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Chapter 13

-Chandra's friends thought something was wrong with her because she wasn't "bouncing along,
high-fly as a kite"
-the Girls attended Dr Manip Bhardwarsh School for Girls (English Medium)
-Chandra is always tip top in her marks except maths.
- Her friends thought she could not sleep because of the heat since her father is so poor their
house is like an oven.
-Chandra ignored the potholes she usually jumps on, ignored the boy with the sugar cane crusher
where she often bought sweet juice, ignored the old man with newspaper bags of spiced noodles
-When called she did not wave and call from far as usual, she touched her fingers together and
murmured the greeting with a formal polite bow
- Her friends suspected that she had done something wrong. She swore she was a saint all
weekend because her aunt is living with her.
-They asked if she pushed her under a bus, or put salt in her tea.
-Chandra began telling her friends that her aunt scolded her for everything such as not washing
Deepak's sport shorts, not rolling her bed mad tidily, and how a it is a woman's duty to be
obedient and good-tempered, and respectful.
- She told them that when Chandra came home from visiting Mata's mother, Bapa said she had

Chapter 14
-Chandra and her mother wrote letters and visited the family to invite them to the wedding and
they all promised gifts
-Chandra’s mother’s mother was well off. She lived with her son Raj, his wife Amrita and their four
-Chandra’s grandmother asked her if she was happy about this because if anything goes wrong,
Jaisalmer is very far away. Chandra reassured her that if her mother in law does not like her, she
will try harder to please her.
-Nani tells her that Bapa’s side of the family is very traditional, while Mata’s is modern. Nani tells
Chandra that her parents married for love. Mata saw Bapa at the library and fell in love with him.
He was handsome but not well off. Bapa’s family got into a bus accident, and her Grandfather
was badly crippled, and Bapa’s leg didn’t heal straight. The farm had to be sold to pay hospital
fees. Bapa wanted to join the army but couldn’t because of his hurt leg went into the banks.
-Her mothers name is Varahi. She was a librarian but gave it all up to watch the children when
she got married.
-Nani gave Chandra a set of jewelry. When Chandra was five years old she said they were to be
kept for her because she was her image.
-Everyday Chandra and her mother would light the sacred lamp and make a simple pooja at the
little shrine at the wall.

Chapter 15
-On Chandra’s wedding day they were all up before dawn. Bapa and the boys went out to the
barber’s to be ceremonially shaved.
- By eight o’clock an old aunt had put henna paste in lacy black patterns on Chandra’s hands and
-The groom’s small, skinny mother, and sisters showed up in heavy gold jewelry and red saris.
They gave Chandra a ring from a woman who had died before her husband, to bring Chandra the
same good luck.
-Chandra’s mother offered her guests Mango Juice, Thumbs up or Pepsi
-Urvashi brought this Chanel No. 5 from all her school friends.
- A band of flutes, trumpets and drums started up in the street outside.
-Three sacred cows wandered across in front of the procession.

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