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Captain Phillips is a 2013 biographical drama-thriller film.

It is an adaptation based on true story of 2009

highjacking of the U.S. container ship Mearsk Alabama by a crew of Somali Pirates. The four Somali
pirates forcefully take over their ship. Phillips instructs his crew to hide until they hear they safe word
from him. The pirates go to the bridge and tell Phillips they want money. Phillips offers the $30,000
which they only have but Muse become greedier to change his mind that he want millions. Since Phillip
and his crew are hiding Muse goes off to find them. However, merchant mariner Captain Richard Philips
was taken hostage by pirates in the Indian Ocean led by Abduwali Muse. They try to go to Somali but
U.S. Navy arrives and tried to stop them. Tom Hanks who played the role of Captain Richard Philips and
his exceptional performances give life to the film. It is directed by Paul Greengrass who made it possible
to be more realistic and give justice to the true story. The film made the viewers to feel the excitement
and suspense. The film Captain Philips left an outstanding performance and I don’t doubt its success
because as I watch the film I realize many things and learned from it.

A movie taught me many things that came from extraordinary life experience about leadership and
perseverance. A line from the most intense scene of the Captain Philips film for me is “Stop the tow…
Execute!” where in it brought me goose bumps and chill. It is pretty cool to see the crew try their best to
fend off the pirates, even using flares. It has many lessons to acquire especially leadership. I realize that
leader’s behaviours influence how other act. As a leader it is important to appeal intelligent and brave to
the subordinates because a leader is a role model of everyone. He is the one who will guide everyone to
achieve one goal. If a leader will show wariness and fear then everyone will doubt. Captain Phillips
mantra is, “You’re stronger than you know.” Sometimes you think you already given your best when the
truth is there is more of you that you didn’t know. You can be a hero in the most unexpected way. I also
learn that all you need to be is to make your faith strong. If you will surrender then you will lose. Life is a
battle that if you are not brave enough to face all the challenges you will not survive. A scene where
Abduwali Muse said, “I come too far; I can’t give up”. His line makes me remember how far I gone
through just to give up. Giving up is for losers and it is the last resort. All of us fight our own battle
however fighting with a wrong mind set is not good. Sometimes it is more convenient if we surrender
and learn that not all battles are worth fighting for.

This film is worth watching and I highly recommend this film to all, especially to the seafarers and future
or aspiring seafarers so that they can reflect from this film and learn important things.

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