Pols 1100 Essay 4 1

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Brennan Stock

Prof. Moore

POLS 1100

3 October 2019

American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations: Interest Group

The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations arose as a

conglomerate of labor unions during the late 18th and 19th centuries. 13 million American

workers are represented by this interest group (CRP, 2019). Although union activity is not

currently as prevalent as it once was, the AFL-CIO remains an institution with a political and

local voice. The organization publishes its statements in advocacy and often falls in line with the

Democratic party’s platform. The organization aims for the continual improvement of worker’s

rights, and lobbies accordingly. One instance of recent lobbying is the organization's opposition

to the recent appointment of Eugene Scalia as Labor Secretary. Any interest group forms an

integral part of the American legislative system and the ALF-CIO represents its member's

interests in that pursuit. They receive funding through donations from individuals and

organizations (CRP, 2019).

The AFL-CIO advocates and lobbies often, and in September 2019, the organization

released a letter to Congress in opposition to the nomination of Scalia for Labor Secretary on the

basis of his past professional activity. The organization feels Scalia “is the antithesis” of what the

organization looks for in a Labor Secretary (Samuel, 2019). His nomination comes at a time in

American politics that aims to aid in market-oriented measures for the American economy and

focus on corporate protection throughout the legal structure. As to be expected, the AFL-CIO

largely endorses Democratic candidates and mainly follows the Democratic party’s platform in

hopes to achieve their aims in the labor movement in addition to other platform issues like

environmentalism. In 2016 the organization endorsed Hillary Clinton in the presidential election

(Vote Smart, 2019).

The nomination of Scalia is not surprising given the conservative and corporate influence

on current American Politics. The Trump administration has openly given benefits and reduced

regulation on several major industries. The opposition takes root in his history of corporate

representation in the court system, and as the AFL-CIO states “...he continued defending

corporations against worker lawsuits and opposing regulations that provide protections for

workers and consumers” (Samuel, 2019). According to the ​Wall Street Journal​, he represented

companies such as Facebook, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, and Walmart in various cases

(Ackerman, 2019). He is portrayed by the ALF-CIO as close to business and in favor of limiting

worker's rights in favor of corporate profits and aiming toward encouraging the competitive

American industry at the expense of worker's rights and health.

The involvement of the AFL-CIO in the political process is not necessary, but extremely

helpful. Bringing to light questionable government actions and appointments is necessary for

influencing public opinion and analyzing their effects on interesting areas. I must say, from my

perspective, labor organizations in a service economy are remarkably underrated in their

effectiveness. A rebirth of the Labor movement could better represent the interests and plights of

service workers, especially in the wake of manufacturing jobs having been automated or

exported. As a side note, one great aspect of the organization is that they do not distance

themselves away from common union activity in favor of purely political activity which is

admirable. The AFL-CIO pushes and advertises for local unions in industry and service.

However, the negative aspects of the organization’s political participation involve largely

restricting any branching away from the Democratic Party platform, as well as the AFL-CIOs

reliance on traditional lobbying techniques, including “the revolving door” tactic, to fight for

their cause.

Labor is a rearising issue. As the economy consistently takes turns and further globalizes,

an organization like the ALF-CIO can greatly help in protecting the legal rights of workers

through participation in Congress. Contention on Scalia’s nomination is a good example of why

interest groups exist; to analyze and pressure Congress for what they perceive as favorable

measures for their constituents. Personally, after reading about Scalia’s legal history it seems to

me he was not the best choice for the American worker. I fully support unionization and pray for

its return to the United States, whether in the form of cooperatives or, even better, full worker

ownership. Unfortunately, I cannot fully agree with everything the union has to say, and one

instance revolves around their support for the construction of oil pipelines. Their argument is

simply about job creation but lacks any real meaning when applied to its consequences.

Nonetheless, it will be interesting to hear their opinions on the upcoming 2020 Presidential



Ackerman, Andrew et al. (2019) “Trump’s Labor Nominee, Eugene Scalia, Poised to Advance in

Senate,” Wall Street Journal Extracted from:



Center for Responsible Politics (2019) AFL-CIO: Summary, Extracted from:


Samuel, William (2019) “Letter Opposing Eugene Scalia's Nomination as Labor Secretary,”

American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations. Extracted from:



Vote Smart (2019) “American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations

(AFL-CIO)” Extracted from:



Weber, John (2019) “For Your Consideration: Eugene Scalia,” Press Release. Extracted from:


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