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international negotiation


jhonatan ortiz montaña

Actividad de aprendizaje 14

Evidencia 1: Dialogue “Evaluating product and service”

Bogota D.C

1. Elabore un diálogo en inglés de dos personas, en el cual evalúe el proceso de gestión de la
empresa en la que trabaja, o de una empresa que conozca, para hacerlo tenga en cuenta lo

o Utilizar el presente perfecto al hablar de los procesos que se han implementado.

o Usar los condicionales, con el fin de plantear algunas modificaciones y actividades a implementar
para el mejoramiento de procesos.

o Incluir preguntas de información (Wh questions) en las que un hablante pregunta y el otro

o Representar el diálogo de manera gráfica usando caricaturas y nombres para los personajes.


JACK: Hi, how are you?

thiago: very well, thanks and you?

JACK: well thanks

JACK: Tell me a little about the quality management process in beauty products

thiego: Of course, at that time, I have been working for a long time on the implementation and
improvement of quality through safety standards in the operational areas of our company's
beauty products.

JACK: It helps me a lot since I've been thinking about creating my own company. but I need help
with information

thiago: count on my support, keep in mind that you must start a management process in your
company, since I have been working with the staff that already mentioned you.

JACK: And how are you implementing this management process?

thiago: I explain, A management process is a set of activities that interact with the goal of
transforming elements that come and go for customer satisfaction.

JACK: And why are you implementing it in the area of beauty products?

thiago: because other products are produced in this area and must be the pillar of quality.

JACK: I like the subject, besides having read books and you should have trained too much, but
what else could I do in my company for a good quality management?

thiago: Well, one of the main rules regarding operator safety is to wear your uniform very well
with your vest and waterproof pants. in the same way have a good posture to avoid a problem in
the future.

Know the rules and apply them very well.

JACK: and if you don't put it into practice, the others won't.
thiago: of course yes, if you want to join me in this welcome process you can learn some things for
your company.

JACK: If I have time, I promise you I'll go. for the moment I have to go but I hope you do very well
with your quality management process.

thiago: thank you very much for coming and listening to me friend

2. Realice un glosario de términos basado en el material complementario mencionado,

con los términos que le hayan sido útiles en la creación del diálogo, este debe estar

compuesto del término y su definición en inglés; si lo considera necesario, puede

utilizar el diccionario monolingüe online de su preferencia


Management: Organization, management and management of a community or an institution. The

poor administration of many governments kept the country in misery. The Company's
administration awarded the most outstanding workers.

Safety: State of a person or thing in which it is free of risk or danger. The authorities reinforced the
security of the bank with bars and alarm systems

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