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TOPIC 1: Some universities offer online courses as an alternative to classes

delivered on campus.

Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

Paraphrase: It is true that distance learning is substituting traditional educational

system in a number of universities and colleges.

Overview: Although this trend poses some harmful impacts to a certain extent, I
believe that it could be considered positive for some reasons.

Body 1: On the one hand, online courses lacking regular interaction with teachers
in a classroom setting can be detrimental. Students on the Internet cannot gain
comprehensive development like the way other students who attend classes at
school do. During e-classes, students can barely make friends or compete with
others. Apart from that, students of distance learning programs have a tendency to
procrastinate and allocate inappropriate amounts of time to finish their homeworks.
This type of studying requires enormous self-discipline as well as organization and
time management skills while learners could divert their attention to other
priorities in their coursework which would easily makes them fail to stay
motivated without direct guidance and consultation from professional teachers in
the classroom.

Body 2: On the other hand, virtual learning can be a great alternative for students
in order to acquire knowledge and a bachelor degree after graduation. They can
access to a a wide range of different lessons whenever they want and manage their
own pace of learning due to the great flexibility, which is an effective solution to
businessmen in particular and those who are busy with their work in general.
Furthermore, lower costs and the immense popularity of the Internet enable a large
number of students all over the world to attend online tertiary education courses
regardless of not only their financial background but also current living places. For
example, Coursera is a website that offers a variety of courses at affordable prices
and provides participants with a formal diploma upon completion of each course.

Conclusion: In conclusion, although there are some drawbacks of courses delivered

on websites, I believe online studying method is a revolutionary mode of learning
in higher education systems nowadays.
TOPIC 2: Topic: It is neither possible nor useful for a country to provide university
places for a high proportion of young people.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Paraphrase: It is sometimes argued that providing tertiary education for a massive

number of youngsters is both impossible and not essential.

Overview: I totally agree with this view.

Body 1: On the one hand, the university admission of most young people is not
feasible. Firstly, personal financial difficulties may prevent some high school
leavers from continuing university education. Tuition fees at this level in several
countries are so exorbitant that not all the young and their families can afford. A
telling example is England where most universities charge a high fee, leading to a
quite low university attendance number in comparison with German whose
university system is free of charge. Secondly, educational facilities and
infrastructure to secure that a high proportion of young people can have tertiary
placement require an enormous investment from the government. Unfortunately,
because some poor nations have to prioritize basic needs such as food or healthcare
for their citizens, education is not sufficiently subsidized for a high percentage of
the young.

Body 2: On the other hand, it is also not beneficial to bestow university education
on most youngsters. The initial reason is that this policy can lead to the dearth of
manual workers. The higher proportion of young people study university, the lower
number of them will work in some menial positions. Consequently, vacancies such
as taxi drivers and construction workers will lack workforce. Another argument is
that the excessive number of people pursuing university education also leads to the
increase in unemployment rate in several modern fields including technology and
science which have too many applicants. Ultimately, there will be an imbalance in
labor market.

Conclusion: In conclusion, I believe that it is not only impractical but also not vital
to provide tertiary education places for too many youngsters.
TOPIC 3: In schools and universities, girls tend to choose arts while boys like

What are the reasons for this trend and do you think this tendency should be

Paraphrase: It is true that there has been a disparity in choosing subjects between
girls who often take part in art classes and boys who have a tendency to enrol in
the field of science.

Overview: This trend can be shed light on by a number of reasons, and I am of the
opinion that changes should not be applied by any means.

Body 1: Gender-specific personalities and competence is the main cause leading to

this situation. Female students are more patient and better at handling stress, so
they are suitable for subjects requiring enormous meticulousness and self-
discipline like language classes while male students could show their intelligence
in several fields that need considerable analytical abilities for example chemistry or

Body 2: In my view, it is rather unnecessary to make changes to this trend. Initially,

students opt for different environments to take advantage of their abilities.
Therefore, if they were forced to take part in unwanted classes, it would produce
undesirable outcomes and the loss in desire of learning, especially resentment or
negative attitudes toward study at school. Furthermore, students should have the
freedom of choice to select their favourite subjects irrespective of gender. In other
words, their liberty to decide which classes to enrol shoud be respected so that they
would feel that they are respected and listened to.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the tendency toward choosing preferable courses to

study at schools or universities can be attributable to distinct characteristics and
competence between males and females, and students should be entitled to
participation in any class they find suitable.

TOPIC 4: Nowadays young people spend too much of their free time in shopping
malls. Some people fear that this may have negative effects on young people and
the society they live in.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Paraphrase: To amuse themselves in their leisure time, youngsters are now

spending an overwhelming amount of time in shopping centers and malls.

Overview: In my opinion, this significantly influences the youth as well as their

community as a whole.

Body 1: Firstly, from a personal perspective, those young individuals may suffer
from symptoms of shopaholic or shopping addictions. They will be less likely to
participate in outdoor activities with their loved ones. This may affect their health
and reduce the amount of time for their social relationships in the long run. For
example, one of my close friends used to spend at least 2 hours on going window
shopping in a shopping center near his home. He often refused to play football or
to hang out with us at weekends, which caused him to gain a lot of weight and to
lose some of his mates.

Body 2: Secondly, form societal point of view, as the juniors are interested in
leisure activities like going shopping rather than focusing on study or work, the
community may suffer from a decrease in the intellectual level and work
productivity. Almost all shopping addicts can spend a whole day going around a
mall, which lessens the time spent on the workplace or at school. As a result, there
will be less work being done, which causes the economy to suffer. The youths can
skip classes and lessons to enjoy going shopping with their friends, making the
national standard drop significantly.

Conclusion: In conclusion, I strongly agree that the phenomenon that a majority of

young teenagers are wasting their precious time in shopping malls has many
harmful impacts on both the young and the society as a whole.

TOPIC 5: It is better for college students to live far away from home than live at
home with their parents.

Do you agree or disagree?

Paraphrase: Many students are faced with the dilemma of whether to live in a
university dormitory or at home with parents.
Overview: From my perspective, a dormitory is evidently the better option for
most students.

Body 1: On the one hand, there is a common belief that living with parents is better
for students’ personal development. People may argue that students living at home
may fully concentrate on their academic study because their parents would
normally support them in other activities, such as doing household tasks. However,
it is irrefutable that in this way, some students may become over-reliant on their
parents in most of their daily activities, and thus lose the ability of living
independently in the future. By contrast, students who live in dormitories have to
take care of themselves in all aspects of life. Therefore, they may acquire the vital
skills of a self-reliant person, ranging from financial management and problem
solving to meal planning and home management, all of which are essential to
foster the all-round personal development of this group of students.

Body 2: On the other hand, there are several distinct advantages of choosing on-
campus residences. The most evident advantage is that students who choose this
type of accommodation would have extremely easy access to libraries and various
learning sources that are readily available at school. Another obvious benefit is that
those living in a students’ residence are exposed to a diverse environment with
people from various social and cultural backgrounds. From this, students are better
prepared to live in this multi-cultural world.

Conclusion: From the issues outlined above, one can conclude that living inside the
school campus is apparently a better choice than living at home with parents.

TOPIC 6: Government should invest more money in science education rather than
other subjects to develop the country.

Do you agree or disagree?

Paraphrase: Science is undoubtedly a major contributor to the thriving of a nation.

Therefore, it is said that government funding for education should be a priority for
science-based subjects over others.

Overview: Even though this view seems rational, I tend to believe that investment
in other subjects is equally important.
Body 1: Our life has indeed been significantly evolutionized by the advent of
modern science. On an individual level, our daily tasks are completed faster and
more effectively due to daily equipment that we are using nowdays such as laptops
or smartphones. Furthermore, increases in electrical and computer-based
technologies also help boost the productivity of the whole society, which can be
seen clearly in developed countries such as Japan or The US. Computers and
computerized machinery can now do the work of what would have previously been
carried out by humans, allowing greater efficiency and higher productivity output.

Body 2: However , this does not mean that science is the only factor that promotes
modern society. In other words, the prosperity of a society derives from other
underlying causes. Therefore, in order that a nation can be developed, each
individual needs receiving a well-rounded education, not merely knowledge about
science. Take for example, the Arts and Humanities. Subjects such as History and
Philosophy have allowed us to gain a better understanding of humanity and can
help to gain more insight into how we can move forward as a race, all of which
contribute hugely to training intellectuals and highly skilled workers - the driving
force of an advanced society.

Conclusion: In summary, I believe that though science and technology surely

benefits our society on multiple levels, other subjects have their own values in
shaping a better world.

TOPIC 7: Some people think international car-free days are an effective way of
reducing air pollution; however, others think there are other ways.

Discuss both views and give your opinion

Paraphrase: The deterioration of air pollution is an alarming issue globally. While

some people believe that the prohibition of cars in one day is a workable measure,

Overview: I think larger – scale and longer-term measures need to be taken to

alleviate this contamination.

Body 1: On the one hand, there is a common belief that a car-free day can reduce
air-pollution severity. Firstly, exhaust fumes may be cut off which diminishes the
carbon footprint size. This expectation stems from the success of Earth hour
program that has been conducted for many years and made enormous contributions
to the reduction of electricity production. Secondly, on that day, they have to
commute by other means of transport such as walking, bus or subway, and
therefore, they may be aware of the convenience and mobility of other commuting
methods in comparison with cars. After that, these environmentally – friendly
means can become their preferred choice.

Body 2: On the other hand, I think this answer is not feasible and sustainable
enough to address severe air contamination since it lasts for only one day. Instead,
government should impose higher luxury taxes on car so that fewer people can
afford it, and consequently car density on roads fall with the decline of its
emissions. Furthermore, other developed nations should invest in energy-efficient
engines so that commuters can still benefit from the safety and comfort of cars but
the quantity of pollutants in the atmosphere is controlled. For example, electric
cars can be a feasible alternative for petroleum ones for eco-friendly purposes.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the program that encourages motorists to give up their

cars for one day is a good idea to deal with air pollution, but government need to
simultaneously take other measures such as car price increase and advancements of
car engines.

TOPIC 8: Some people think that developing countries need financial help from
international organizations. Others think that it is practical aid and advice that is

Discuss these views and give your own opinion.

Paraphrase: Nowadays many world wide organizations are providing financial

assistance to developing countries. However, a group of people advocate that
financial support is required but some technical help would be more useful.

Overview: This essay will discuss both the view points before arriving at a
Body 1:There are several reasons why monetary help is beneficial for developing
nations. Firstly, many emergent countries are struggling with the problems related
to basic infrastructure like roads, railways and public transportation. Therefore,
they need financial support from external bodies to complete unfinished projects
and also to launch new ones. Secondly, a number of developing and undeveloped
countries are not able to provide basic facilities to their citizens. For example,
millions of people living in poor countries still do not have access to food, water or
sanitation.In order to provide these basic requirements, the government needs
funds from international companies. For instance, according to a report submitted
by WHO, 88 percent of developing nations are taking advantage of financial
support provided by the World Bank. As a result, billions of people from across the
world are able to get access to basic facilities.

Body 2: However, financial aid alone will not help. Developing nations also need
technical support and practical advice. It has been observed that the money
sanctioned by world agencies for development is not always utilized for the right
purpose. Instead, it is used by corrupt politicians to serve their interests. Therefore,
many developing nations are facing issues like corruption, scams etc. It would be
quite helpful if they can also get some practical support and advice to boost their

Conclusion: In conclusion, international organizations should help developing

countries to grow by providing financial support. However, in my opinion, it is
equally important to provide some practice advice as it will help them overcome
their problems.

TOPIC 9: Some people think that governments should ban dangerous sports, while
others think people should have freedom to do any sports or activity.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

It is commonly believed that extreme sports should be strictly prohibited due to the
deaths and injuries associated with many dangerous sports in recent years. In this
essay, I am going to demonstrate that risk factors are present in all sports before
suggesting that people should have the right to play any sports they want.
Body 1: Advocates of banning certain sports may argue that their inherently
dangerous nature may threaten lives. In fact, even when individual are well-
prepared and have all the right to take part in these sports, the danger are still
present. For example, skydivers who freefall from enormous altitudes seem more
prone to injuries or even death than players of ordinary sports. This means
prohibiting all those sports can prevent players from being seriously injured or
having a fatal consequences caused by these hidden danger. Furthermore, a lot of
extreme sports such as boxing represent violence, which is likely to encourage
viewers to mimic aggressive thoughts and misbehaviours from what they see on
the screen, especially young children.

Body 2: I believe that people should have the autonomy to play any sports they
want, regardless of their danger. This is because people must undergo rigorous
tests to ensure they are physically and mentally conditioned before participating in
dangerous sports. Therefore, concerns over the safety of extreme athletes are quite
irrelevant. Additionally, the main purpose of playing sports, whether dangerous or
not, is to have fun, recreation and entertainment, which effectively help players or
even audiences to release stress and recharge their battery after hard work,
therefore improving their productivity and giving a boost to the economy.

Conclusion: In conclusion, while acknowledging the real risks involved in those

types of sports, I believe people are entitled to play dangerous sports if they want.

TOPIC 10: The best way to solve world's environmental problem is increase the
cost of fuel.

Do you agree or disagree and give your own opinion?

Paraphrase: Most people would accept that one of the highest priorities today is to
find a solution to the various environmental problems facing mankind. It has been
suggested that best way to achieve this is for governments to raise the price of fuel.

Overview: I am, however, not sure that this is necessarily the case.

Body 1: One reason why this approach may not work is that there is not just one
environmental problem the world faces today. If governments did make fuel more
expensive, it might well help reduce the amount of carbon dioxide we produce and
so slow down the rate of global warming and air pollution. However, it would not
help with other major problems such as intensive farming, overpopulation, the hole
in the ozone layer or water pollution. For these problems we need to find other

Body 2: A second reason why this policy may not be the most appropriate is that it
places the emphasis on governmental policy and not individual responsibility.
Ultimately, most environmental problems are the result of the way we as
individuals live our lives. If we wish to find a long-term and lasting solution to
them, we need to learn to live in a way that it is greener or kinder to the
environment. What governments need to do to make this happen is to ensure there
is a global programme to educate people of all ages about the environmental
consequences to their actions.

Conclusion: In summary, I believe that increasing the level of taxation on fuel is at

best a short-term solution to only one environmental problem. If we wish to
provide a home for our children’s children, education is likely to be the key to
making this happen.

TOPIC: The society would benefit from a ban on all forms of advertising because
it serves no useful purpose, and can even be damaging.

Do you agree or disagree?

Paraphrase: It is regularly argued that prohibition of all categories of advertisement,

which are thought to be pointless and even detrimental, could generate numerous
benefits for the community.

Overview: Notwithstanding, from my standpoint, social members tend to not only

reap advantages but also tolerate demerits from this trend.

Body 1:On the one hand, it seems undeniable that the ban on multiple kinds of
advertisement can be beneficial for consumers. Forbidding advertising is
synonymous with the fact that purchasers may not have to pay a remarkable
measure of money for advertising services included in product prices. This can
serve to reduce consumers’ expenditures for shopping. Moreover, no sooner are
numerous advertisements exaggerating the functions, values and qualities of
commodities with a view to pressing citizens to purchase their products prohibited
than individuals may select their items to fulfill their requirements without being
adversely affected by the messages in which the truths related to these goods can
have been exaggerated or even distorted.

Body 2: On the other hand, it would appear that the bar to advertisement services
likewise pose untold drawbacks to the community. The first shortcoming could be
the joblessness which employees involved in advertising could be confronted with,
in all likelihood, giving rise to an increase in the unemployment rate. Another
disadvantage might be that this prohibition can keep consumers in ignorance of the
latest goods available on the market. Hence, they may be faced with obstacles in
searching for and comparing the quality and price concerning the products of the
same category before deciding to purchase them.

Conclusion: In conclusion, it is my conviction that banning advertisements can

wield both desired and adverse effects on community members.

TOPIC 11: Consumers are faced with increasing numbers of advertisements from
competing companies. To what extent do you think consumers are influenced by

What measures can be taken to protect them?

Paraphrase: In today’s material world, we are inundated with various forms of


Overview: In my view, this can be dangerous as it encourages us to spend without

thinking and young people, in particular, need some protection from it.

Body 1: The first point to make is that advertising does make us spend money we
do not need to. There are nowadays so many different ways companies promote
their products and services, ranging from television commercials to simple flyers
that we cannot escape it. If, for example, you watch a football match on television,
you will see the logos of the tournament sponsors. Likewise, if you watch the latest
blockbuster movie, very probably you will see a product placed in the film by
some advertising agency. The volume of this advertising means that we, as
consumers, tend to be profoundly influenced by it and buy without thinking.

Body 2: It is not easy to decide how to regulate advertising. Clearly, governments

ought to restrict advertisements for harmful products such as alcohol and tobacco.
They do not have the power, however, to control other forms of advertising. This
means we need to use our common sense when we go to the shops, and ask
ourselves whether we really need to make that purchase. Parents should, however,
ensure that young people are protected from too much exposure to advertising.
This can mean simply explaining that it is not in fact necessary to buy the newest
Xbox, or simply turning the television off.

Conclusion: My conclusion is that while we cannot escape advertising or its effects

in the modern world, children should be encouraged not to pay too much attention
to it.

TOPIC 12: Scientists say that in the future humanity will speak the same language.

Do you think this is a positive or negative social development?

Paraphrase: The increasing use of some languages has led to a prospect that the
world may speak one language in the future.

Overview: While this has several advantages, I believe that it is an overall negative

Body 1: On the one hand, it is true that having a universal language may remove
communication barriers among people in the world. When the world speaks the
same language, this would result in fewer misunderstandings caused by people
using different languages to convey their thoughts. The benefits of a universal
dialect may reverberate across the globe, as people could work for overseas
companies, travel to exotic places or live in a foreign country without encountering
any significant difficulties in communication. In this way, a predominant language
may bridge the gap between diverse groups of people and form a global village
where individuals can live in harmony with each other.

Body 2: On the other hand, I contend that the above positive impacts are negated
by potential problems. Primarily, if one language were spoken by all people, this
would cause the loss of cultural diversity that makes human society interesting.
When a language is marginalized, a whole way of life may disappear with it, which
includes history, customs and social etiquette. For example, the widespread use of
English has put some minor and indigenous languages in Africa on the verge of
extinction. Without proactive actions to preserve those languages, society might
witness the disappearance of the whole culture that has evolved over the course of
human history.

Conclusion: In conclusion, although a universal language may have several

benefits, I firmly hold the view that the drawbacks are more significant.

TOPIC 13: Some people think that people who choose a job early and keep doing
it are more likely to get a satisfying career life than those who frequently change

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Paraphrase: It is claimed that people embarking their career early and keep
pursuing it for a long time are more likely to gain job satisfaction than those who
usually switch their job.

Overview: From my perspective, I firmly hold the view that though both trends
may bring people job pleasure in different ways, being loyal to one position would
make them more satisfied.

Body 1: Borne employees have a propensity to change their job since they desire to
find their real career passion which is integral to job satisfaction. After some time
working in a company, those who find it monotonous to continue staying in the
current position may change their direction. By doing this, they have ample
opportunities to challenge themselves in different working environments, which
afford them chances to build up their social network and a wide range of necessary
job skills. For this type of employees, it is undeniable that a larger circle of
network and skills acquirement bring them occupational pleasures.

Body 2: However, I believe that the better opportunity of professional promotion

by committing to one company is more preferable. Long-time employees can gain
profound experience and trust from other colleagues, especially their superiors who
could offer them opportunities to climb up on their career ladder. This promotion
method is applied in countries with deep-rooted employment norms such as Korea
and Japan, where employees get fixed career promotion path based on their
working time and loyalty rather than outstanding performance. Professional
advancement can not only secure employees better salary, allowing them to live a
better life, but also help them earn the feelings of being highly esteemed. This is
where job satisfaction commonly comes from.

Conclusion: In conclusion, although occupation switch stills offer employee

benefits, I opine that people should be loyal to one organization for the
professional promotion prospect which would bring them a satisfactory career and
secure a better livelihood.

TOPIC 14: Some people say that what children watch on TV influences their
behaviour while others say the amount of time children they spend watching Tv
influences their behavior.

Discuss both views and give your opinion

Paraphrase: It is true that watching TV has an impact on children. While some

people believe that how much time spent watching them has a significant effect on

Overview: In my opinion, it is the content of the program that has a more marked
influence on their behavior.

Body 1: On the one hand, there are several reasons why watching TV for long
periods of time has negative effects on the development of children both about
physically and mentally. Firstly, children are exposed to intermittent flashes of
light from the television, which could cause serious damage to the eyes and can
cause temporary blindness if children watch TV excessively. In addition, when
children keep their eyes glued to the screen for several hours, waves from the
television may cause a headache, even this can significantly increase the risk of
developing obesity and type 2 diabetes. Secondly, the enormous amounts of time
are spent wastefully for electronic devices by young viewers instead of being used
in more useful activities like reading, exercise and interacting with friends or their
relatives. All of the activities are crucial for a healthy lifestyle. When children
watch television excessively, as a result they are less likely to be spending time
developing social skills. For instance, the productivity of group work will be
decreased if the lack of communication skill.

Body 2: On the other hand, it is the broadcasted images that have the most direct
effects on young viewers. First reason is that in our modern consumer society,
commercial advertising also affects how children behave. For example, children
are easily swayed by advertisements for food, toy or video games and so may
promote their parent to buy these goods impulsively. Another reason is that the
unhealthy content of television programs can be a major reason that children more
turn to crime in the future. Through advertising on prime time television children
are not hard to learn about the alcohol and smoking use. Consequently, the number
of children who break a law increasing constantly in many countries.

Conclusion: In conclusion, though both two factors have their own implications, I
believe that the content is more considerable. Hence, parent intervention is
essential in controlling children's TV viewing habits and awareness of children
about programs with a healthy mind.

TOPIC 15: Some people think that good health is very important to every person,
so medical service should not be run by profit-making companies.

Do the advantages of private health care outweigh the disadvantages?

Paraphrase: In recent decades private health care has been attracting a great deal of
media attention due to its substantial impacts on society.

Overview: Although some proposed upsides appear to be reasonable, I think it

bring more disadvantages overall.

Body 1: On the one hand, there are some advantages that private health care offers
to patients. First, Due to the competitive medical market, every privately-owned
institution have a propensity to have the state-of-the-art medical facilities to attract
more patients. This means that individuals with some serious conditions could be
eradicated easily thanks to these devices, increasing their life expectancy. Second,
some private medical insitutions usually render better services than any other other
state-owned hospitals. For example, some private hospitals offer some outpatient
services , post-operative consultations and hospital expenses reduction for low-
income individuals, which are usually ignored by the state-owned hospitals.

Body 2: On the one hand, private health care is fraught with some considerable
downsides. First, Some private medical institutions are not without the existence of
unqualified practitioners and untrained nurses. This is implied that the likelihood
of medical irresponsibility and surgical malpractice is inevitable, culminating in
some long-terms adverse impacts on patients’health. In addition, some profit-
making purposes are invariably associated with the private hospitals’ preference
for the treatment for high-end society. This could act as a contributor to the
ignorance of gratifying treating demands of individuals living below the poverty
line, leaving their diseases more serious.

Conclusion: In conclusion, private health care’ advantages are outweighed by its

disadvantages in terms of medical malpractice and favoritism of wealthy class. The
government should promote more state-owned medical institutions to bring more
effective health care programmes to citizens.

TOPIC 16: People should look after their health for personal benefits, rather than a
duty for a society.

What extent do you agree or disagree?

Paraphrase: Whether ensuring a healthy lifestyle should be deemed as public

responsibility or individuals’ own advantages has evolved as a heated topic of

Overview: While I consent to the social implications of personal fitness, I opine

that the populace should retain their health in their interests.

Body 1: In the first place, no sooner do individuals allocate their time and efforts
for enhancing their health conditions than they can contribute as viable human
resources to social betterment. For example, on account of constant training under
a myriad of harsh conditions, loyal and strong-willed soldiers will be physically
well-qualified to shield national security and sovereignty from abhorrent
conspiracies of enemy forces. Simultaneously, when citizens are in good physical
conditions, they have the competence to entirely devote themselves to the social
development thanks to the capability to work for long hours with high productivity.

Body 2: However, there is a common consensus that a good health lays the
foundations for life fulfilment, which firmly endorses the viewpoint that people are
obliged to maintain their welfare as personal benefits. By virtue of staying healthy
and getting involved in recreation activities, people are bound to greatly enjoy their
life. In addition, it is indisputable that the medical treatments often places a large
financial burden on individuals, especially those suffering from chronic diseases
like diabetes, tuberculosis or cancer. Therefore, through the medium of initiating
appropriate diets and workout schemes, people will be able to prevent both
illnesses and money loss.

Conclusion: All in all, it is my belief that citizens should take the maintenance of
their health into serious consideration, as this benefits not only every single person
but also the whole community.

TOPIC 17: Some people think a job not only provides income but also social life.
Others think it is better to develop social life with people you do not work with.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Paraphrase and Overview: For adults, working is one of the most important aspects
of life. Many believe that it is not only salary but also social connections that
people get from a job while others argue that social life should be completely
divorced from the workplace.

Body 1: On the one hand, there are other meaningful perspectives to working than
just earning a living, one being the social network that people can gain. Admittedly,
while earning a living wage is a crucial aspect of working life, communicating is
also indispensable and is among the keys to success in any type of work. At some
point in their career, people have to work in a team where, in order to be good team
players and contribute to the achievement of the group as a whole, socializing with
co-workers is inevitable. During this process, many would find themselves having
supportive colleagues and developing social skills, which are essential factors in
obtaining job satisfaction.

Body 2: On the other hand, there are strong reasons why social life should be
developed outside the workplace. First, when a working environment becomes too
friendly, there could be a decline in productivity as workers may fail to efficiently
complete their assigned tasks. For example, they might focus more on changing
pleasantries rather than finishing the heavy workload, which would severely affect
the performance of the organization. Additionally, given the code of conduct and
the possible clash of personality within a workplace, it is advisable that colleagues
keep a certain distance from each other to maintain professionalism. A spirit of
cooperation and friendship is still possible while at the same time retaining certain
socially acceptable boundaries of formality and respect.

Conclusion: In conclusion, it seems apparent that either building friendships with

co-workers or keeping a safe distance from them has their own merits.

TOPIC 18: Parents often give children everything they ask for and do what they

Is it good for children?

What are the consequences when they grow up?

Paraphrase: Indulging children has been a common parenting problem in many

modern families.

Overview: From my perspective, this practice exerts some immediate adverse

impacts on children and also results in long-term consequences for them.

Body 1: In the short term, it is possible that over-indulgence causes some delay to
the process in which children learn important life skills. This can be seen in a
variety of age groups, ranging from toddlers to teenagers. For example, many over-
caring parents spoon-feed their children until they are five or six, the
developmental stage in which they should have already been able to eat
independently. There is also a common practice that parents assist their pre-
adolescent children in taking a bath or a shower. As a result, children may fail to
acquire basic personal hygiene skills at the right time.

Body 2: In the long run, the consequences are even direr as over-indulged children
grow up. If parents unconditionally satisfy all the needs of their children, they may
have inadvertently made their children become over-dependent on other people.
When these children enter adulthood, the inability to live independently can cause
some difficulties for them to maintain their overall well-being, for instance, they
may be unaware of what to do when they catch a fever. Furthermore, it is a norm
that over-indulgent parents are lenient and do not require children to face the
consequences of their misbehaviour. In general, this deprives children of the
opportunities to learn from mistakes, which may cause their problem solving skills
to be severely lacking in the future.
Conclusion: From the issues outlined above, one can conclude that over-
indulgence may produce a number of unfavourable effects on children, including
the delay in gaining crucial life skills such as self-feeding and the long-term
consequence of lacking the ability to cope with problems as adults in the future.

TOPIC 19: As the number of cars increases, more money has to be spent on road
systems. Some people think the government should pay for this. Others, however,
think that the user should cover the costs.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Paraphrase: Few topics are more important than a nation's infrastructure, and the
issue of payment will probably be controversial.

Overview: While most people tend to believe that the government should take the
responsibility, others state that car users need to share more of the cost. In this
often heated debate, the opposing arguments can perhaps be summarized as

Body 1: On the one hand, there is a contention in some circles that infrastructure
development should be paid by the state. First and foremost, proponents of state
funding cite that tax collected from a country’s citizens should be used to serve the
community, in particular road system. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that
the economic development of the nation is strongly related to road expansion. This
can be justified by a concrete example, which is that, in Vietnam, if a village is
connected to a major city, a rapid growth will soon be witnessed.

Body 2: On the other hand, some other people strongly despise the above practice,
asserting that road users should pay for developing the road infrastructure
themselves. At the outset, it is universally accepted that the number of road users is
very large compared to the tax payers. Especially in countries with lots of traffic,
the tax burden on workers becomes intolerably high, and can eventually stifle
economic growth. These painful lessons, shown by states such as Vietnam and
China, seem to demonstrate that complete sponsor by the government is
economically unsustainable. A further issue relates to globalization, by which
people move increasingly freely between countries. If this means the taxpayers of
one nation are now obliged to pay to build roads for users from many other nations,
this is surely a further significant factor which clearly makes this point impractical.

Conclusion: To summarize, it seems reasonable for the state to fund as much as

possible to develop road system. However, due to costs and globalization, this
needs to be supplemented by other methods, such as private organizations.

TOPIC 20: Some people say that it is possible for a county to be both economically
successful and have a clean environment. Others disagree.

Discuss both view and give your opinion.

Paraphrase: When it comes to a nation's possibility to succeed in both economic

and environmental terms, this probability is questionable, leading to a debate
between those who believe in it and those who are sceptical.

Overview: Truth be told, I find this double success possible rather than impossible.

Body 1: On the one hand, a number of people think that it is improbable. They
might be right, especially upon considering such countries as China, which is
famous for being extremely economically successful but which fails to be
environmentally friendly. China is a striking example of a nation focusing too
much on economic development with environmental consequences coming at a
price, thus facing one of the most dangerously high levels of air pollution in the
world. Therefore, China seems to be making efforts to become a "green" country
by "exporting" its polluting technologies to other nations.

Body 2: On the other hand, I am more supportive of the view that this condition is
actually possible. The point here is not that it is universally feasible but rather that
it is viable in certain countries. Examples like China do not mean that no nations
have ever succeeded. This has been proven in several countries of great success,
including Switzerland and Singapore, to name but a few. It is indisputably clear
that they are prosperous and possess a world-acclaimed clean environment. They
are capable of having achieved what many other nations can only dream of.

Conclusion: In conclusion, it remains debatable as to whether it is likely or

unlikely to gain national success both economically and environmentally, but my
firm belief is that this is not the so-called "mission impossible".
TOPIC 21: Space travel has been possible for some time and some people believe
that space tourism could be developed in the future.

Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

Paraphrase: The development of tourism has led to a possibility that space travel
will be widely available in the future.

Overview: However, I would contend that this form of travel is the negative
development for the following reasons.

Body 1: To begin with, there are many negative aspects of space travel. Firstly, the
equipment required for this means of travel is relatively expensive because money
needed to produce aircrafts is far more than the amount for other vehicles.
Secondly, space tourism causes environmental contamination. When operating,
aircrafts release huge amount of exhaust fumes into the surroundings, and the
ozone layer will be seriously affected while the rockets are launched. Finally,
travellers would face the risk of problems related to health. Visiting a strange star
is a potential danger because there are circumstances that we cannot control or give
first aid whenever necessary.

Body 2: Some people may claim that space travel can broaden our knowledge of
the universe. However, I believe that planets where no life exists have nothing to
visit, except for stones and rough surfaces. In lieu of taking the tour, people can
have many other ways to gain knowledge of the planets and the universe by
reading science books and watching science movies to be safer and less costly. The
purposes of travelling base largely on relaxation and discovery; therefore, no
justification would be rational to justify the growth of space tourism. That is the
reason why many people reject the development of space travel.

Conclusion: In conclusion, I firmly hold the view that space tourism has many
drawbacks than benefits, and the development of this industry should not be

TOPIC 22: Scientists predict in the near future cars will be driven by computers,
not people.

Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

Paraphrase: It is true that advances in technology have led scientists to suggest that
it will not be long before computers will be driving cars.

Overview: I believe that this trend has a largely positive impact on society.

Body 1: There are many reasons why scientists believed that conventional cars
would be placed by driverless cars in near future. Perhaps the principal reason is
that autonomous technology had developed significantly in recent years and there
is a tendency for every single task, from light housework to operating an entire
production process, to be computerized. Therefore, the development of self-driving
cars would be no exception. Another major reason is that countries are facing
serious problems of traffic jams and car accidents. As computers are better than
humans in calculating and processing, a technological breakthrough like a robotic
car is achieved in the hope of dealing with these issues effectively.

Body 2: I am the opinion that self-driving cars would bring enormous and positive
changes to human life. Firstly, they could help reduce a huge number of car
collisions, which leads to injuries and casualties. It often appears that the majority
of car accidents are the result of human errors or irresponsibility, such as driving
while intoxicated. If cars become driverless, there would be no bad drivers and the
roads would be safer for everyone, including cyclists and pedestrians. Secondly,
this trend enables more people to use cars as there would no need for driver’s
licenses or rigorous driving tests. People who historically have difficulties with
driving such as disabled people, senior citizens or very young people, would be
able to experience the freedom of car travel.

Conclusion: In conclusion, it is reasonable for scientists to suppose that we would

use autonomous cars in the foreseeable future and I contend that this is a positive

TOPIC 23: Everyone should stay at school until 18.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Paraphrase: Some people argue that students should stay in compulsory education
until the age of 18.
Overview: While I agree that youngsters can reap many benefits from continuing
studying at high schools, I believe that this should not apply to all young people.

Body 1: There are many reasons why it can be argued that students should not
leave schools early. Firstly, by studying at high schools, students could gain a
wealth of knowledge and skills that help meet higher-level qualifications in the
future. Due to the highly competitive job market, it is impossible for students with
no degree to compete with well-educated students in terms of skilled works. Those
who graduate from high school obviously have better chances of having decent
jobs with high salary and particularly accessing to tertiary education. Secondly,
schools also provide social and moral education, which is of paramount importance
to teenagers. Because people under 18 do not have sufficient intellectual capacity
to distinguish between right behavior and wrong ones, they could easily commit
crimes if they were not educated well enough.

Body 2: However, I am of the opinion that it is unreasonable to make school

compulsory until 18. Perhaps the principal reason is that not everyone is academic
and not all skills are best learned in schools. For example, a student who wants to
become a chief may find better training and more satisfaction from a cooking class
or an apprentice scheme. Another major reason is that if students were forced to
stay at schools until 18, this would put a huge strain on family’s budget, especially
underprivileged families. They need their children to enter the workforce early so
that these children can make an economic contribution to family’s income, helping
them to meet their ends and survive.

Conclusion: In conclusion, although I acknowledge that lengthening compulsory

schooling to 18 could be beneficial, I would contend that this would adversely
affect non-academic students and those from poor backgrounds.

TOPIC 24: The animal species are becoming extinct due to human activities on
land and in sea.

What are the reasons and solutions?

Paraphrase and Overview: There is no doubt that wildlife habitats are being
destroyed and whole species of animals are on the verge of disappearance due to
human activities on land and in the sea. This situation is understandable, and
measures could certainly be taken to tackle the problems.

Body 1: There are two main reasons why animals are disappearing. Firstly, in
many parts of the world trees are being cut down to make way for farmland on
which to grow crops and keep animals. Such agriculture practices involve clearing
huge plots of land inhabited by local fauna, resulting in the loss of habitats for the
native animals. Secondly, overfishing is also responsible for the destruction of
aquatic life as many fishermen prioritize profits to the detriment of the diversity of
species. Many fish and other rare marine forms of life arc trapped, which reduces
biodiversity and has a devastating effect on the food chain of wildlife species.

Body 2: Some solutions can be adopted to improve the situation. One approach is
the application of hi-tech machinery and other technological breakthroughs in the
cultivation activities. Seeds with higher crop yield can be grown while powerful
tractors can be applied to plough the fields in a speedy manner, resulting in higher
output and productivity and thus a lower demand for clearing more land for crop
planting. Another measure is that government should impose strict fishing
regulations, setting a limit of the catch of fish or restricting access to aquatic areas
with great biodiversity. This ensures that other wild sea animals would not be
destroyed in the process.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the human activities including farming and fishing are
rendering many species of animals extinct. However, government and individuals
can join hands to combat the issues.

TOPIC 25: Some people are born to be leaders, while others believe leadership can
be learnt.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Paraphrase: A leader is the demand of every nation, community, group or society.

He is the only one to be relied on in the hour of need for guidance, action plan and
brilliant strategies. At this point, it is often discussed whether leaders are born with
leadership qualities or they are carved out.
Overview: Personally, I do believe that every individual is born with certain unique
characteristics, but it requires exposure, learning and experience of life to become
a good leader.

Body 1:It is understandable that leaders are endowed with certain traits and
qualities that make them better fit to leadership. To be more specific, these
individuals possess certain inborn virtues, such as extroversion amongst group
members, bravery to challenges, conscientiousness (i.e. target-oriented, reliable),
emotional stability or business acumen, which all contributes to the foundation of
leadership. A leader is naturally better in these areas while others struggle to get to
the same point. For instance, many commanders who fought bravely throughout
many wars come from the same families, with the next generations being skilled
and talented as well. This partly explains the role of genetics in forming the
personality of a person.

Body 2: Those who advocate “leaders are nurtured” also have their reasons since
individuals can become leaders in a structured environment through the process of
learning, mentoring, and observation. This means that skills associated with
leadership can be attained by training, practice and experience over time. The
doctrine is quite manifest in the military as leaders often undergo training
programmes and have direct contact in various battlefields. In addition, with the
comprehensive education system in modern time, it is increasingly easier for most
of us to learn how to become a leader. Right from primary school, children are
taught to lead a group discussion or act as an arbitrator in a debate. This plays a
role in forming leadership capacity in every individual.

Conclusion: In conclusion, both viewpoints have their own merits. While few are
fortunately bestowed with leadership qualities right when they were born,
leadership can also be an art. It is a set of inherent dispositions that is perfected
over time with education, practice and experience for most people.

TOPIC 26: In some parts of the world it is increasingly popular to research the
history of one's own family.

Why do people want to do this?

Is it a positive or negative development?

Paraphrase: People are always curious to know about their past. They want to
understand who their ancestors and what their ways of living were and whether
they had any major events in their life.

Overview: In my opinion, researching family history is largely a positive


Body 1: In a way, it is always good to be aware of one’s past as it unfolds many

mysteries which further gives answers to many unanswered questions. The primary
reason to research the history of one’s own family is to discover the origin of one’s
ancestors. Since time immemorial people have been relocating due to education or
work related reasons. Generation after generation people move from one place to
another to meet their needs and during this course of changing places, the place of
origin is forgotten. Sometimes children are given up for adoption immediately after
they are born. They lose all contacts with their biological parents. Once they
become adults, many of them try to discover their roots. For them this could be a
therapeutic experience. For descendants of royal or aristocratic families,
researching their roots could be an opportunity to inflate their ego. Also in many
cultures it is very important to worship one’s own ancestors for prosperity and
good health. Therefore, it becomes imperative to know the ancestors and their

Body 2: There are also some health related reasons to research family history.
Many diseases are hereditary and it is important to know about diseases that run in
families. This is particularly important for people who have lost touch with their
parents or grandparents. By tracing the history of their family, they will be able to
find out whether they are at risk of developing any particular disease.

Conclusion: To conclude, it is always beneficial to know about one’s own family

history as it proves to be helpful in various ways. Some may be doing this out of
sheer curiosity. Others may have a more valid reason to do so. In either case, there
is no harm in discovering who one’s ancestors are.

TOPIC 27: Some people think it is more important to spend money on roads and
motorways than on public transport systems.

To what extend do you agree?

Paraphrase: It is argued that more funds should be allocated to roads and
motorways rather than to public transport systems.

Overview: Personally, I find myself in a complete disagreement with this opinion.

Body 1: On the one hand, I can understand why spending money on road networks
gains the support of many people. Their view is that better road quality would
increase the levels of safety and ease traffic congestion. Firstly, the better quality
of motorways means a considerable decline in road mortality and injury rates. This
is justifiable since the roads in some countries are fraught with holes and obstacles,
plaguing people with danger and insecurity. In this sense, the amelioration of poor
road infrastructures would ensure the safety of travellers. Secondly, expanding
roads and building more motorways are believed to curb traffic jams. Traffic
congestion is major concern in big cities where massive numbers of vehicles travel
on the road during hours of peak demand. This vexed problem could be tackled as
wider roads provide maximum travel time in free-flowing traffic.

Body 2: However, I would argue that spending on public transport is a better

investment for a number of reasons. Compared to vehicles, high-capacity public
transit modes can accommodate a larger number of passengers at a time. This
could be exemplified by integrated and expansive public transport networks in
Australia. Recent estimates indicate that each train on Sydney’s railways removes
approximately 1000 cars from its roads. Therefore, a modal shift from private to
public transport would tremendously alleviate urban congestion which has been
considered as one of the productivity bottlenecks in developed economies.
Moreover, efficient public transport systems are a contributor to a cleaner
environment. By removing cars from streets, public transit plays a pivotal role in
the abatement of carbon emissions. Not only does this reduce air pollution, but it
also mitigates the effects of climate change as a whole.

Conclusion: Based on the above-mentioned arguments, I acquiesce in the view that

money should be invested in public transport systems rather than road networks.

TOPIC 28 : The responsibility for the protection of the environment is by a

transnational organization or every country?
Paraphrase: Environmental protection has a primary concern for all countries for
the last few decades. Some people are of the opinion that a transnational
organization should be accountable for this; others believe that it is each country
that should take the responsibility.

Overview: I adhere to the idea that it should be a joint effort from both sides in this

Body 1: There are two main reasons for my outlook. First and foremost, a
transnational organization is unlikely to be entitled with enough authority to
implement crucial actions to prevent further destruction to the environment. An
example of this would be the famous organization World Wildlife Fund. Aiming
at environmental protection and wildlife conservation, this one of the world’s most
prestigious organizations still faces predicaments when their campaigns are not
occasioned due to lack of approval from state governments. Therefore, assistance
and support from countries are of vital importance.

Body 2: Secondly, green issues in each nation escalate at various scale and pace for
which even an international organization may not be able to tackle. This is to say,
with scanty information about the situation in any single country, it would be
problematic for international groups to allocate the human resources appropriately,
not to mention initiating felicitous strategies for each case. For that reason,
espousal from the governments would be an optimal solution to assist resolving
such difficulties like sharing information or providing sufficient funds for the

Conclusion: On the whole, environmental protection is a mission for neither an

international organization nor any country. The point at issue is that everyone must
work hand in hand on the basis of mutual cooperation spirit. I have no doubt that
this approach would bring about new hope for our environment.

TOPIC 29: Writing, reading and maths are the three recognized traditional subjects.
Computer skill should also be the fourth largest branch.

Do you agree or disagree?

Paraphrase: It has been perceived that the three most vital disciplines are writing,
reading and math, and the next one on this list should be computer skills.
Overview: I strongly agree with this view, as now will be discussed.

Body 1: On the one hand, I advocate the view that writing, reading and maths are
exactly the major conventional subjects at school. Firstly, literacy skills are
fundamental for anyone to enrich their knowledge. Only if they have good reading
comprehension can they broaden their horizons from what is conveyed in books or
magazines. Similarly, mastering writing skills can help students easily note the
most crucial information. Secondly, maths targets at nurturing and stimulating
logical and critical thinking that plays a vital role in normal life. For instance,
when a person buys something at market, he has to calculate how much it costs, or
in a larger perspective he needs to make his own business plan, which definitely
requires knowledge taught in math lessons.

Body 2: On the other hand, I strongly believe that the forth most crucial subject
should be computer skills. The first reason is that computer is now dominating the
world, even in personal life or at work. Not only does computer become the most
essential technological device for communication but distance learning with
computer-based classrooms is also too popular. Additionally, virtual offices are
mostly constructed to replace physical ones, so most people now work with their
computer rather than paper and pen as in the past. Living in such a digital era, if
anyone is not computer-literate, he can neither land a decent job nor connect with
the surrounding world.

Conclusion: In conclusion, I believe that beside three recognized important

subjects that are writing, reading and math, computer skills should be considered
as the forth crucial branch of education system.

TOPIC 30: In many countries, children are becoming overweight and unhealthy.

Some people think that the government should have the responsibility.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Paraphrase: In recent years, childhood obesity has become one of the most serious
health threats. A number of people hold the idea that the policy makers should be
held accountable for this problem.
Overview: Though it is logical to think in that way, I am of the opinion that it is the
adults that should also share the responsibility.

Body 1: First of all, it is incumbent upon the government to hold the duty of
preventing the spread of obesity over children. In most developed countries such as
the United States, it comes as no surprise that attracting fast food commercials
appear at a regular basis on social media, luring the children into the mass
consumption of processed food like hamburgers or chicken nuggets. Therefore, the
authorities have every obligation to enforce laws to restrict the availability of such
advertisement on certain time; they can also request the content of those foods be

Body 2: Having said that, the heavy responsibility also lies on the adults, especially
the parents and teachers. For one thing, there are indulgent parents who are more
than willing to get their children what they need, consequently letting them
practice unhealthy eating habits like consuming junk foods ferociously. What’s
more, a concerning reality suggests that teachers are cutting the amount of physical
education classes to allocate the time for main, compulsory classes like Math or
Literature, which means less time for children with their exercising. This is why
the adults also have to share the duty to fight against this obesity crisis.

Conclusion: To recapitulate, though the government must take immediate action to

tackle this problem of children getting overweight, I personally believe we adults,
parents and teachers mostly, also have to join hand in helping to eradicate this
childhood disease.

TOPIC 31: Anybody can use a mobile phone to answer the work and personal calls
at any time or 7 days a week.

Does this development have more positive or negative effects on both individuals
and society?

Para[hrase: The advancement of mobile phones has opened endless possibilities for
users, especially allowing them to have phone calls on a regular basis.

Overview: Though this technological prevalence has profoundly assisted human

beings, I do hold the belief that its negative implications are far more serious than
we can perceive.
Body 1: For one thing, cellular phones have undoubtedly ushered in a new period
of our life. With the ownership of this handset device, maintaining closer contact
with relatives and friends living in far-flung places may be the easiest thing in the
world. Thanks to this, people are able to strengthen their mutual relationships with
the others, hence contributing to the promotion of the real sense of a tight-knit
virtual community of their own. What’s more, having a mobile phone to make
instant calls is of great avail to employees, for this helps them tackle any arising
problems should they exist immediately. Furthermore, the application of
conferencing calls has revolutionized our working environment, making the idea of
meeting participation at home no longer a fabrication.

Body 2: Having said that, little is aware of the detrimental effect of this comfort.
Firstly, recent research on the possession of mobile phones has claimed that
proliferation of possession of this device corresponds with the increase of lack of
face-to-face relations. The overuse of mobile phones at any possible time distracts
owners from having social interactions with their acquaintances, consequently
leading to the deterioration of communication skills. Another deep concern is that
having their mobile phones glued to their faces every time increases the risk of
getting medical disorders due to the harmful radiation emission from the screen,
markedly sleeping deprivation.

Conclusion: To recapitulate, although we should be grateful to this technological

comfort and its many helpful implications to our lives, I believe its social and
health hazards are something to be considered more with great caution.

TOPIC 32: Students leave high school without learning the way how to manage
their money.

What are the reasons and solutions of this issue?

Paraphrase: Knowledge about financial literacy has been deemed imperative in

many developed countries. Having said that, most students who graduated from
high schools are alleged to lack this vital ability.

Overview: I believe this inadequacy stems from the misconception of both

educators and parents and also, only they could tackle this problem.
Body 1: There are several reasons to interpret this matter, but the following two are
the primary. First and foremost, due to the fact that high school students don’t have
the ability to earn a living yet, teachers and parents don’t feel the need to press on
the importance of personal finance classes to their students. This is followed by the
outlook that becoming financially literate is a lifelong process and graduates from
high school can be equipped with this later on. What’s more, the heavy workload
from compulsory subjects such as Literature or Math for students to pave the way
to tertiary education have already deterred them from taking money management

Body 2: This deficiency in financial literacy could be addressed with the joint
effort of teachers and parents like the aforementioned idea. First of all,
extracurricular activities during summer when schools are off to engage high
school students in personal finance. By giving them detailed knowledge about
budget management and encourage them to develop one’s financial plan in the
future, it could improve the situation significantly. Moreover, parents can assist
this process by granting their adolescent kids permission to take part in making
important financial decisions of the family. This is an ideal option to let them get
used to reaching their own decisions in the future.

Conclusion: In conclusion, high schoolers’ dearth of money management ability

derives mostly from parents and teachers. And only they could provide sufficient
help to students to ameliorate this situation.

TOPIC 33: As life expectancy is increasing, people work after retirement with pay.
Alternatively, some people start to work at a young age.

Are these positive or negative impacts?

Paraphrase: Workforce has never been a hive of activity like today, with sweeping
changes in the type of workers. Typically, as for the mounting life expectancy,
more and more post-retirement workers are confident to sign on contracts to be
part-timers, whilst a blaze of adolescents is giving themselves a shot.

Overview: Both are believed to spark off influences on the workforce development.
Body 1: In essence, people at their retirement age are contented with part-time jobs,
since it is blatantly obvious that this will be hugely advantageous. As a general rule,
people who reach this phase of life encounter tedium and loneliness, since they are
left without support at home or in a nursery center. Thus, having a job would
provide golden opportunities for their own happiness and a sense of purpose. In
economy terms, companies are willing to allocate a part of their budget to this
working group, since they can boost up their own savings without being over-
dependent on their children. Be that as it may, their health is prone to be their
biggest enemies and companies might fork out an insurmountable amount of
money for healthcare support.

Body 2: Young people, with another perspective in mind, set themselves clear
objectives of bringing a fresh breath to the country’s economy. Indeed, their key
selling points are courage, creativity, and passion which consequently pay
dividends for companies. However, it is the firsthand experience that matters most,
as they are still in their infancies and need to improve through time. Another aspect
of their join is their capability to harness technology in real work. With workers
pushing back the frontier of technology nowadays, one company at the same time
can satisfy the demands of their target market and stimulate growth. Nevertheless,
young workers are still liable to be distracted by the lure of money, hence they can
be lack of focus on their education.

Conclusion: In brief, regardless of the positive or negative impact each group may
have on the labour market, both groups equally contribute to the economic
development and deserve recognition from the society.

TOPIC 34: The best way to reduce youth crimes is to educate their parents with
parental skills.

To what extent you agree or disagree?

Paraphrase: Given the increasing rates of crimes committed by young generations

in modern-day society, there are currently many suggested solutions, the most
effective of which to lower these rates is said to be equipping fathers and mothers
with parental techniques.
Overview: To the best of my belief, such a view is far from convincing.

Body 1: On the face of it, a number of adults probably lack certain skills in
educating their children. They do not know how to teach their kids to distinguish
right from wrong behaviours. They are not technology-savvy enough to prevent
their children from online temptations. Consequently, such parents should be
trained in how to discourage their kids from committing offences in this
information age.

Body 2: In actual fact, youth crimes result from various factors and, therefore,
there is no single "best" way to deal with this problem. In order to effectively
reduce criminal acts committed by the young, a combination of strategies
involving parents, teachers and the community should be considered. Apart from
education for parents, teachers should also be psychologically trained so as to
prevent or stop students from behaviours of violence or perversion on a daily basis.
For instance, specific training could be offered so that teachers would know
exactly what to do to handle a case of bullying, one of the most common
phenomena in the school context. On a community level, social groups should play
a role in organizing fascinating activities, such as sports competitions, to attract
young people, who frequently need an outlet for their abundant energy.

Conclusion: In short, I am not convinced by the suggestion that providing parents

with child-care skills is the best method for youth crime reduction; rather, this
requires efforts to be simultaneously made

TOPIC 35: More and more people in the city live in homes with small spaces or no
outdoor areas.

Do you think it is a negative or positive development?

Paraphrase: Rising urban population has made more urban dwellers opt for small
living spaces.

Overview: From my perspective, this trend in urban housing poses more threats
than benefits.

Body 1: On the one hand, tiny spaces offer homeowners a simple, frugal and
blissfully stress-free lifestyle. First, given the limited space, one would have to
make some hard choices about what to keep, and what to get rid of. They don’t feel
weighed down by all the frivolous items they used to own or a huge mortgage, and
they spend less time and money cleaning and maintaining their home, which
allows more time and money for leisure activities. In addition, living in a tiny
home can help save money in many different ways. People would be able to trim
their monthly expenses on heating, cooling, property taxes, or home maintenance;
and hence, put a little extra each month in the savings account.

Body 2: However, opponents of this housing trend would argue that smaller spaces
may be linked to health risks and privacy issues. Although micro-apartments may
be fantastic for young professionals in their 20’s, they definitely can be unhealthy
for older people who face different stress factors that can make tight living
conditions a problem. Home is supposed to be a safe haven, and a resident with a
demanding job may feel trapped in a claustrophobic apartment at night. Another
main concern of putting people in tightly-packed living situations is the
fundamental lack of privacy to all residents, exerting negative influences on their
well-being. There might be a trickle-down effect for children raised in these spaces,
who might find it difficult to find a quiet, private room to read and complete their

Conclusion: In short, living in a tiny home does have compelling benefits, but it is
not without its challenges as well. Taking the potential health risks and crowding
challenges, I believe micro-living may not be the urban panacea we’ve been
waiting for. All in all, tiny spaces should be seen as a negative development.

TOPIC 36: There have been many inventions in the human history, such as the
wheel. Some people think the most important thing is the internet.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Paraphrase: In the ancient era, the human race discovered how to create fire,
invented the wheel and laid the foundation for today’s printing technology. Later
on, in the industrial era, they built more complex machinery and started to use
motorised vehicles. Although all these facilities have proved their great
significance to all mankind throughout history, some state that the single most
important invention is the Internet.
Overview: From my perspective, such a statement is an exaggeration, despite some
benefits of the Internet.

Body 1: In this digital era, the Internet helps store, communicate and disseminate
information in a fast and convenient way. As a key method of storing data, there is
an increasingly high number of people uploading their files onto the Internet.
Microsoft’s OneDrive, for example, is a cloud storage that provide file storage
services for tens of millions of people. Furthermore, as an important means of
communication, the Internet enables people to get in touch with their friends easily.
This can be clearly seen in the case of Snap Chat, a messaging application with
millions of users monthly. Finally, the Internet serves as an important tool that
facilitates the dissemination of information. An excellent example of this is
Facebook, a social network that acts as a virtual platform helping one spread their
ideas whenever and wherever they want.

Body 2: Although the power of the Internet cannot be overstated, I firmly believe
that there are even more valuable inventions. The first is electricity, without which
almost all electronic devices cannot function. In other words, the Internet could be
of no use if there were no electricity. The second is engines, which can be seen in a
great diversity of facilities, from the old hydropower locomotives to today’s luxury
solar-powered aeroplanes. If there were no engines, people would have to use
animal-powered or human-powered vehicles, which are often much slower than
their motorised counterparts. To illustrate, the top pace of an average camel is 30
miles per hour, half that of a car on a highway. The final and most important
discovery, from my point of view, is mobile phones, which are the physical
platform for various forms of digital communication. Today, billions are using
mobile phones to make calls and send text messages on a daily basis, a much
greater number than that of those using the Internet for the same purpose.

Conclusion: To sum up, the Internet has some enormous advantages for the human
race, but there are even more significant discoveries, including electricity, engines
and mobile phones. I predict that along with the Internet, these three inventions
will still be the cornerstones of future humanity.
TOPIC 37: Some people say that the increasing business and cultural contact
between countries is positive development, while others think that many countries
will lose their national identities as a result.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Paraphrase and Overview: The world today is characterized by the free flow of
information and commodity. The frequent interaction and growing
interdependence among countries have ended the days of regional isolation and
absolute national sovereignty, but they have also sparked off heated controversies
over the positive and negative impacts that a global culture can bring into our life.

Body 1: Some people say that the widening international exchanges, both in the
field of business and culture, have exerted positive influences to a nation as well as
its people. To begin with, they promote business cooperation among nations. For
example, large multinational companies spread the latest technologies and
experience around the world, and international trade has helped so many less
developed economies grow. Also, they enrich people’s lives because people of one
nation are given opportunities through international tourism, exhibition and fairs,
TV programmes and films, etc. to enjoy the achievements of other cultures across
the globe.

Body 2: However, other people argue that these conditions also create the possible
danger of undermining a country’s national identity. In the first place, traditional
cultures might fall victim a global media and entertainment force. This is the most
evident in some parts of the world where “Americanisation” is threatening the
preservation of their indigenous culture. In Viet Nam, for instance, few youngsters
like or understand “Hue Court Music”, the quintessence of Vietnamese culture;
they go for Hollywood movies and rock music instead. Moreover, in the process of
globalization, the world is getting less linguistically diverse, as a growing number
of people give up their native language for the dominant language in the world –

Conclusion: From my point of view, both arguments are the true reflections of the
possible consequence of an increasing economic and cultural interaction among
nations. It boosts economic integration and speeds up modernization but also
creates tensions between global culture and a country’s national identity. Therefore,
we should take the initiative in fighting to protect our distinct culture and identity
from being submerged by other cultural or economic influences.

TOPIC 38: Student learn far more with their teachers than other sources (the
Internet or television).

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Paraphrase: In this modern days , with the development of technologies , there are
many ways for us to get information through such as the internet and
television ,which has made great changes in education . However , when it comes
to imparting knowledge to children, many individuals are convinced that teachers
would be of paramount importance.

Overview: In my personal opinion , i firmly believe that the teachers play a more
significant role in classroom .

Body 1: Firstly , teachers are seemed to be inspirers , they can stimulate student's
interests and it is an undeniable fact that interests will create a motivation for them
to learn more and more . They stand by us anytime when we have questions ,
answer it more clearly and we will more focused on the lessons . Instead a student
studying by himself through Internet and television is easily lose his interest . They
may can get bored and are distracted by many websites such as Facebook and
Youtube .

Body 2: Secondly , teacher is always the person who understand his student's level
more than a computer . They know the ability and the weak points of students by
giving exercises and check them regularly. Therefore, they will find a faster and
simplier method to make them comprehend the information easier . Besides ,
teachers can not only inculcate theoretical knowledge to sudents but also enhance
many social skills such as communication and behaviors . In addition, what makes
teachers different from computers is their emotion and conscience . They will the
person for us to confide in when we sad and they teach us many moral lessons and
open new eyes for us to see the world more beautifully . Furthermore , teachers
also serves as a guide for students by showing the path , encouraging them when
they fail and correct their wrongdoings . They will instruct you step by step in
many practical subjects and help us learn more about it .
Conclusion: In conslusion , there is no doubt that Internet and television are very
educative but these day with a ocean of knowledge students need teachers to learn
more and steadily .

TOPIC 39: The aging population is good for business, the economy and society.
Others disagree.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Paraphrase: In many countries, as life expectancy is increasing steadily, elderly

people are outnumbering those in their young ages.

Overview: While some people think the greying population is beneficial, I hold the
opinion that this trend can pose more threats to the economic development and
national budget of a country.

Body 1: On the one hand, some people may have compelling reasons to stay
optimistic about a greying population. Firstly, hands-on experience of senior
citizens is a valuable asset to the economic and social development. With their
unrivalled experience and extensive knowledge, elderly people can play vital roles
as advisers in some companies, helping businesses function more efficiently.
Alternatively, they may enter politics to become senators or representatives.
Secondly, older people can back up youngsters in their career. For example, some
grandparents nowadays may stay at home and take care of the children so that their
parents can concentrate on their career.

Body 2: On the other hand, I believe that aging population can have some serious
drawbacks. Initially, it is true that in order to lead the economic take-off, there
needs to be a young and dedicated workforce. For this reason, a population with
more people in their retirement age cannot shoulder this weighty responsibility,
putting the economy of a country on the brink of a downturn. Additionally, a
greying population means that more public money needs to be spent on welfare
service such as healthcare and pension for senior citizens while these people are no
longer in employment and do not create materials for the society. This may put
strain on the national budget, which is already exhausted due to very few people in
their working age paying income taxes.
Conclusion: In conclusion, while many may think that business, economy and
society can benefit from a greying population, I am more convinced of the adverse
impacts caused by this trend.

TOPIC 40: It is difficult for people in the cities to get enough physical exercise.
What are the causes and solutions?

Paraphrase: These days, it is true that in urban centres people do not exercise

Overview: There are several reasons behind this unhealthy development.

Fortunately, there are several solutions too.

Body 1: To begin with, there are different reasons why people in urban areas do
not exercise enough. The first reason is that there are not many designated areas for
exercising in cities. This is because nowadays cities are overcrowded and do not
have enough land to accommodate the increasing number of people who migrate to
them. For example, in 2008, the Sudanese government began to build new
apartment blocks in public spaces that were earlier used as exercising areas. As a
result, people now struggle to find places where they can exercise. Furthermore,
people who live in cities are now busier than in the past. They work very hard to
make a living for themselves and their families. In other words, space and time
constraints are the main reasons that discourage urban dwellers from getting
enough exercise.

Body 2: Fortunately, there are several ways to tackle this issue. First of all, the
government should provide free facilities where people can exercise. This will
definitely encourage more people to get physically active. The government also
needs to create awareness about the importance of staying physically active. They
can rope in respected public personalities to drive home the message that regular
exercise improves health and longevity.

Conclusion: To sum up, it is evident that lack of public spaces and the busy
lifestyle of urban people are the reasons for them not getting enough exercise.
However, building exercising facilities and teaching people about the importance
of exercising can solve this problem.

TOPIC 41 : People in many countries are spending less time with their family.
What are the reasons, and effects of this?

Paraphrase: There is now an increasing trend of individuals spending time far away
from their families, which I believe sprouts from their hectic professional lives.

Overview: In my opinion, this development has negative effects on both the

individuals and their families.

Body 1: People have to devote more time separated from their families due to their
heavy workload that has come along with globalisation. As more firms have
become international, work life has become more demanding. Numerous people
are required to work overtime travel overseas and even work from home regularly
to deliver results at their jobs. For example, employees of multinational companies
such as Amazon and Facebook travel to various countries to meet their foreign
clients as well as handle operations internationally which keeps them away from
their families for long periods of time routinely.

Body 2: Moreover, this lack of time with family will gravely affect individuals and
their families with mental and emotional stress. The persons living far from their
families would be devoid of their support system, would feel isolated from their
loved ones and may end up feeling miserable and depressed. Similarly, family
members would constantly be worried and anxious about the person’s well-being.
For instance, parents whose kids study or work abroad are concerned about their
children’s eating habits standard of living, hygiene and sickness as well as personal
and professional lives and numerous other things, which subjects the parents to
regular tension. Such stresses can result in various diseases in people, such as high
blood pressure migraines or even cardiac problems, all of which will severely
impact their lives.

Conclusion: In conclusion, people spend much more time away from their families
due to the onset of globalisation and their heavy work-lives, a development which
will result in psychological and emotional stress for both.

TOPIC 42: The news media have become too much influence in people lives today
and this is a negative development.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Paraphrase: For many people, news is a regular pan of life. An issue in dispute is
whether the massive influence of the news media on people’s daily lives denotes a
negative development.

Overview: It is my view that news media does more good than harm to the society.

Body 1: The news media provides people with much of the information they need
on a timely basis, although there are claims that it reports on issues and events
purposely (only selecting those events that interest the audience). Anecdotal
evidence shows that people from all walks of life have the habit of collecting
information regularly from the news media, including print, broadcast and Internet-
based media. Information assists people in decision making. For example, the Free
Trade Agreement reached by the Chinese government and its New Zealand
counterpart might open up many opportunities to both countries. For any business
person, either in New Zealand or in China, failing to recognise and capitalise on
this impending change would cause a costly loss.

Body 2: Meanwhile it should be recognised that the news media can sometimes
save lives and reduce casualties. There is a lot of uncertainty about the
surroundings, and people are susceptible to the damage caused by accidents,
crimes and natural calamity. The news media conveys the firsthand information to
concerned audiences and enable them to take corresponding actions right away.
The authority can declare a state of emergency when it is necessary, organise
evacuation and distribute aid to the needy areas. All these efforts count on the news
media as the messenger.

Body 3: Despite their significant and ongoing contribution to the society, the news
media might sometimes be harmful to society. It is a convention that the news
media exaggerates the magnitude of the real threat (for example, the potential of a
terrorism attack), in order to draw the attention of the desired audiences and in
pursuit of high audience ratings. It ends up with causing panic among the
population. Meanwhile, the news media tends to emphasise some issues or events,
which virtually have little relevance to people’s daily lives, such as an occasional
multiple vehicle accident, an affair that a celebrity is involved with, and the like. It
distracts the audience from something that is much more noteworthy, for instance,
poverty, environmental problems, to name but a few.
Conclusion: In summary, the role of news media as an information provider should
be acknowledged. In case of emergency, it acts as a lifesaver. However, it is not to
say that the news media can give people an overall view of the problems in society
all the time.

TOPIC 43: Schools are no longer necessary because children can get so much
information available through the Internet, and they can study just as well at home.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Paraphrase: With the advent of the Internet, students these days can easily access a
large volume of information on any given subjects. This current trend has given
rise to a controversial issue that educational institutions have become obsolete and
that children can learn from home.

Overview: From my perspective, I strongly disagree with this statement for the
following reasons.

Body 1: To start with, the overwhelming variety of learning resources would

potentially be counterproductive without the instruction of a mentor. Home
computers and Internet access are undeniably integral for students to look up
information for research. Equally important, though, is the provision of guidance
from teachers and parental supervision in making effective use of the world wide
web. Lack of proper guidance could lead students to misleading and unreliable
materials.Whereas, in a structured learning environment, course books are
thoroughly designed by prominent and qualified authors, providing learners with
suitable knowledge in a systematic way.

Body 2: On the other hand, upon the growing dominance of social networks such
as Facebook, it seems that the Internet now offers even more distraction and
unpleasantness than it has ever been. Thus, learners will likely succumb to the lure
of chatting online instead of staying focused on their work. Besides,
homeschooling will further entrench a worrying phenomenon that people these
days would rather interact with electronic gadgets than engage in real human
conversation. Therefore, the physical presence of a child in school or any other
institution is of great importance, encouraging face to face communication and the
development of interpersonal skills.
Conclusion: In conclusion, the Internet, despite being the most significant
breakthrough in history, is indeed a mixed blessing. Learners can only harness its
power to the full under the orientation and instruction of highly qualified school
teachers. Only in that way can the Internet serves as a valuable aid/ a complement
to the national curriculum.

TOPIC 44: People think that children nowadays have more freedom.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Paraphrase: Children have long been supposed to be the new owners of life. Today,
many people hold the view that children have the ability to live without any

Overview: From my personal perspective, I completely agree with this opinion.

Body 1: To begin with, it is worth pointing out that taking care of children in the
right direction is surely the most crucial mission of parents. Firstly, when totally
understanding that freedom is the great opportunity for children to discover their
own potential, pursue their interests as well as follow their passion, parents will
give their children as much freedom as possible. Besides, in the past, strict
parenting method with oversupervision was applied to raise children. For instance,
many parents used to demand excellence from their kids so that they had to meet
their parents’ high expectations without any motivations, but it is now no longer
the case. To be more precise, it is generally believed that parents today tend to be
more open-minded and they do not put any pressure on their children. As the
certain result, children can upgrade themselves without any concerns about
standards required from their parents. Hence, we cannot deny the fact that hardly
can children express their point of view as well as demonstrate their tanlents
without having freedom.

Body 2: On the other hand, it is evident that freedom seems to be the basic
foundation of the civilized society. In other words, in the fast changing world with
many innovations, children can have the better condition to develop themselves in
all aspects. To be more specific, children today can obtain unrestricted reservoir of
human knowledge when accessing to information from various multimedia sources.
Obviously, not only can children accumulate precious knowledge but also upgrade
themselves with essential skills. Therefore, having freedom may be perceived as
the step toward maturity.

Conclusion: To sum up, I am firmly convinced that children today have more and
more freedom and this tendency may have positive effects on their life in the long
run. Moreover, it can be reiterated that people are encouraged to do everything
freely to be well-rounded person as long as they do not harm others.

TOPIC 45: Some people think that children should start school at a very early age,
but others believe that chilren should go to school until they are older.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Paraphrase: Education has long been considered as one of the necessary sectors for
children to develop on the right track. However, nowadays, it has the agreement
that younger children should go to an elementary school while some opponents
suppose that they could begin their education at school when they are teenagers.

Overview: This essay will analyze these views in depth and give my opinion.

Body 1: The first view is right in some extents because various people recommend
that instead of full-time studying at school, children should spend more time to
play games or other physical activities. Firstly, children should have childhood
avoiding pressure from education. In fact, today, kids seem to confront with a lot
of stress due to their parent expectation. Therefore, children make friends with
calculations and writing tests day by day to get excellent marks, which will satisfy
their parents. It is inevitable that why children nurse negative feelings and lead to
autism if they attend schools too soon. Moreover, children may have a lack of
attention and affection from surrounding people and become more introverted.
When kids have much homeworks, they do not have sufficient free time to take
part in other activities such as communicating with their friend, watching film or
doing what interesting tasks make them excited. It is possible that kids cannot
develop the both sides mentally and physically and can even lose their childhood.

Body 2: As regard the second view, it is convincing in some sense. First of all, at
school, children’s awareness becomes independent sooner. Actually, a variety of
children appear to need their parents for most physical and mental requirements
such as eating, drinking even defecating. Thus, when they are separated from their
parents, they have to solve these troubles by their own. Furthermore, the more
schools educate children early, the more the schooling is effective. According to
some researches point, brains of kids develop continuously during the first years.
Therefore, when the school teaches calculations or languages, most children could
comprehend easier as younger. For example, in some developed countries, parents
are encouraged to support their kids to learn different languages which help to
develop their children’s brain efficiently.

Conclusion: In conclusion, numerous people think that kids should go to school

when they are at young age, but others suppose that children should not attend
school until they get enough mature, these views may have its own right
meaningful. However, I suggest that parents should encourage their kids to study at
school early because schools can create a natural environment as well as essential
conditions for children’s development.

TOPIC 46: The users of social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, are replacing
face-to-face contact in this century.

Do you think the advantages of this way outweigh the disadvantages?

Paraphrase: With the advances of technology, traditional way of communication is

substituted by the use of social media such as Facebook or Twitter.

Overview: Despite some unavoidable drawbacks, I hold the opinion that this
replacement culminates in more benefits.

Body 1: On the one hand, keeping contact on social media replaces direct
interaction is to some extent disadvantageous. Firstly, the over-reliance on those
online platforms inevitably discourages real communication. Instead of meeting
and exchanging information face-to-face, people may depend on online
conversations to update changes in their social contacts, gradually loosening the
closeness. For instance, hardly will friends have any gatherings when status posts
become a common way to keep in touch. Secondly, this alternative may pose many
threats to users since computer hackers can steal vital information they have shared
or updated in their accounts, without mentioning the risks stemming from seeders
and unreal users on the cyberspace.
Body 2: On the other hand, I still argue that when direct way of contact is
superseded by the use of social media, it brings more benefits. Chief among that is
to erase geographical barriers and therefore facilitate communication with others
hundreds of miles far away. For example, an oversea student can easily talk with
his relatives by text-messaging or a businessman can make video-conferencing
with his international counterpart, regardless of a long distance. Furthermore, this
replacement accelerates the speed of transmitting information. Conventional way
to keep in touch takes a person hours to go to an appointment and deliver
information, but with social media, he can instantly send this news to the receiver’s
inbox or even make it go viral.

Conclusion: In conclusion, albeit detrimental to real communication and risky to

users, the use of social media to replace face-to-face contact is of more benefit.

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