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Republic of the Philippines


Don Severino de las Alas Campus
Indang, Cavite

A Narrative Report Submitted to:

Ms. Rea Caraig

In Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for

Contemporary World

Bautista, Mark Lester
Besonia, Julie Mae
Besonia, Ge Ann
Cacho, Sherilyn Mae
Calleja, Russel
Caraan, Maria Nieva
Catulay, Dalyn

November 5, 2019
What is Global Media Culture

•Through globalization, we experiencing that we can live easily.

•Through advance technology, everything makes easy for us unlike before that everything
is based on manual living.

•Through advancement, we can communicate to others even they are away from us.

According to Lule (2014) - globalization not occur without media since they are
partners throughout the history of man.

•it means that media is key role in globalization.

•media is the reason why in this world have globalization.

•role of media in globalization is important because if there is no media, there is no

globalization occur or started.


•Accoring to Lule (2014)

-globalization could not occur without media since they as cited by Lue (2014)

-there was a rupture within the social life in the 20th century.

• Many scholars believed that globalization started as early as the nomadic Homo Sapiens.

-supported by Chanda (2007) as cited by Lulu (2014)

•Chanda (2007)

-globalization is a process that has worked silently for millenial without having been given
a name.

-has been with us since the beginning of the history.

• Baybayin

-is an early writing of the Filipinos which consists of symbols.•Media

-used to deliver or a passage of communication.

Evolution of Media and Globalization

1. Oral communication

First form of language is the cave painting created by homosapiens around 130,00p
BC. Other form also existed like storytelling, songs, chants or drums and smoke signals.
Through language, man learns to cooperate and to work with each other also it helps them
to pass warnings and information, travel and adopt to their environment.

Language helps man to settle down, improve economic, social and political life.Man
through language is not only confined within his territory but created a cross continental trade
which creates cities and civilization

2. Script

A system of writing or the written means of human communication. First recorded writing
begins in sumeria over 4000 years ago and the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh is a stunning
example of what the written word can produce. Writing was first done through wood carving,
clay, bronze, copper, bones, stones ,tortoise shells.
The discovery of the use of papyrus eventually led to the organization of political,
economic, cultural and religious practices of the people. The spread of this system reached
different areas of the world , hence integration among countries began and so with

3. Printing Press
Reading materials became cheap and easily circulated. Numerous books, pamphlet
and flyers were produced, reproduced and desseminated. Economic, religious and political
ideas spread rapidly in different parts of the world
It changed the very nature of knowledge. 1. It preserved and standardized knowledge.
2. It encouraged the challenge of political and religious authority because of its ability to
circulate the different views. The widespread of nationalistic ideals, different economic
theories, diverse culture of people. Printing press truly nurture globalization.

4. Electronic Media

Examples of electronic media are telegraph, telephone, radio, film and television.
The invention of telegraph in 1830s by Samuel Morse revolutionized long distance
communication. It greatly advantageous since rail road travel became efficient and safe.
Businesses were able to exchange information about market, prices, deliveries and delays.
Newspapers could deliver reports in an instant. The discovery of telephone is another
innovation in communication. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876 and it
speedily capture the globe. After the telegraph and telephone is the invention of radio it was
considered as a wireless telegraph by 1900 and by 1920 broadcast stations were transmitting
music and news "on air". Another medium that was invented to solidify communication is the
film. Silent motion picture was first publicized by 1870 while in 1890 film was developed as
mass medium. By 1920, television was created and became the most powerful and universal
mass medium. And in 1973 with the invention of cellphones, it dominated the world and
become the most popular device since it is penetrated even the farthest area of the world.

Electronic media then, facilitated the growth of interconnectedness across cosmic

distances and a progressive flexibility in social interaction.
5. Digital Media

It refers to audio, video and photo content that has been encoded.

Digital media products can be found in commerce, games- console, online and mobile,
websites and mobile application, animation etc.

Digital media can include these industries: entertainment, technology, ecommerce,

nonprofit, health education, marketing and advertising, government, sports, environment,
television and publishing.

Computer is considered the most popular and influential digital media to globalization

Global Imaginary and Global Village

Media introduced people to the world and the world to people. It has a significant role
in the realization of globalization. Media did not only link the globe with cables but also with
images, stories, myths, and symbols.

According to Lule (2014), he believed that media helped to bring fundamentally new
imaginary village. While, Manfred Steger (2008) has called a rising global imaginary - the globe
itself as imagined community. Before only few people believed that they are citizens of the
world, but now cosmopolitanism is feature in our modern life where people see themselves
as part of the world.

As stated by Benedict Anderson (1991), his main focus was the origin of nation and
nationalism. He also argued that nation is a result of imagination wherein people will never
meet face to face but they can imagine themselves as one.

As believed by Arjun Appardurai (1996) which is cited by Lule (2014), imagination is

not a fantasy but a social fact and a staging ground for action. In accordance to that, Marshall
McLuhan foreseen that media have connected the world— which created the Global Village
(will bring utopia /perfect world, through media people will be like neighbors living in a
Pentecostal condition of universal understanding and unity.)

Likewise, Lewis Mumford (1970) similar to McLuhan found utopian hope in media
technology, however he was disappointed to see that media technology was used for
capitalism, militarism, profit and power. His dream nightmares abandoned his idea of utopia
and became the fiercest critic of McLuhan.

Among globalization and media will bring dark and dystopian world and global village,
globalization and media really have great impact to politics, economics, and culture.

Media: A Vehicle to Economic, Political and Cultural Globalization

We consider the reality that media plays an important role in the growth of economic
globalization in our world.

Media worked side by side with globalization for the creation of global capitalism and
by promoting the conceptual foundation of the world’s market economy

According to Jan (2009), globalization is another form of colonialism, a new disguise

for imperialism since it has the same motive: control over resources and the right of might

Today, media has transformed into a business that is dominated by mass-media corporations
promoting their own interests at the level of individual administrations.

These capitalists fill our screen with their invitations, advertisements and
encouragements to buy their products.
Furthermore, a handful of media enterprises and media moguls such as Time-Warner-
AOL, Disney, Rupert Murdoch, and Bill Gates have become icons of globalization.

These media companies and actors both have ambitions of global market domination
and serve as the messengers of a new global era

Particularly, the transnational news services with a global or regional reach, such as
CNN, BBC World, euro news, Sky news, and Star news, have come to be regarded as the town
criers of the global village (Jan, 2019)

According to McChesney (1997) as cited by Lule(2014) “Economic and cultural

globalization arguably would be impossible without a global commercial media system to
promote global market and to encourage consumer values, thus, global media is the new
missionaries of global capitalism.”


In economics, oligopoly is a state of limited competition, in which a market is shared

by a small number of producers or sellers

McChesney (2010) as cited by Lule (2014), contends that media oligopoly is not
interested in the ideology of global village or the evangelizing of cultural values, thus it is
interested only in profit. Due to the creation of this oligopoly the diversity of media content
disseminated through global media flows has been diminished, with huge cultural
implications, (Vineet Kaul, 2011)

Many of the films, entertainments and news today do not cares the values and the
most significant information which the people need to know.

According to researcher George Gerbner (1994) as cited by Jan (2009), the most successful
television programs are no longer made for national consumption but rather for international

Due to oligopoly’s single-minded interest on profit it resulted to a mass content rather

than local content.

Also, it resulted passive populace – they think more of products rather than politics.
They are concerned more of being a consumer rather that a citizen.
Daya Thussu (2004) as cited by Lule, decribes the poverty of news and says that the
issues concerning the world’s poor are being increasingly marginalized as a softer lifestyle
variety of reporting appears to dominate global television news agenda. Another a Harvard
University study of US network news found that in 1970’s – 45% of the coverage was devoted
to international news however, in 1995 only 13.5% is committed to international news (Enda,
2011 as cited by Lule).

Control and Power

Globalization has a great impact to economics as well as to politics because it becomes

stirring wheel for the creation of nation state, however the nation states are weekend
because people ang border become fluid and unsolidified in globalization world.

According to (Lule,2014), Most of the media corporations are the powerful political
actors, individual journalist is subject to brutal and intense intimidation as more actors
contend on power.

Over 12 years according to International Federation Journalist, there are already 1,100
journalists killed in line of their duty.

Globalization has made the world a horrowing place for journalists.

However, some scholars believed that with the use of digital media- it will help turn
political life to be more humane- vigilant- responsible. Digital media will help in enlarging
public domain- more people will be involved with political action and civil society.

Cultural Imperialism: “cultural dopes” with “hypodermic needle”

Cultural Imperialism is the idea of the culture of one powerful civilization, country, or
institution having great unreciprocated influence on that of another, less powerful, entity to
a degree that one may speak of a measure of cultural “domination.” Cultural imperialism has
sometimes been described as a theory, especially where scholars build a case that the cultural
influence of the stronger entity has had a pervasive, pernicious impact on the weaker (Barret,
2018). The term cultural dope invites criticism of social scientific models that place specific
actions in a dependent relationship to general norms and institutional structures. Hypodermic
Needle Theory, also known as Magic Bullet Theory (hypodermic syringe model or
transmission-belt model) was promulgated by Harold Lasswell in 1920s. It was written in the
book “Propaganda Technique” in the World War. The theory is a linear model of
communication and talks about media’s power on audience. The message, in this theory, is
said to be like a magic bullet which enters the minds of audience and injects a particular
message. The theory explains how media controls what the audience views and listens to and
the effects, which can be immediate or later in future. The words bullet and needle are used
to show the powerlessness of the audience as media impacts public opinion and behavior

Media today is a significant carrier of culture, but it should be understood that media
are people – they are agents of economic imperialism and aggressive political lobbyist on
culture which promotes beauty, power and profit. Lule (2014) said that the commingling of
media, culture and globalization can result to combustible and explosive mixture. And this
statement is supported Pieterse (2004) as cited by Lule. Accordingly, there are actually three
and only three outcomes with which to consider the influence of globalization on culture:

Cultural differentialism – involves barriers that prevent flows that serve to make cultures
more alike – so cultures remain stubbornly different from one another. Cultures unaffected
by globalization and closed.

Cultural convergence – is when cultures are subject to many of the same global flows
and tend to become more alike (cultural identity and the attachment of culture to place are
lost). Increasing sameness in the direction of dominants groups.

Cultural hybridization – is a mixture of cultures and the integration of the global and
the local (what some refer to as “global”) leading into unique combinations. Mixing of cultures
producing new and unique cultures.

Globalization and media truly give us the ability to imagine the world as a global village
which evokes community, kinship, cooperation and fraternity. But Lewis Mumford believes
that media technology as a message for exploitation of the world in pursuit of property, profit
and power. Lule (2014), believe that media and globalization have built a village with large
tracts of economic injustices, political repression and cultural conflict. They have despoiled
the very globe the encircled.

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