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So, without getting too artsy; now that we’ve met, and realized that
we’re truly made for each other, aage ka kya plan hai? Wahi karna
hai jo sab log karte hain? Roam around, have fun, remember dates,
fight and break up! And even if we manage to break these clichés,
then too what’ll happen? Wahi shaadi, career, family…. Then we’re
both gonna grow old and die. Well, that’s none of our fault, that’s
how this world functions, isn’t it. We’re like those chocolates
manufactured in factories, travelling on conveyor belts. If not in the
required shape, size or taste, we’re going to get rejected, saying
that we’re not fit to survive in this world. Is that how you wanna
live? Like machines!!....

Well, I’ve come up with something. Yeh duniya hi chhod dete hain. No
no, I don’t mean what you’re thinking. Like literally, let’s leave this
place. Throughout our life until now, we’ve both have longed for a
perfect soulmate, after almost having lost the hope of finding one.
But now that we have each other, let’s go elsewhere. Away from this
vicious circle and live the way we want to.
Now the question is, where to? Don’t you worry Mademoiselle, since
I know how bad you are at making decisions, I already have it
planned. Ever heard of Europa? Europe nahi, Europa. It’s a small
moon orbiting Jupitar. People say it possibly has water and oxygen.
So I feel that place would be apt. Now, how do we get there?

Well, it is a few light years away from here. But you know what
travels faster than light? Our thoughts. And you’ll be pleased to
know that I’ve invented a shuttle which will get us there, that too
through our thoughts. I’ve named it “SHAITAN”.

No specific reason for that name though, just couldn’t think of any
other…. So, just let your imagination flow, and SHAITAN-18 will fire
up in 5…4…3…2…1…. And then it’ll take you wherever you want.

Ever since I’ve met you, I do not want any negativity in my life now.
We both have had our share of sorrows, disappointments and
loneliness. So let’s be happy now. No insecurities, no negativity.
Whatever time we get with each other, we’re gonna get the most out
of it. You’ll be missed back here …. Love you….
Hello Mademoiselle,

So it’s not gonna be overlong. All I wish to say is that in this long
life, we meet many people in due course; but koi ek aisa hota hai,
after meeting who we don’t wanna meet anyone else. That person for
me is you. A lot has happened during this one year: love, travel,
conflicts, tears, and lots of “shaitaani”.

We have literally “lived on the edge” like you wanted. But somehow
after so much adventure, I didn’t succumb to any pain, people or
other pressures. In fact, I find my love multiplying manifold from
what it was when I last wrote this “Shaitan” series. And it shall
remain the same, maybe even more, no matter whatever happens.

I truly wish a few things: That I get lesser of angry-you days, that
my calls are not hung up midway our conversation, that I don’t get
blocked (still my nightmare), that we’re cordial and jovial with each
other, talk normally, meet sometimes, eat lots, sleep, bathe and
some Shaitani…. Again, all this I hope and wish.
Finally, my last wish: Since your well aware of your “flip” behaviour;
sometimes so good with me and sometimes extreme rude. I really
wish that when I die, I have you by my side, the good you holding
hands and calling me your bachha. I won’t be able to die in peace if
at that time you won’t be around, or you have not been talking to me
or blocked me. Kabhi sahi mein peecha chudaana ho na, humesha ke
liye, toh khud se maar dena mujhe, coz this guy is gonna love you
forever, and nothing else. My life begins with you and ends with you,
my day isn’t complete without your thoughts. I doubt anybody will
love somebody like this. Bass ab shush ho raha hoon. Don’t feel bad if
you’ll have to get rid of this paper anytime, will mail you the soft
copy. Tada! See ya up North.

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