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Report of Observation & Conference by University Supervisor SurveyMonkey

Collector: New Link (Web Link)
Started: Saturday, September 21, 2019 10:23:15 AM
Last Modified: Saturday, September 21, 2019 10:51:32 AM
Time Spent: 00:28:17
IP Address:

Page 1: Personal Information

Q1 Teacher Candidate's Name

Kira Madison

Q2 Date of visit


Q3 Time of visit

1:25 - 2:40 pm

Q4 Cooperating Teacher's Name

Lauren Taggert

Q5 School

Centerville Elementary

Q6 Grade


Q7 Next visit (date and time)

October 2019 TBD

Page 2: Lesson Plan

Q8 Please enter comments below related to the teacher candidate's lesson plan(s):

Kira's lesson plan was detailed, contained all the component parts. State standards were listed, and the local school district's "I can"
statements were documented.

Report of Observation & Conference by University Supervisor SurveyMonkey

Page 3: Week Journal Review

Q9 Please enter comments below related to the teacher candidate's weekly journal review(s):

Kira has expressed that she has learned a great deal from her cooperating teacher. She talked about how staff training before the
opening of school was interesting and useful to her understanding of what a teacher profession entails.

Page 4: Observations

Q10 Please enter general comments below related to your observations.

Kira was introducing math word problems in small groups. She dissected the word problems by asking the students to break down the
instruction. She coached the students to find the answers, using single and multi-step problems. Her work with the students went well
and Kira was effective in her instruction.

Q11 What went well:

Kira had a good rapport with students. She modeled how to work with math problems. She was well-organized and patient with the

Q12 What could be done differently:

For students who finished really early with the math problems, Kira could have thrown in some bonus questions,or enrichment
questions to keep everyone engaged.

Q13 Candidate's strengths:

Kira asked guiding questions to help students understand the concept. She gave clear instructions. Kira used technology (SMART
Monitor with Interactive Screen) effectively.

Q14 Areas that need refinement:

As Kira wrote on and used the interactive SMART board, her writing was a little hard to read. She needs to print clearly so all students
can plainly see her instructional inputs.

Q15 Focus for next observation:

Kira did a good start today. For the next observation, I would like to see her present a lesson to the whole class,with a variety of
instructional strategies.


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