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Examining the Truth Behind College Expenses in America

Annotated Bibliography

Inquiry: Why is American college so expensive and why do we just accept the costs?

Proposed thesis: The college students should challenge the American government for a more

reasonable tuition, because without the students the college has no income, no


Appel, Hannah, and Taylor, Astra. “Education with a Debt Sentence: For-Profit Colleges as
American Dream Crushers and Factories of Debt.” New Labor Forum, vol. 24, no. 1, Jan.
2015, pp. 31–36.
The article was written a couple years back, so it is very relevant and has valuable

information. The creditability of the article is backed by the authors biographies and the

data used; the article was also located within the university’s library database as an

academic journal. The article seemed to have a biased towards the students that are

attending the colleges. In addition, the authors suggested that colleges advertise great

opportunities and results when they are really debt contributors and disastrous, “that

these corporations actually exist and are universities.” The article is suitable for my
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project because it discusses how colleges make money while students savings are being

crushed. The authors have strong opinions and make it known that they are against the

“disastrous” corporations that are our colleges and universities. The audience for the

article is directed to the public and researchers. The stakes of the article are

represented by the rising tuition costs for the college students so that the college

doesn’t suffer financially, these institutions are businesses too. Furthermore, the

stakeholders of the article are colleges and the students paying the tuition, because the

colleges need money to operate which causes more students in debt because of

increasing expenses. The argument used by the author is a mixture of definition and

quality because the article builds on what is facts and suggests further definitions, it also

has qualities of ethics considering how the data affects students.

Brehm, Will. “Education’s Big Short: Learning Peonage in American Universities.” Globalization,
Societies & Education, vol. 17, no. 3, June 2019, pp. 296–309. https://www-tandfonline-
The article was recently written in 2019 making the article very current. In addition, the

article’s relevance is demonstrated threw the reports and the diverse data being backed

by a case study mentioned in the article. The author shows a slight biased towards the

students because of the increasing costs but Brehm has a curtain style of writing when

referring to the American students. For example: “The desire for education among

American youth knows no limit” and “American youth copied their peers and

succumbed to social pressure when choosing to attend higher education.” These

examples show the author does not appear to think highly of American students, by

suggesting that American teenagers just get degrees to fit in with friends. The article is
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filled with data and different findings, but the main concentration was on the

relationship between education and the labor market. The article discusses how student

debt affects the young adults’ lives and suggests that “higher education is teaching

future generations the practices of debt peonage.” The article is very creditable because

it is an academic journal from the university’s library. In addition, this article is suitable

for my project because it provides a variety of data surrounding colleges costs changes

and how the costs are affecting the stakeholders. The stakeholders of the article are the

students taking on the student debt, while the stakes are getting a good degree without

wasting your money. The article is meant to be read by other researchers and people of

importance that can use the data to make changes. The argument for the article seems

to be fact and definition because the author suggests the theories are incorrectly

showing how much people with the degrees are making verse people without a degree.

Furthermore, the theories are incorrect because the “theories of education and the

labor market do not include debt.”

Campos, Paul. “The Economics of American Higher Education in the New Gilded Age.” Utah Law
Review, vol. 2018, no. 4, July 2018, pp. 867–883.
The article is relevant because it was written in the past year and because it discusses

student debt as a function of curtain factor. Furthermore, this article is suitable for my

project because it talks about student debt as a problem on its own and then discusses

the factors of student debt, which is important because my project is about college

expenses. The article is creditable because I found it in the university’s library database

as an academic journal, which makes the article highly creditable. The author seems to
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have biased towards the students that have to pay for colleges increasing tuitions cause

by government budget cuts. Moreover “student debt is a function of three factors: the

cost of higher education, the extent to which that cost is subsidized through sources

other than students and their families, and the percentage of unsubsidized revenue that

is supplied via loans rather than out-of-pocket payments.” The article will discuss the

first two factors, “while addressing the increasingly common claim that, in recent years,

higher education in America has been “defunded.”” The article’s stakes are represented

by the colleges declining support from the government so the tuition payers, the stake

holders like the students or the students’ parents, must make up the difference. The

audience of the article is meant for students and other researchers, because it goes over

important data that would be beneficial in research and be beneficial information for

students. The articles argument is quality and policy, because the article discusses that

there is a problem that needs addressed and also addresses whether this situation is

good or bad ethically.

Clark, Tom, et al. “‘We Will Never Escape These Debts’: Undergraduate Experiences of
Indebtedness, Income-Contingent Loans and the Tuition Fee Rises.” Journal of Further &
Higher Education, vol. 43, no. 5, June 2019, pp. 708–721. https://www-tandfonline-
The article is very relevant considering it was published in the past year, so its

information is current and useful. The article is recording data from European students,

so the findings and information can be useful in my project to compare the data to the

American students. The article is creditable because I found it on the university’s library

database as an academic journal, which makes the article highly creditable.

Furthermore, the article is suitable for my project because it is relevant to my topic and
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uses data that is updated and important for my research. The authors seem to have a

biased towards the students that are attending the university and how the university

affects their financial stability. Even though the article is about European college

students it mentions a policy that “required individual students to shoulder both the

immediate financial costs of HE (higher education) and the economic uncertainty of

their own futures.” Additionally, this article shows how American students aren’t the

only ones facing debt problems so I could use this article to compare European students

to American students’ financial struggles. The stakes for the article are shown by the

students struggling to pay for tuition and have the money affects their lives, therefore

the stakeholders are the students because they are the ones paying for the college

tuition and dealing with the aftermath. The article is based around data concerning

college students in Europe, so the intended audience is other students or researchers

seeking information. The data and charts presented threw out the article suggests that

the articles argument is a mixture of quality and policy because the article states the

situation and how it affects the stakeholder, and makes you question the policies ethics,

whether it is the right choice or not.

Duggan, Michael, et al. “Can Students Catch a Break?” Journal of College Admission, no. 223,
Spring 2014, pp. 6–11.
Being published in 2014 makes the article fairly relevant, it was written in the last 5

years, but things change fast when it comes to expenses and money. The article

examines a lot of diverse data from studies and reports on financial aid and other

factors that are considered when paying for college tuition. Furthermore, the articles
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main focus is on college tuition discounting, where “the amount of institutionally-

funded aid used to reduce a student’s tuition bill, the discount is presented as a

proportion of the tuition rate.” The article was found threw google scholar and was a

reference for one of my earlier articles, so the article is very creditable. The author

seems to stick to the facts but does have a slight biased towards the programs, like

grants and financial aid, that assist students with paying college tuition. The article

discusses the information about the different aiding factors that are considered or used

when paying for college, the information goes over different studies and reports about

these aiding programs. The programs are meant to help the financially overwhelmed

students, so the stakes are whether the student will be able to attend college debt free,

whether the student qualifies for all the criteria to receive curtain assistance.

Furthermore, the students are the stakeholders, because these programs are meant to

help them, but the students must qualify for them and apply for them. Considering the

article is factual and goes over lots of data from studies, the articles audience is

researchers, policymakers, and maybe other students. The argument for the article is a

mixture of policy and definition because the article goes over different data and is

suggesting that their needs to be more considered for most financial aid programs and it

builds on that idea to try and find a solution.

Flaster, Allyson. “Kids, College, and Capital: Parental Financial Support and College Choice.”
Research in Higher Education, vol. 59, no. 8, Dec 2018, pp. 979-1020, https://link-
The article’s relevance is shown in not only the numerous studies but also in the amount

of knowledge it provides the reader. Being written in the last year makes this article
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very current because it has updated information to back the claims. The article is

creditable because I found it in the reference section of another academic journal, the

article is from a journal of it own and seems legitimate. The bias of the article is more

towards the parents and their perspective of college expenses and whether they are

helping their child pay or not. The article’s research reflects the claim that, the family

and the financial problems play a role in influencing college access for students. The

article is mainly concerned with the parents of the students, by focusing on curtain

aspects of the parents and using that data for different studies. Furthermore, the article

gathers this information to better understand the financial bond between different

parents and their children, assessing what influences their decision making when it

comes to college costs. The article states that the “parents’ financial support of their

children reflects bonds formed within the private realm of the family unit.” The article is

suitable for my project because it shows a different perspective on the topic, instead of

showing the colleges problems, it shows the families problems with paying for college.

In addition, the audience for the article is meant to be read by policymakers,

researchers, and administrators. The articles stakeholders are the parents of the

children and the stakes are represented by the expensive demand of a college degree

and how the costs of the tuition will be paid. The argument used is quality, because the

article examines the parents thought process and whether the parents will financially

assist their child threw college or not.

Koh, Jonathan P., et al. “The ‘Double‐Whammy’: How Cuts in State Appropriations and Federal
Pell Grants Harm Rural Community College Students and the Institutions That Serve
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Them.” New Directions for Community Colleges, vol. 2019, no. 187, Fall 2019, pp. 9–17.
The article is relevant to the topic by means of discussing the several variables of public

community colleges, like the size or where it’s located, in relation to the colleges public

funding. In addition, being written in 2019 is fitting for this article because it helps justify

its relevance by providing recent studies and current challenges that will be useful

evidence. The article emphasizes the community college’s struggles but fails to mention

the other party’s side, like the govern or states that are cutting the colleges funds, which

implies that the authors have a bias towards the community colleges. Furthermore, this

is an academic journal located in the university’s library database which makes this

article highly creditable. Additionally, the article examines different studies and data

that highlights its claims of inequalities between the states and within the states at

community colleges of various sizes and geographical settings. The stakes of the article

are represented by the changing tuition and how it affects the stakeholders, the

students & the students parents paying for the community college, because the people

paying for the tuition have invested their time and money into the college. The article

also suggests that the “state governments, the federal government, and workforce

development stakeholders want their community colleges to step up and provide the

high‐tech, high‐skill workers they need.” Moreover, the article is meant for an audience

who will understand the data, like state officials or students doing research, the article

isn’t meant for the public because it’s a research paper. The argument used is a policy

because the article states the serval issues that community colleges face and implies

that the situation at hand needs something done about it. Considering the article not
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only talks about increasing tuition, but also has data and evidence to back the claims,

the article is very suitable for my project.

Thelin, John R. “Missions Impossible: Prospects and Planning in American Higher Education.”
Society, vol. 55, no. 6, Dec. 2018, pp. 556–559. https://link-springer-
The article was written in 2018 so the information and the data provided is very current

and useful. Furthermore, the article is relevant by examining several books to show

divergent perspectives on rising college costs. The article’s bias is towards the different

perspectives discussed in the article, because the author doesn’t necessarily favor the

colleges. I found the article in the university’s library as an academic journal, so the

article is very creditable and a good source for the project. The article is suitable for my

project because its not only is relevant, but it is also demonstrating the different

perspectives on the rising costs of college tuition. The perspectives all have different

opinions, so the stakes are represented by which perspective is favored most and used

the most, which makes the stakeholders the different book authors of the books that

are discussed in the article. Furthermore, by using “recent excellent books are useful for

showing divergent perspectives on these problems.” The article is meant to be read by

researchers and policymakers to improve their view on the subject and to stay

informed. The argument presented in the article is a mixture of fact and definition

because it states the common knowledge but also introduces new and different

information to consider as facts.

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