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4 Easy Ways to Look Younger!

Ah, the proverbial fountain of youth. Elusive, and often expensive, people
want to look young, and they'll do some insane things to do it. Stuff like,
you know, collagen injections, Botox. You really have to love the extremes
people take to avoid those wrinkles.

Surprisingly, in their desire to fight aging of the skin, many people overlook
the fundamentals of healthy living. What's more, they're unaware that those
pricey injections are usually unnecessary, because a good wrinkle cream
can do the same job and at a fraction of the cost.

Kollagen Intensiv is a leading wrinkle cream​ from the Skinception line of

skin products that help people look young and feel great about their skin.
What makes it so effective? A splendid blend of natural ingredients with
proven anti-agers, including retinol, shea butter and SYN®-COLL.

I Look Like My Mother!

Granted, genes play a role in the aging process. Some people age faster
than others - you can look like you're 50 at 80, and vice versa. And if you
indulge in unhealthy habits, well, you're on an express train to wrinkle

But the skin is resilient. A little TLC can work wonders at any age. At the
core of healthy, young-looking skin, two proteins that you want to appease:
collagen and elastin, both of which belong to a fiber network under the skin.
Now that we've established some ground rules, let's review four ways to
look young. And at the heart of your strategy, Kollagen Intensiv, which will
have people second-guessing your age and can do remarkable things to
reverse signs of aging.

Avoid The Sun

Don't sunbathe. In summer and in hot climates, stay out of the sun between
10 AM and 4 PM when possible. Wear a wide-brimmed hat when you can't.
Slather on a broad spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 and
preferably higher.
UV rays penetrate the skin and damage elastin fibers. Just skip the sun as
much as you can, and manage your time in it when you're exposed to the
sun's damaging rays. Do these things and you'll have fewer wrinkles. Avoid
the sun. Got it?

Don't Smoke

Like we had to tell you this already. In addition to the numerous health
hazards that come with this nasty habit, smokers generally develop more
wrinkles than people who don't smoke, and they get them sooner.
Smoking hastens the aging process, with reduced blood flow to the face,
and the effects of the toxic chemicals in cigarettes. And smokers tend to
squint to keep smoke out of their eyes. The results? More wrinkles.

Don't smoke. For your health, your insurance premiums, and your

Eat a Skin-Friendly Diet

While we're talking about healthy habits, let's talk about what goes on your
Skin needs nutrients. Among them, zinc, biotin, vitamins A, C, and E. Some
foods are better for your skin than others, and if you really want to avoid
wrinkles, or at least reduce them, load up on skin-friendly foods. Aim for
five to seven servings of fruits and vegetables each day. In particular, eat
green, leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, carrots, almonds, and oily fish.

Drink Water

A final word on this subject. If there's one food more than any other that
can plump the skin and minimize wrinkles, it's good old-fashioned h20.
Drink six to eight glasses of water a day to hydrate your skin and flush out

Kollagen Intensiv

Your wrinkle prevention plan is a comprehensive one that works

synergistically with the points we've covered in this article. Combined, they
can minimize wrinkles.

That said, you can't undo the past. If you've skimped on sunscreen until
now or smoked like a chimney, you're wearing the results. It's time to get
serious. Want to reverse wrinkles? Kollagen Intensiv.

In a recent clinical study, SYN®-COLL, reduced the appearance of

wrinkles by 354%.

Kollagen Intensiv fades wrinkles.

Combine that with the tips we've covered in this article and you'll look
young, healthy and, believe us, gorgeous!

For more information, please visit:

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