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dog story’ 1 Page | of 3 -dog story’ February 21, 2012 at 237m Our Dog! -past > It was a Pekingese ‘female black/white’ “side cif note* -This happened just the the last few years | had to deal with this dog since 2007-2008. Simple the last couple of years before we moved. | have felt very resentful and heart broken that this dog changed so abruptiy before she was the dog I've knew best and temembered most. In otherwords, this pet I've enjoyed and gotten along with changed and became a dog | personally didn't know and understand anymore, She as I've noted became very territorial and showed dominance over everything cause she was raised very freely to take over the house and everything she had, even my own parents making it hard to interact with them at that time. | am stating in this story that it all finally got out of control or hand from being manged anymore, This today makes me feel sad and honestly, | believe as I've been told or informed; that this dog had gotten a lot better and more settled with less of these issues being present with my grandmother. At that time, since she went to my grandmother, that was hard to for me to process or believe around the year of 2009. Now. I'm just having dreams either of remembrance of her or fearing she could return, and yes | was definitely and realistically since those last few years.. truly terrified of her for life which is why | am also having a phobia of dogs from now on since than. I'd cause as a result of depressing memories, either a panic attack or maybe me simple passing out of a rapid heart rate which was common since than also | ried to teach or punish the pet not to dominate the house, living space, and for mistreating ‘me just because | was at the bottom of the social rank in their eyes compared to the rest of the family. The pet was jealous of me being given any attention, food, or care of any sort which the pet only wanted for themselves, very greedy in that way. The pet gained functional dominance or power over everything because it was never corrected or told right from wrong, Quided, or controlled at all t was as if the pet was free to do what it wanted and can get away with it type of situation. The pet didn't even want me to lve in the same home with the family or socialize as that made the pet angry or anxious depending. | have read that many times it's the child that gets mistreated because they are at the bottom of the social rank in a pet's eyes or view point. So, technically the pet doesn't even care how it treats me or have any feelings ‘concerning it. The pet just never got taught not to bully me if you're wondering, who was bullied, pushed around by, and hurt everyday by. itwasn't me who wanted this, | wanted to be nice to it in the beginning, but after just a few weeks after it was bought, it started acting very aggressively to other people, other pets, and me cause | lived there Well Iwas bit, snapped at, growled al, and more which are red flags or warning signs that is suggesting that there is something wrong with the pet and that it won't socialize with certain family members. | tried to encourage the idea that you or her as part of a family should do something about it, but all | ever got from it was excuses and being blamed for pettiness due to what | may have been like as child, and hey, these pets aren't not suppose to be around https://www. facebook, com/note. 3 9/19/2015 dog story’ 2 Page 2 of 3 children alone or supervise the situation. The pet was mad at me because it wanted everything above me, to have superior status in the home as to what it gains and get from the family, so it was preventing me from living in a stable environment and keeping me away from ‘my family or having anything, cause the pet will ake advantage of it and take whatever it is ‘away from me, There wasn't hardly a day that the pet didn't show sort form of aggression, rather it was playing or not, mostly towards me. | know I was always out at school every day ‘or doing something outside of the home, so most of the time, | didn't have time to socialize with the pet or allow it to really get fo know me well. The pet was kept inside and permitted from the outside world, never much around other people or other pets, no extra social activities. twas and got scary that the fact the pet became paranoid and fearful of living in its own, environment and had to be around just certain people, mainly one or two at the max. | also Notice that the pet developed bad habits or clawing the base board of the wall, licking the carpet, and digging into the floor or just about anything else, and even chewing an itset, either @ foot or a tal, until the fur was eat off of it which could have been bad nerves or anxieties. Oh, the pet would always shake all the time associating with bad nerves or anxieties. One thing's for sure, the pet was very unhappy and uncomfortable in its ‘environment, The pet wes unmanageable, unpredictable, and uncontrollable, mainly when | was around that is as if the pet was determined to overpower me or show that it was alpha and | was nothing at all in terms of who show be dealing with it or who is the boss of any situation, as | am grown, | knew that was wrong. | knew that nothing was being done about it and as @ result, it was just only getting worse. It was not me that hurt it, it was it hurting me €and that really shouldn't be the factor to that issue cause the pet had gained complete alpha social status and domination over the family and | couldn't even put a dent in that issue, The ‘pet never listened to me, was extremely stubborn when told to do something or to obey. 1 have read that was because of the strong alpha status in the family they have over me, it was a if, the pet was suddenly telling me whet to do, and that's isrit what should be occurring, ‘You can't just pick it up or move it, as the pet only gets the upper hand in everything and makes me look small making me fee! like | am in woods or in dark about how to manage the situation. | wasn't trying to be mean, | was trying to stop the pet from being this way and ending up torturing me as a resutt of allthis which only meant that the situation was out of ‘control and unwanted, elt that as you don't lke the thought of it, kicking a pet is Keeping the rest of yourself ‘away from it lke the hands and the face from the pet's grasp, any of the softer parts of the body that is exposed. | just fet lke there was no choice, | had to do i, or get badly hurtin the future as | saw i, like I was going to become the pets’ unfortunate victim like most children as |Lam ended up becoming as a result of doing nothing about it. Iwas angry and frightened at the pet at the same time, mostly angry about how it rested me, how it was keeping me from eating, keeping me from my family, and from living in a stable home that could have been safe, cause it was very insecure and harsh all the time, the pet was always on edge and ‘always threatening to attack me every day and | have just got fed up with it, | wouldn't go ‘around tolerating it anymore. About that, | never walk away, | handle it, or I would be saying ‘900d bye to my lfe possibly. If you were in my shoes, | know you would understand more, | ‘am sure. Though even afterwards, there was no enswer in sight about how to further handle hitps:/Awww.facebook. conv/note. 3 9/19/2015 dog story’ 3 OF resolve the situation. My actions towards the pet meant that it must leave me alone, allow me to associate with my family, and live in the house as an equal Of course, that never worked and never got anywhere, it just as usual got worse. It seemed to make the pet temporarily abject to it, But soon returned to its original ways. | wished the pet ‘would stop torturing me to the ground which was becoming too unbearable. Yeah, compared to school, that was the worse bully I've ever met! Torturing me without mercy over my social rank with my family and being with my family or even near them. So much, trying to drive me ‘scared out of my home and away from my family altogether. The dominating over everything, like @ dictator getting only for what they want as a result, leaving everyone else in the dust, in that case. The strong possession and domination of everything, living space, furniture, family, ‘and the house entirely, as if the whole house and those they wanted belonged to them. So, 1 ‘guess those toys weren't enough was it, or the miniature pet bed either, just no satisfaction ‘about anything, just hunger so to speak for more and more. Wake up! The pet was becoming ut of control and dangerous, ever sine it tured ten, it started forming these elusive behaviors. The pet had always had a form of or certain degree of aggression, being brought Lup at a puppy mill, which isthe worse place for a pet I've heard to be at before being bought by any owner, that they're going have unwanted behaviors. When the pet started biting, | truly ‘don't understand why you or her, didnit doing anything about it, why was that behavior tolerated so much!? That was harshly painful and wasnit put under control so | would be less {earful and know things were under contro! or managed properly. | feel as if you let it abuse me and didn't take care of the situation, which is why | was $0 traumatized by it. It just plainly became an environmental hazard for me, which seemed a long time that it won't ever let up or decease to be the case. Itbecame so much under unbearable pressure, it caused me to get sick, bleed from wounds, ‘un high fever, and reised my blood pressure, which also caused a horrible amount to stress and pain for me. Well, thanks, | am glad you and her finally moved the pet to another location. Atleast | am not harassed by it anymore or have to endure all the miserable and unhealthy situation. | still believe that's what set off my menorthagia, which | had to get a endometrial ablation for, than later since my ovaries got rattled and shocked, had to go through major depression that lasted for at least eight months without a break. Now, | am under constant {treatment for this circumstance, ever since | went to the behavioral hospital as an out-patient member for @ while that included counseling and medicine, regular therapy, and thus far, it's been similar, only this time it's @ oral regimen therapy instead unlike that, instead of mind or mood altering medicine. | have tried two kinds of mixes for tht, and I believe Im gonna use the second one that just makes me highly fatigued and drowsy meaning | sleep excessively ‘on those. Noflng personally that they're only compatible ones that don't have side effects that cause me to become anything, but negative towards my parents and myself. https://www. facebook convnote, 3 Page 3 of 3 9/192015

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