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The Reason I Choose and Enter The World Of Nursing

Hello everyone, my name is noldin sirumpa.

You can call me noldin or odi or odin, no

problem. I was born on wayura November 21

Th 1996 and now, I am twenty years old. I

come from pendolo town, a subdistrict but

more specific I live in wayura village, south

east pamona subdistrict. I come from a simple

family. My father is a farmer and my mother is a housewife. because I attacking

study in poso city and now, I life in gebangrejo, at the island of tarakan street. I

took nursing study to five semesters. I am so happy study on healthy faculty. I am

start study at two thousand and fifteen years. So, already two years.

Thanks to God's blessing, my struggle for process has been

accomplished. Now I am enrolled as a nursing student at one of the health high

schools in Poso city. On this occasion I will share the story about the reason I

entered in the nursing department. But before that, allow me to tell a bit of my

struggle to become a student.

In 2014, I graduated from a high school in Parigi City. For 3 years apart

from my parents and I stayed with my aunt and uncle. I aspire to be a nurse and

later can continue my education in nursing when I graduate from high school.
As a child of a farmer, certainly if you go in the nursing department will

require a lot of education costs. Some of my family did not support me to continue

my education in the health field, because the much needed cost was so much. But

I do not despair and just give up, I keep my spirit and do not lower my spirit to

become a nurse.

Finally, I decided to work because I had to find a fee to get into nursing

school. I do not want to trouble the family. I must strive for what my aspirations

are. In my heart said, wherever the campus will be my campus, I believe it will

happen not by chance but because I believe there is a plan of God in my life and

will be beautiful in time. I always pray to always be strengthened and I also pray

for my parents that they may be given health and strength in the work to finance

my education.

I began to spread my cover letter to various companies in the city of

Palu who received employees, at that time, I was assisted by my cousin, who was

then very much help me. I was very lucky, after waiting a few days, a company

called me and received me work. I attended a job interview and I was accepted as

an employee at the company. I was placed in a restaurant and became a waitress. I

worked for about 4 months. Then I decided to go back to my hometown. I will

look for a job that gives more opportunity for me to rest. because in my opinion,

working in restaurants is very tiring and can make my health disturbed because I

am preparing to become a medical person. Health is my main capital. I thought

working in a restaurant was enough to train me, about the importance of a

discipline. My spirit never goes out. I keep the spirit of pursuing my ideals

Long story short, when arrived at home, there is a news that there is a

company engaged in the field of oil palm agriculture, in morowali region, which

accept new employees. I did not waste that opportunity. This is a wonderful

opportunity. I did not think long, I immediately set out and apply for the job with

the hopes and ideals that I put in the bottom of my heart. It does not take much,

just by reporting the name and registering my fingerprint has been accepted as an

employee of the company. And I can start working. Behind my struggle there is a

hope. Hope to realize the ideals. I started working there for about 5 months. Day

after day I passed. I live in a cottage that the company provides in the middle of a

working field. I live alone. I must be independent in any case. I can definitely

make my dream come true. Difficult and happy that I experienced while working,

has taught me the meaning of a struggle. I never went back to the village. I want

to focus with my work.

Because my father and mother felt sorry for my struggle, my father and

mother decided to work also at my place. My father and mother started working

with me on my 3 month of work. We work from 06.00 am to 02.00 pm. I enjoy

my work and I never complain, because I believe I can.

With the working period of approximately 6 months, I have collected

money approximately 10 million rupiah. I am very grateful that my struggle will

now come true. Finally I decided to go back to the village and start looking for
new admissions information. My father and mother have stayed and worked till

now. They have settled to work there. From the long struggles I have gone

through many of the experiences I have gained from people who have succeeded,

made me learn many things. I made it all as a provision, for the future process.

Finally, for God's sake, I have entered as a freshman, in one of the health schools

in Poso city, I majored in nursing. The education process began in 2015 until now,

already 2 years. That's a little story, my struggle to get in nursing.


Everyone must have ideals, and I choose to enter the world of health,

especially the world of nursing. Why do I choose this profession? In fact, this

profession is not so proud of many people. Why does my heart choose nursing as

my path? because since childhood, I aspire to become a medical man. If I was not

a doctor, I would be a nurse. Since I have been in formal school, for 12 years, I

love science lessons and of course this lesson, related to the world of health,

especially biology lessons, which I get in high school grade 2, about the structure

of the human body, to become a nurse.

Since I was in high school, my desire to become a nurse is getting

stronger. I once saw a nurse in a hospital, who treated the patient until healed.

Somehow this soul is like pulling in that direction. Starting from the incident, I

began to search diligently all about nurses, ranging from nursing schools

throughout Indonesia, in fact, I opened the internet to find out everything about
nursing. I never get bored, because I love this profession. This profession is

amazing to me. The nurse was charming, authoritative and clever. I fell in love

with the nurse. I want to be a nurse.

I am very interested in the world of health, especially nursing because in

my opinion, nurses have many challenges in giving action, and of course I go in

nursing because of my own will and also the support of my beloved parents and


Another reason I go in the nursing department, because I know, to be a

nurse, not just care, but also teach us to care, friendly, sincere, sincere and always

smiling to every patient, visitors and fellow friends who wrestle in the field of

health. In my opinion, caring for it is a noble job, because nurses have to care for

patients every day for 24 hours in the hospital

In addition, nurses have many job opportunities, not only in hospitals,

but in other health services such as health centers, clinics, teaching in health

faculties, even nurses can also open independent practices. Abroad, there is plenty

of jobs for nurses. Said lecturer, working as a nurse abroad quickly rich, because

the salary is on offer a lot, but with the condition of care must also be professional

but the main capital is mastering the English language, to facilitate widening our

wings, careers abroad. But, of course that's not the main reason for me, go in

nursing. But, because I feel fit, happy with this profession, this soul calling, is to

be a nurse.
Uniquely, nurses are not just caring for the sick, but also the healthy

ones. Nurses must plunge into the community, just to give knowledge to the

public how important health. Nurses conduct health education to prevent

outbreaks of disease that often arise among the community.

Nurses are not just helping sick people but also healthy people. Nurses

have a caring attitude towards others. That's one of the reasons I am, entering a

nurse and now I love this profession more and more.

Another thing that makes me fall in love with the nursing profession is

because, in my opinion the nursing profession is a very proud profession. Why ?

because I can partner with doctors, pharmacists, health analysts and other

health-related professions and of course, the knowledge I get can be more, and

from all majors I can learn.

Who would not be proud when he was able to care for the sick until

healed. Surely we will feel happy and happy. The nurse profession is a noble

profession. I can help the weak and care for him until healed. In addition, I can

take care of families, especially parents in their old age. It's really fun to be a


Finally, May God bless my efforts and struggles, so that someday, I will

be a useful person for the nation and country. Become a professional and

thoughtful nurse. thanks. Greeting nursing!

Author : Noldin Sirumpa

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