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ME 572 Aerodynamic Design

Instructor: Y. Andreopoulos

Fall 04

Homework assignment #2

Design and write a software program which will be able to calculate and draw the
streamline pattern around a rotating cylinder in the presence of free stream velocity.
Use only MATLAB, MATHCAD, MAPLE, C++, or FORTRAN. Definitely the use of
EXCEL is not allowed.
The program should possess the following characteristics:
1. Accept keyboard input of free stream velocity Uo, cylinder’s diameter D and
circulation Γ (or other user’s friendly input of the same data).
2. Compute the streamlines in a domain of 20D x 10D.
3. Scale the domain for plotting on a regular pc screen or paper sheet.

Your report written in a professional format is due by October 12, 2004. The report
should contain the streamline pattern of the three cases with the different stagnation
points, two on the cylinder, one on the cylinder and in the flow field. Include the
streamline pattern inside the cylinder in your plotting.

The grade will be based on the software’s ability to draw the streamlines in the cases
mentioned above by inputting different data.

Together with your hard copy of the report you should also submit a CD with the soft
copy of the report, the program listing and all the data files. This copy of the program
will be used to evaluate the performance of your software.

This homework is Equivalent to a Quiz

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