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Science Grade 1 2nd quarter

Comparing Materials
 Plastic
o Pail
o Cups
o Envelope
 Metal
o Pots
o Pan
o Knives
o Spoon and fork
 Wood
o Tables
o Chair
o Floor
 Leather
o Shoes
o Bag
o Wallet
 Glass
o Mirror
o Water glass
o Windows
 Fabric
o Shirts
o Dress
o Curtains
o Blanket

Parts of the body

1. Head
2. Trunk
3. Limbs

 is the upper part of the body
 Has a face which includes the eyes,ears nose and mouth; the mouth includes the tongue teeth
 Has hair
 Middle part of the body
 Hold the body in upright position
 Includes the shoulder,chest,abdomen,waist and hip
 Has a ribcage inside the chest and abdomen; the ribs are the bones that protect the inside of the
chest and abdomen
 Includes the arms and legs
 Arms( upper arm,lower arm,wrist,hand, elbow)
 Legs(thigh,legs,knees,toes,fingers and foot

Importance of limbs
 Carry object
 Fingers help hold the objects
 Legs and feet move from one place to another; steo,jump and hop

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