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Drug Indication Action Side Effects and Nursing

Adverse Effects Considerations

Generic Name: Management Block dopamine CNS: Drowsiness, Assessment
Clozapine of severely ill receptors in the sedation, seizures,  Assess for
schizophrenics brain, depresses the dizziness, hallucinations,
Brand Name: who are RAS; syncope, mental status,
Clozaril, unresponsive anticholinergic, headaches dementia, bipolar
FazaClo, to standard antihistamine, and disorder (initially
Versacloz antipsychotic alpha-adrenergic CV: Tachycardia, and throughout
drugs. blocking activity may hypotension, therapy.)
Classification: contribute to some potentially-fatal  Obtain complete
Antipsychotic of its therapeutic myocarditis health history,
actions. Clozapine especially
Pharmacologic: produces fewer GI: Nausea, psychological,
Dopaminergic extrapyramidal vomiting, neurologic and
blocker effects than other constipation blood diseases:
antipsychotics. including blood
Dosage: GU: urinary studies: CBC,
100mg abnormalities WBC with
Route: HEMATOLOGIC: electrolytes,
Oral Agranulocytosis BUN, creatinine,
liver enzymes.
Frequency: Others: fever,  Do not let client
OD HS weight gain, engage in any
rashes hazardous
activity until
response to the
drug is knows.
Drowsiness and
sedation are
common adverse
 Let the client rise
slowly to avoid
 Report
immediately any
of the following:
especially with
shortness of
breath, sudden
weight gain or
edema of the
 Taken by mouth
with or without
food as directed
by the physician.

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