The days we have homework, he will write down the assignment on the page. The
goal is to have a parent sign the paper every day to ensure John is able to complete and turn in
any upcoming homework assignments. By working together, I truly believe we can help John
return to the rockstar level he has been at all year!

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me through email at​. Thank you for your continued support throughout the school year,
I hope to hear from you soon.


Luis Maya
8th Grade Social Studies

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