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3. Q:Statement of the problem 3.

A:Ms. Marlene needs to answer the questions raised by financiers at the next meeting. For
example, the aviation school has reached a standard of disposable and stable for a long time. Ms.
Marlene needs to explain the current situation and explain how to make the aviation school a
4. Alternative course of action 4.替代措施

(1)provide at least 3 choices

5. Write down advantages and disadvantages

(1)至少提供 3 种选择
1: A place where a finance school provides a training school
2:Provided by the investor
3:The feasibility of the project is determined by the investor
The advantage is 1: the cost of land acquired by Ma Lin is low
2: The region is very important in national government development projects
3: The road leading to the area is under construction with complete infrastructure
4:Ms. Ma Lin has extensive training experience.
weakness is
1: It is difficult to get results in a short time.
2: Can not reach the standard of disposable and stable in a short time.
3:The teacher may not be strong enough.

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