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Name:_emma carballo____________________nov 5 2019______________

Date: ___________________
Idiom Assessment
Match the underlined idiom to it’s meaning.
B A. yelling very loud
1. This test is a piece of cake.
B. easy
2. They were just pulling my leg when they said
we had a test today. C. very expensive;
E costs a lot of money
3. I had butterflies in my stomach waiting to hear
A whether I passed the test.
D. joking
4. The baby was screaming his lungs out.
C E. nervous
5. The game I bought cost an arm and a leg.

Underline the idiom in each sentence. Write the meaning of the idiom on the
line provided.

1. Mark let the cat of out of the bag.

Mark let the cat go away

2. The teacher told her class to knock it off.

The teacher told students to control their self and be quiet
3. My daughter was feeling a little under the weather.
Her daughter was feeling sick

4. The kids hit the hay about 9:00 every night.

Kids go to sleep at 9:00

5. Mrs. Morris sounded like she had a frog in her throat.

Her voice was hoarse

Choose your favorite idiom and write a sentence with it.

I am on top of the world

Meaning: feeling great.

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