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Chapter 1: Entering All Boys Pokemon Academy

Anything For Love

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon or the characters from Pokemon in this story.

Warning: Minor swearwords and some violence

A/N: When talking and/or around the guys, I'll be using "Mickey/him" but reference of just herself, I'll be
using "Misty/her"…hopefully not too confusing XD

A/N #2: I am in the process of revising each AFL's chapters for a better flow and improved grammar and
writing style, so please bear with the current chapters. Also special thanks to all of ya on tips and
suggestions on improving my writing, much lovies!

Main Characters Ages:

Misty/Mickey- 18

Gary- 18

Ash- 18

Richie- 18

"…" Talking

'Italic' Thinking

Chapter 1: Entering All-Boys Pokemon Academy

** Viridian Forest **

Lost in the middle of the forest, a little short haired redhead; age eight, in baby blue overalls and a
yellow shirt, covered in dirt. Scared and helpless against a couple Caterpies and a few Weedles; that
webbed her against a tree, Misty let out more cries and tears. Thinking that she's done for when she saw
a Weedle raised his stinger for a Poison Sting attack, she shut her eyes tightly. But shot back open when
she heard a boy commanded his Pikachu to use Thunder-Shock. With the flash bolts in front of her,
taking out the bug pokemons, the Pikachu and the raven black haired boy; in a pair of blue jeans, a white
t-shirt and a red-white baseball cap, as the two ran right up to her. The eight year old boy, managed to
pull off all the webbing off of Misty in and helped her up.

"Are you alright? Are you lost? If you are, I'm Ash Ketchum, to your rescue!" Ash said in between his
huffs and puffs, trying to catch his breath.

Misty nods her head to signal Ash that she was alright, as she wiped away her tears. "—Hic-I'm Mi—
Ahhh!" Misty yelled due to suddenly being pulled by Ash.

"I'm sorry, but we have to run. I'm trying to avoid someone! But don't worry; we're heading towards the
Ranger's cabin. They can contact or find the people you were with." Ash tightens his hold and picked up
the pace.

Misty just replied with an 'ok' and kept up with Ash and Pikachu. Not caring who he is or from, she just
wanted to get out of the forest away from the bugs she's terrified of. Running non-stop, the three saw
the Ranger's cabin from afar. Still running with all their might, Ash didn't notice the rock that blended in
with the dirt straight ahead of him, until he tripped on it. Bring Misty down with him but concerned of
Misty's being, Ash didn't realize the little locked treasure box fell out from his pocket. After picking
himself up and apologizing for his clumsiness, Ash went to help Misty up. The result of the fall left her
with fresh scrapes on both of her arms and legs, causing sniffles to come out of her.

"Hey now, it's ok. It doesn't look too bad."

"But it hurts when thinking about it." Misty said wiping off the dirt off.
"It'll be ok. Hey, look at Pikachu, he's trying to cheer you up by dancing for you." Ash said with a smile, as
he motions towards Pikachu, who had begun doing a little dance.

Misty let out a tiny smile at Pikachu before looking straight at Ash; who's the same height as her. "Thanks
and how old are you Ash?"

"I'm eight years old!"

"Eight? Just like me, but how did you get a Pikachu? Most trainers can't get a pokemon until they are

"Oh, I've got connection—Oh snap, sorry I got to run again!" Ash said in a hasty tone when he heard a
faint voice calling out an Eevee to do a Dash attack. "I think you can make it to the Ranger's cabin from

"Yeah I can and thank you for your help again, Ash! Will I ever see you again?" Misty asked with tears
forming in her eyes again.

"Of course! I don't know when but we will someday! Now don't start crying, big boys like us don't cry,"
Ash said in a hasty tone again and ruffled Misty's hair.

Before she could correct Ash that she was a 'she' not a 'he', Ash and Pikachu had quickly disappeared by
taking the side trails. She then headed towards the Ranger's cabin but she stopped when she saw the
little treasure box on the ground. She knew it had to belong to Ash, as she vowed she'll make that
'someday' come true to meet Ash again and return the little treasure box. While staring at the treasure
box, she developed her first crush for saving her from the bug Pokémon and getting out from the middle
of Viridian's Forest.

** Ten Years Later – Cerulean City Gym **

Misty; age eighteen, entered into the main house with a pint of ice cream in hand and made her way
towards the main living room. With the TV already turned on, Misty tossed her Spheal backpack and
flopped down onto the couch in frustration; due to another unlucky day of search. She then pulled back
her shoulder length hair; that covered her yellow spaghetti straps, into a ponytail before stretching out
her long legs in a pair of blue shorts onto the coffee table. Before she could realize the TV program
playing a live-event One on One Pokémon Battles of Viridian's All-Boys Academy, Daisy; eldest sister with
blond hair, called out to her with a displeased expression.

"Like Misty, I love you and all but I have to say you'll never be a girly-girl. Even with those cute hairdos,
girly clothing and make up of yours, it's your attitude and posture that, like, still makes you a tomboy."
Daisy watched Misty shoved a spoonful of strawberry ice cream into her month like a salvage that had no
food. A sigh escaped. "I totally like, see you more as a boy instead of a girl. I guess once a tomboy will
always be a tomboy. And could you take your legs off the coffee table please?" Daisy asked in a sisterly
way, but received a pair of rolled eyes from Misty before removing her legs off the coffee table. "Thank
you. Sooo like how was your search today on that long lost childhood crush of yours? And what do you
want for dinner tonight?"

Misty had stuffed another spoonful into her mouth when Daisy asked her the questions. With her index
finger up in the air and she quickly shallow it. "Ahhh! Brain freeze! But ugggh, it sucked. No luck today
and can you not add the lost part to my childhood crush? He is not lost, I just can't find him for the last
decade. But for dinner wise, whatever you make is fiiiine Daisy! Can you just call me when it's ready? I'll
just be here with my ice cream," Misty paused when she finally realized what was on TV, as she let out a
disgusted look. She looked around for the remote but it was nowhere in sight and then looked back over
at Daisy. "Daaaaisy, can you change the channel for me since you're closer?"

"Like, oh my god Misty! Look for the remote or change it yourself, geez," Daisy shook her head but had a
tiny smile towards her baby sister. "To think you are finally a Sensational Sister of the Cerulean gym. How
are you so different from us? Whatever, we still love you. But like anyways, if you need me I'll be in the
kitchen. And like, if you need Violet or Lily, they're in the gym's pool training the Pokémon."

"Uggh fine, don't change the channel for me. I guess I'll see you for dinner!" Misty was still in her laid
back posture against the couch, as she decided to just suck it up and watch the 'live-event' program.
"Geez, if I wasn't so beat from my long day search, I would sooo not be watching you!" Misty said, as she
stuck her tongue at the TV.
Not paying attention to the last final battle of the day on TV with an Umbreon verses a Pikachu, Misty
was daydreaming of Ash again. Within seconds, the announcer on TV called out Ash Ketchum's name.
Misty's eyes widen when she saw the same raven-haired boy from ten years ago on TV being
interviewed. Instantly she became appalled at the fact Ash is currently attending to one of her most
hated academies in Kanto. She couldn't stand the amount of conceitedness of the All-Boys Viridian's
Academy reputations.

(TV) "—Now Ash, you and Pikachu put up another excellent battle. But I have to ask this once again, as a
Third-Year upper classmen how does it feel coming in second place against your long-term rival?"
Announcer asked, as he held his microphone in front of Ash; with Pikachu on his shoulder.

Ash petted Pikachu's head and let out a smile in his Academy uniform; black with white trim, buttoned
up style collar. "Well, all I can say is that Pikachu and I gave it our best. And we'll be working harder to
get the number one spot in the next Viridian's All-Boys Academy tournament."

"I see, even though you are second runner-up; I know you have a fan-club rooting for you. Which lead
me to ask, is there a girl from your fan-club that you are interested in?"

"Haha Bob, you know very well that I don't have time or any interest in a girlfriend or even acknowledge
any of them. Battling, Pokémon training, and friends here at this academy are my top priories. Well, I'm
cutting it short; I'll give you a longer interview when I take the number one spot in the next battle royal.
Until then, Pikachu and I bid you good day." Ash said with a smile and walked away.

Bob stood at his spot, clueless like a deer stuck in a headlight; but he quickly jumped to his next cue
note. "Well, ladies and gentlemen that was Ash Ketchum, the second runner-up. Let's find our number
one winner," Bob looked around for the winner of the Pokémon Battle Royal and found him by the
entrance-exit gate. Bob and his camera crew managed to stop the spiked brunette winner. "Gary Oak!
How does it feel taking first place again? It isn't a big surprise for you, since you're the grandson of the
known Prof. Oak. You must get those extra and special training from him, huh?"
Gary turned around with a glare when Prof. Oak's name was mentioned, as he pulled out one of his hand
out from the black uniform pants pocket and knocked Bob's microphone out of his hand. "Let's go,

Misty couldn't believe how rude that Gary was during his interview but what she couldn't believe is that
her childhood crush went to the academy she hated. "Even though he goes there, I need to see him!"
Misty said shouted and stood up with her empty pint-cup. "But wait, he just said that he doesn't
knowledge others besides his classmates. What can I do to get to see him and get to know him better."
Misty stood and ponders at the replay of Ash-Pikachu VS Gary-Umbreon Pokémon battle, with Bob's
voice-over casting about joining the academy. And at that moment, Misty ran into the kitchen and yelled
out Daisy's name.

"Like, oh my god, Misty! Don't scare me like that from behind!" Daisy yelled out loud, holding on tight to
the frying pan handle. "What?"

"I foooooound him! I found Ash!"

"Like, no way! But like, how did you find him when you've been in the living room?" Daisy asked with a
raised eyebrow.

"Well, he was on TV! And Daaaisy," Misty let out a big smile when she heard her oldest sister asked what
she wanted. "Don't freak out or anything but, can you ask your fiancée to make some changes on my
document and ID to male status so I can attend Viridian's All-Boys Academy?"

"WHAT?! Like, slow down Misty! And did I like, heard you right about you wanting my fiancée to change
your personal documents so you can attend the Viridian's All-Boys Academy, which you despise with a
hatred passion?" Daisy asked with a flabbergasted expression, as she saw Misty nodding her head. "Are
you crazy?!"

"Daisy, I asked you not to freak out! But there's a good explanation. Ash goes there and during his
interview he said he doesn't care or even knowledge girls. But he's all about his classmates. Pretty
please, Daisy? I finally found him and really want return his lost belonging and I want to know him better.
And finally get this long love-crush into an actual love. Much like yours and Duke's love, you can't deny
me that, can you?"

Daisy, still a bit shocked at Misty's crazy idea of attending the All-Boys Academy, she let out a sigh. "Like,
even if I did ask Duke, what are you going to do for your appearances and what about your week of the
month on running the gym?"

"You know I can pull of being a boy. I'll cut my hair short, bandaged my chest flat and I can order my
uniform a size bigger." Misty paused and thought of a fair solution. "As for the-gym-issue-wise, there's
totally-like, a solution you guys will like. Since I'm attending for the last term, which is about five months,
I'll do my owed weeks and for your guys' trouble, I'll add three more weeks to my gym duties. Sooo that's
like, two months of summer vacation! So how about it?"

"That's actually a nice offer. But like, before we get ahead of ourselves, don't you need to take and pass
the entrance exam? I heard their tests and standards are hard and high up there, next to impossible."

"Like Daisy, you of all people should know that my Pokémon knowledge is off the chaaarts! I bet you I'll
even ace that test." Misty said with a confident smirk.

"That ego of yours, like, totally fits that academy's conceitedness. Fine, you win." Daisy said with a
defeated tone and stared at her crazy baby sister. "I still, like, can't believe you're related to us, such a
total odd-ball of the family. I'll see what I can do to convince Duke."

"Waaaah! Thank you so much Daisy! I got to call Duplica on the news! She'll totally rock my new look!"
Misty yelled out loud while heading from the kitchen to the living room, to grab the phone.

** One Month Later – Viridian's All-Boys Academy **

Misty; now known as Mickey, was late on her first day of transferring to the all-boys academy. A sigh
escaped when she realized 'being late' was more of an understatement; for class session for the day has
ended. Ruffled her short hair in frustration, she walked through the academy's entrance with her black
uniform zipped-up right underneath her chin. Eyeing all the students with their Pokémon partners
walking around campus, she suddenly stopped in her track to gaze at the building. Within seconds, Misty
got all giddy at the idea of finally meeting Ash, but was rudely interrupted by a hard shoulder bump.
Turning around to see the student had walked away without apologizing, riled her up.

"Hey, you jerk! Don't walk off like you didn't realize you bumped into me!" Misty yelled at the back of a
spiked brunette with an Umbreon next to him. The moment she saw the brunette's face, she knew who
it was.

Gary let out a glare towards the loud mouth girly-face redhead. An annoyed scoff escaped and he
continued walking. But within a second, he was forcefully spun around.

"I want an apology!" Misty yelled in Gary's face, not realizing the crowd of her future classmates looking
upon them.

"Excuse me? An apology? Do you even know who you're messing with?!" Gary hissed at the daring

"I don't care who you really are but I want an apology! You bumped into me!" Misty yelled again, as she
tightens her grip that was barely around Gary's arm.

Gary eyed the redhead's pathetic grip. "I don't have time to waste on a shrimp like you. So, consider it
your lucky day that I'm going to give you a warning. Now, you better let go."

"Or else what? Do you think you can scare me because you happen to be the number top student of this
academy? I'm not letting go until I get that apology you owe me!"

"So you do know about me, well you asked for it." Gary said in a raised tone, as he pulled his right hand
out from his pants pocket and twisted Misty's grip off of him and landed a hard punch in the middle of
Misty's stomach. About to walk away when he saw the redhead grabbed a hold of his abdomen, he did
not expect a head butt to his chin. Holding his throbbing jaw, Gary lost his patience and control. "You're
going to wish you didn't do that!"

Before Misty could react to Gary's comment, she was flat on her back by a hard leg swift and a set of
brutal back-to-back punches to the face. Besides feeling pain throughout her body, Misty felt blood
dripping down her lips. But that was her least concern when Gary gripped each side of her collar, lifting
her upper-body off the ground.

"No one is going to help you. They all know better than to get involved with me. Let me return the favor
five times worse and prepare for a broken jaw." Gary said in an intimidating tone that sent chills down
Misty's aching body. He then raised his right hand in the air to send the finishing blow, but suddenly was
tackled from the side to the ground. "The hell?!"

"Gary! If you want to get into a physical fist fight, I dare you to do it with me before any others!" Ash
yelled at Gary, looking down at him. Not caring that half of the student body was watching.

Gary looked up at Ash with a glare, as he pushed him off of him. "Get the hell off of me!" Gary then
quickly got up off the ground and looked over at the redhead who was helped up by a red-brownish
haired guy. "You're lucky that those two are here to bail you out before a serious beating, twerp!" Gary,
not wanting to deal with Ash or Richie, quickly called for Umbreon. Away from the group he left, Gary
spitted out a bit of blood and then grabbed a hold of his jaw-line. 'I can't believe that girly-guy had the
balls to strike me. He's the first in a long time to get me to bleed.'

Meanwhile, back at the center of attention, Misty was happy that Ash had come to her rescue; once
again. She cursed at her luck for meeting him almost beaten to a bloody pulp. She got helped onto her
feet by Richie; a Third-Year and got side support from Ash.

"From the looks of it, you got it worse than most others with Gary. He must have been in a bad mood
today. Well, let's take you to the nurse room. I'm Ash Ketchum, by the way."

In painful discomfort, Misty hissed. "—I'm Mickey Waterflower."

"Whoa, careful and take it easy, Mickey," Ash said and realized that Mickey was the new transfer student
that never showed up. "Hey, you're the new Third-Year transfer student that was supposed to show up
today, right? What happen?"

"I woke up late and a lot of other stuff had happened." Misty said, as she looked over at Richie when he
called out her male name.

"—Your last name, does it have any relation with the Sensational Sisters of the Cerulean City gym?"

"Um-Uhh—" Misty wasn't sure how to answer Richie without getting deep into the details.

"You are! I can tell by the uneasy expression on your face. Fess up, what's your relation?"

"I'm uhh, their cousi—" Misty couldn't finish her sentence, due to the sudden lack of energy. Still being
supported by Richie and Ash; on each side, she felt Ash had pulled away.

"Mickey, it seems like Richie and I underestimated your condition. I'll give you a piggy-back ride the rest
of the way," Ash kneel down in front of Mickey, as he heard him protest. "Mickey, please don't argue and
just get on my back. Richie, 0please help him."

"You heard the guy, come on. Don't be shy; we all help each other out here. At least the most of us, Gary
has his personal issues."

With no strength left to argue, Misty just climbed onto Ash's back and tightens her arms around his neck.
The moment when she heard Ash telling Richie that he got things under control and meet him back in
the dorm rooms, she closed her eyes.

What seemed like a five-minute nap was actually about an hour nap by the time Misty woke up. Staring
upwards at a white ceiling, she then realized she was in one of the nurse's beds when Ash popped in her
"Hey, the nurse and student-aid seem to have disappeared on us. I tried to clean and bandaged you up
as much as I can. I didn't check underneath your uniform though, for personal space."

Misty then let out a sigh of relief at the fact that she wasn't discovered. "Thanks for all that you've done
already and I think I can take it from here. But you don't need to worry, it's just mainly my face and leg
that got hit the most."

Ash let out a smile when he saw Mickey's smirk; indicating he's alright. "That's good to hear. But by
tonight or at least tomorrow morning, you're going to be bruising. So are you feeling better?"

"Yeah, a bit."

"Well then, are you up for a bit of a tour of your new academy life, Mickey?"

Misty nodded, as she slowly got out of the bed and onto her feet and before following Ash and his
Pikachu. About close to an hour of the tour around the school's classrooms, library, cafeteria and
location of each class year level dorm buildings. Ash then explained that each three dorm buildings have
three levels, the top two floors are rooms. And the bottom floor with a big shared kitchen, dining room
and living room with an entertainment system. Saving their dorm room building for last, Ash and Mickey
spotted Richie in the living room. Richie quickly got off the couch and made his way over towards their

"Hey Ash, I've been waiting for you! I got a note that we both need to see Mr. Lance in his classroom."
Richie said, as he looked over at Mickey. "It seems that you look a lot better with the famous bandaged
by Ash, I see. Sorry to interrupt your guys' tour, but we have to go now." Richie said in a hasty tone, as he
then grabbed at Ash's opened uniform jacket collar.

"Whooa! Um Mickey, just look in that school bag of yours that you have received and you'll find a packet
about the rules of our dormitory. Also, there should be the number of your assigned dorm room. Sorry,
but Richie and I will look for you later! Or meet us here in the kitchen around six-ish for dinner
preparations! Bye!" Ash yelled out and managed a wave before completely disappearing out the front
dorm entrance with Richie.

Misty managed to wave back at Ash and Richie, as she looked around and noticed a few of the other
students in the kitchen and dining room area. Grabbing her packet to look for her dorm room; number
320, was written at the top. Misty wasn't sure which floor it was, so she asked the nearest person.
Hoping to get a good reaction, she got a raised eyebrow from one of the guys and he told her it's on the
third floor at the end. Misty thanked the guy and headed for the stair case to the top floor.

Walking past each dorm room; Misty took notice of their numbers and also noticed some were open and
some were closed. But her attention went straight ahead when she realized her room was completely at
the end. The closer she got, she saw the door was slightly cracked open. Suddenly she heard a faint rage
outburst. Not sure what's the deal is with her roommate; she took a deep breath and made her way in.

"Hi, I'm Mickey Wa—" Misty was left speechless when she saw her roommate.

"You got to be kidding me! Not only do I have to share my room now, it's you of all people?!" Gary yelled
out while pointing at all Mickey's bags and extra furniture that sent by the dormitory leader sometime
during class sessions.

"That should have been my line! I didn't think I would have such bad luck on my first day here!" Misty
yelled back and threw her bag at Gary's head. But Misty's victorious smile disappeared when she was
suddenly pushed up roughly against the closed door.

"You're really asking for another beating, aren't you?" Gary hissed and gripped at Misty's bruised chin
line. "But at this very moment, consider yourself lucky again. I'm leaving to talk to the dormitory leader
about this situation." Gary lets go of his hold on Mickey, but slightly shoved him to the side to open the
door. "Don't even bother unpacking; you're going to be gone when I come back. Let's go, Umbreon.

With Gary and Umbreon out the door, Misty slid down against the wall. "What did I get myself into…"
** Dormitory Leader's Office **

Gary walked in without a knock, which got Laurie looking up from her pile of paperwork as she predicted
his visit.

"So you're wondering about your room, I presume?" Laurie stated with a smile, when she saw Gary's

"Do you care to explain? Everyone else knows that I'm not supposed to have a roommate. I won 'The
Battle of the Suite Room' before school started this year."

"Sorry Gary, but things happen. We didn't expect to have a Third-Year student entering this late into our
school year and we didn't feel right for Mickey to be place in with the First or Second year students. You
were the only one without a roommate and it's a bigger room too. So to be fair to all the other Third-
Year students, Mickey's now your roommate." Laurie said with a smirk and looked back down at her
papers; which happens to be on Mickey. "Oh, and Mickey happens to have a sleeping condition, please
look after him. Also, if there happen to be another incident like this afternoon with Mickey, there's going
to be some issues by the principal. He's not going to be threatened by you leaving all thanks to Mickey's
relatives. They worked out a nice monthly donation agreement for Mickey's safety and pampered life at
this academy." Laurie caught Gary's annoyed look, as a sigh escaped. "Do whatever you please like you
always do, I'm just giving you a fair warning. Besides, this Mickey person could enlighten that lone wolf
lifestyle of yours."

Before walking out of Laurie's office annoyingly and headed back to his now shared room, he rolled his
eyes. After walking by a few of the classmates; throughout the dormitory, he overheard mumbles about
feeling sorry for Mickey. Opening the door, Gary didn't expect his packed stuff all cleared away and set
up on the left side.

"What the hell? I thought I told you don't bother unpacking!"

"Like hell I'll listen to you! This is now my room too! Like it or not, we're roommates! So get over
yourself." Misty said with a glare, as she crossed her arms. "Listen, I don't like you and obviously smart
enough to realize you don't like me or anyone else in this world. But suck it up and quit bitching!" Misty
yelled back at Gary, but hissed due to Gary roughly grabbing a hold of her collar. "And it's not like you
can do anymore worse than you already have. Do you think I'll leave and go home crying if you beat me
up again?"

Gary, with his hands itching to hit Mickey again, pushed his roommate away with a pissed-off look upon
his face. "I want nothing to do with you. But thanks to the damn academy system, I have no choice but to
deal with you as my roommate. And like it or not, you're going to listen to my rules since it's my room."

"Keyword, was, it was your room. Why should I follow them?" Misty asked in a feisty tone.

"Because if you don't, I don't mind making you my personal punching bag. A scrawny girly-guy like you
must not really like to be in pain. I can see it on your face that you're still aching from earlier. I can
rearrange my schedule to give you a daily black-eye if you don't." He threatened Mickey; not caring
about Laurie's warning.

"You are a real asshole, you know that?!" Misty yelled out, cupping her cheeks. 'I can't have him ruin my
face.' Misty glared deep into Gary's eyes. "Fine. What is it going to be?"

"Since I don't know how you are, it's going to be announced whenever I feel like it. So, if I don't like what
you do or did, prepare for it being a rule." Gary said with a smirk.

"That is so not fai—" Misty paused when she heard a familiar voice calling out her name.

"—Mickey! Which room are you in? Richie and I are back!" Ash yelled out loud, making his way down the
third-floor hallway. He noticed Gary from afar standing at his opened door. Before Ash could say or do
anything, he received a glare and a door slammed.

After shutting the door, Gary looked over at Mickey with a stern expression and a tight grip at his collar
once again. "Here's one of the rules: He or anyone else, cannot enter into this room, got it? Now get the
hell out of here." Gary said in a stern tone, quickly opening the door and threw Mickey out.
"Waaah! You ass! You could have asked without throwing me out!" Misty yelled out, as she only received
a glare and the door slammed shut in her face. But soon her attention was on Ash and Richie when they
called her name in a dumbfounded kind of tone.

"No way, you're rooming it up with Gary?" Ash asked, making the rest of his way towards Mickey.

"No Ash, he just felt like getting to know Gary in his room after that nice beat-up session," Richie
commented sarcastically out loud. "Who would have thought Gary and you being placed in the same
room after the first run-in? He didn't do anything again to you, did he?"

"Uhh, no? He was too occupied with the whole issue of sharing his room and went to talk to the
dormitory leader but when he came back, we got into a heated argument. He's something that I can't

"Mickey, you better watch it. Hate to admit it, but you're pretty scrawny and we've known Gary over the
years and he has put a few of the classmates in the nurse's office worse than you. Ash here, grew up
with the guy in Pallet town. We're afraid that we won't be able to save you like we did earlier if things
got out of hand with you and Gary." Richie said, as he placed his arm around Mickey's shoulder, leading
him down the staircase.

"Ash, is true that you and Gary grew up in the same town? Were you guys always rivals?" Misty asked,
following Richie's lead at the second-floor level.

A tiny smirk appeared on Ash's face, but was quickly followed by a sigh. "Heh, I guess we can put it like
that. So Mickey!" Ash yelled out in a forceful cheery tone, as he pulled Mickey towards him out from
Richie's hold. "Do you want to hang with us for the night? Our room is 310."

"Sure. I really don't know anyone else besides you two and that jerk-face upstairs. So if you don't mind, I
wanna hang with ya bros."

"Haha, what's with the sudden slang Mickey?" Richie asked with a laugh.
"Whatever Richie, you don't need to pick on him. Anyways, let's do dinner and we can go over the main
points of dormitory rules so you don't have to read it all." Ash said with a big smile.

** Later on that Night – Ash's and Richie's Dorm #310 **

"Dude, Mickey, you have the same skill level of Ash on cooking. Zero. No wonder you're so scrawny, I
assume you don't make food for yourself? How did you manage all these years to have any meat on
you?" Richie asked with a sneer across the room from his bed; finishing his sandwich.

"Well first off, my sis—cousins are the ones that cooks. And if they weren't around, I'm perfectly fine
with instant ramen. But I can bake!" Mickey said in a proud tone from the floor, resting up against Ash's

"That's something I don't know you should be proud of Mickey. Not that I'm dissing on the baking skill,
but too much sweets is bad for your health. You really need to be fit for a few of our activities courses

"Richie, don't scare Mickey, he'll do fine. If not, I'll be able to help you if you want." Ash said with a
thumbs-up, receiving a 'thanks' from Mickey. He then leaned back against his bed. "So anyways, going
back to the rules before we get side-tracked by cough-cough-Richie, during the weekdays they close the
gates early so we have to be back on school grounds by eight o' clock in the evening. Even though
weekend is our free time, they close the gates by midnight. And umm, they are pretty strict on the idea
of no girls here, unless they are your relatives, doctors or nurses, etc. But still they will need a pass to
visit. Uhh, everyone takes turn cleaning the downstairs floor. Oh, and if your Pokémon is out of its
Pokéball, you have to keep an eye on it so it doesn't damage the surroundings, etc."

"Hey, speaking of Pokémon, what's your main Pokémon partner, Mickey?" Richie interrupted, getting off
side-tracked again.

"Oh right! I've decided to go with my Poliwhirl. What's your guys' story on your Pikachu?" Misty asked, as
she pointed over to the corner where Pikachu and Sparky were sleeping on their personal made beds.
"I caught mine right after I turned ten in a wild forest." Richie answered first and then looked over at

"I got mine at age eight from Professor Oak."

"So that was your connection back then!" Misty said in an exciting tone.

"Uhh, yeah? How did you know?"

"Uh um, well you got it at age eight and usually Pokémon trainers don't get their Pokémon until they are
ten. And you mention growing up in Pallet town, so yeeeah. You know putting two and two together."
Misty let out a sigh of relief on being able to catch on her mistake.

"Oh right, huh? I guess not everyone had a friend whose grandfather is a Pro—" Ash suddenly stopped in
mid-sentence to change the subject. But it was too late, especially when he saw the curious and
surprised look upon Mickey's face.

"So you and Gary were friends at one point? What happen?"

"Sorry Mickey, that's something I and even Gary don't want to talk about, we left things as it is." Ash
replied in a quiet tone with a forced smile. "Curious about Gary now?"

"Pfft! That guy, like Richie said earlier, has issues. But since we're roommates, it won't hurt to know a
little bit about him and try to make the best of it."

Richie chuckled at Mickey. "Good luck on that!"

Misty rolled her eyes. "Geez, thanks…"

** A Little Pass 1 O' Clock in Morning **

Ash looks over at Mickey who had dozed off for the twentieth time in between their conversations
before realizing it had passed one o' clock and they had class to attend at seven in the morning. Waking
Mickey up to tell him it's best to call it a night, Misty; in zombie mode, just nodded and slowly made her
way towards Ash and Richie's door. All bid 'good nights' and agreed to meet in the living room around
six-thirty by the time she shut the door behind her. Sluggishly making her way up the stairs to her room
with the spiked devil himself, she couldn't help but wondered how she was going to survive living with
him. But that was the least on her mind when she quietly entered the dark room. So tired and out of it,
she didn't bother changing out of her uniform and self-consciously thinking it's her room back home, she
crawled into the bed on the right side of the room. On the verge of passing out, Misty nuzzled up to
what she thought was her life-size Dewgong plushy.

Chapter 2: About The Boys Of The Academy

Anything For Love

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon or the characters from Pokemon in this story.

Warning: Minor swearwords and some violence

A/N: When talking and/or around the guys, I'll be using "Mickey/him" but reference of just herself, I'll be
using "Misty/her"…hopefully not too confusing XD

Main Characters Ages:

Misty/Mickey- 18

Gary- 18

Ash- 18
Richie- 18

"…" Talking

'Italic' Thinking

Chapter 2: About The Boys Of The Academy

**Dorm Room #320 – Early Morning**

Gary stirred in his sleep uncomfortably, as he sheepishly grumbled and ignoring the tingle at his
collarbone. With the tingle getting worst and not being about to move his right arm to itch the spot,
Gary shot his eyes open. More awake, he felt something underneath his chin and noticed a hand at his
bare chest. After had pushed Mickey at the edge of his bed, Gary quickly pulled away with his back
against the wall with a penetrating glare.

Misty hazily noticed she was only a foot away from her half naked roommate, as she let out a pair of
shock eyes. "What are you doing in my bed half naked?" Misty lashed at Gary.

"What the hell! It's my bed that you are in! What kind of gay issue do you have?"

Misty looked around, as she finally realized she was on the wrong side of the bed; literally. "Why the hell
am I in your bed? And I have no gay issues! I like uhh-girls!"

"Why the hell are you asking me that? Get the hell out of my bed!" Gary yelled back, kicking Mickey off
his bed; with a big thud following afterwards.

"That hurt! You—"

While getting out of bed Gary glared at Mickey before passing him to head towards their bathroom. "I
can't believe this shit, first sharing my room and now the oh-so girly-guy, who likes girl, had to share my

Misty boiled up when she overheard Gary's mumble. Quickly back onto her feet, she glared at the back
of Gary's head. "Hey! Where do you think you're going? Get back here and say that to my face! You—"
Misty quickly cut her sentence short when she backed up due to Gary's face leveled with hers.

"You want to know my business in the bathroom too now? And the nerves you have, questioning me.
You want me to say it to your face? I can clearly say it fine with my fist if you'll like—" Gary raised his fist
but when his alarm went off, Umbreon within seconds had jumped out from his bed and rubbed against
his legs. Gary turned away from Mickey and followed his Umbreon to the bathroom. "Right, we got some
business to take care of then wasting time on him."

Misty watched Gary and his Umbreon disappeared into the bathroom, as she looked over at his alarm
clock. 4:31 it read, as she let out a baffled puff. "What kind of business does he have to be up at four-
thirty in the morning? We still have at least another solid hour to sleep. Damn, I can't believe that I slept
in my uniform too. There's some wrinkle." Misty walked over to her bed taking off her jacket and then
tossed it at the corner of her bed. "Ehh, I guess I shouldn't take the risk going back to bed or else I might
oversleep and be late again. Laundry hamper area, here I come." Misty let out a yawn when she reached
over her pokeball on the nightstand. "Time to let you out little guy."

Poliwhirl shouted out its name in excitement and jumped for joy the moment he saw his master.
Laughing and holding back the pain cries, from the tackle onto her bed by Poliwhirl, Misty yelled out for
truce. Lightly rubbing her bruised face, she greeted him a good morning. Poliwhirl pointed at the
bandages on his master's face, wondering what had happen. Misty mention she got in a fight with her
roommate, but before she could continue, Poliwhirl pointed at Misty and imitated her. Hands on the hips
and then arms up in the air, then followed by some feet stomping. Big laughers were shared, as she
patted Poliwhirl's head and told him she had asked for it by not letting things go. Poliwhirl was not
pleased but his attention was swayed away when his master told him the academy let pokemon partners
roam around out of their pokeball. As long as they're on their best behavior and only during after school
hours, during class session he'll needs to wait for the command. Poliwhirl nodded and jumped at the
good news about him being able to be freely roaming alongside his master. He then raised his arm for a
high five but quickly jumped off the bed and stood in defense-protective mode in front of Misty when
the bathroom door opened with Umbreon jumping out first.
"Poliwhirl it's ok, it's only that cold-hearted roomma—Why are you coming out in only a towel?" Misty
asked when Gary stood in front of their closet.

Holding on the side of his towel, Gary glared over at Mickey. Not sure what's his roommate's issue. "I
took a shower and I only walked in the bathroom in my boxers. Seriously you have issues twerp."

"Hey! Quit calling me a twerp!" Misty yelled at the back view of Gary. Being completely over at the fact
her roommate was only in a towel, after telling herself she had seen a lot of guys in swing trunks and a
towel is no different.

Gary turned around again to look up and down at Mickey; who had only a big oversized yellow t-shirt
tucked in his tiny waist black bottoms. "Until you get some meat on that body of yours, you'll be a
scrawny twerp in my view. And even if you do, it'll take a while to earn my respect."

"Like I care for your respect!" Misty shouted back, as she quickly walked pass Gary heading into the
bathroom. "Come on Poliwhirl, I'm done dealing with ass."

Gary only managed to give out a menacing glare before the bathroom door was slammed shut. But he
just ignored it and drifted off on wondering when the last time he had talked or responded to a
classmate with more than five words. Shaking the thought and quickly back on his regular schedule
mind-zone when Umbreon called out for him. Dressed up in a pair of purple sweats and a black tank
instead of his uniform a swiftly drying his hair with his towel the two were out the door to head down
the kitchen for a light breakfast.

After a quick shower, Misty finally came out of the bathroom after retouching up her bandaged areas
and including her blinded for her chest. Misty had her uniform pants and her yellow shirt on but grabbed
a yellow turtleneck shirt and a pair of sweats from the closet to switch into the clean set of clothes. Out
of the bathroom again, she grabbed her jacket off the bed and headed downstairs with Poliwhirl to head
to the laundry area to get her dirty uniform wash, dry and iron before class starts.

**6:15 A.M. – Dormitory Bottom Floor**

Misty; now dressed and zipped in her uniform, other third years students were slowly waking up and
some were leaving the dorm for personal ordeals, Misty sat at one of the dining tables with Ash and
Richie. Being able to have a small breakfast meal with Ash, Misty was delighted and wanted time to stop.
But not wanting to be rude, Misty made sure she listened to Ash and Richie.

For one, students don't switch classes. The Pokémon Specialist Professors of a certain type comes in at
different schedule times same day of every week with four different types per day. Monday's studies are
about, Ice, Poison, Dragon and Steel type. Tuesday's studies are on Bug, Psychic, Grass and Ground types.
Wednesday's are Dark, Electric, Water and Ghost types. Thursday's is about Fire, Flying, Rock and
Fighting types. And Friday's is a quarter day with just Normal type and alongside personal studies with
one's pokémon partner(s). And for the rest of the day, battle training among the entire academy for the
Professors to take note and counsel student's progress.

Monday to Friday, all First, Second and Third year students have the same two hour lunch break. Before
lunch break, all students attend an hour excise training course with their pokémon partner(s) outside.

After the explanations of how the week works, Ash and Richie then went back to their breakfast. Misty
thanked the two and jabbed at her eggs with her fork, but a figure caught her attention. Gary and
Umbreon; from head to toe covered in sweat and dirt, the two headed towards the staircase, as he
wiped his face with the inside of his tank. Following her head in the direction of her roommate, Misty
didn't realize the curiosity from Ash and Richie; for they had missed Gary's present. With no more of an
appetite to finish her breakfast, Misty stood up and grabbed her plate with one hand and the other of
two water bottles and mentioned 'he' wanted to head to class early. Ash and Richie nodded and soon
joined Mickey with their dirty dishes.

**Third Year's Classroom**

After meeting a few other Third year classmates, Misty swaged her attention to the window. "Dude, look
at the view!"

"You like the scenery too?" Ash asked with a tiny smile.
"Kind of, um one of my cousins always drags me to places with nice scenery and I guess it stuck with me.
Why? Do you like sceneries too?"

"Um not really, it's just. Well it's a nice view of our school ground battle field."

"I can see. To think I despised this academ—Um whoooa, that's a cold breeze." Misty backed away from
the window.

"Yeah, for some reason the last few days the weather has been chilly," Richie leaned in towards Mickey's
ear for a whisper. "But what's that about you despising this academy?"

"Um uhhh, well it's—" Misty stopped mid-sentence and turned around when she heard a voice she
didn't care for.

"Do I need to repeat myself again? Move out of my way so I can get to my desk. With you guys' blocking
my view it's going to be an eye sore." Gary said with an unfriendly stare.

"Is it possible for an ass like you to be nice for once?" Misty replied back about a foot away from Gary's

Gary let out a snort and shoulder bumped Mickey out of the way. "Will it ever be possible for your face
not to look like a girl's?" Gary took his seat; second to the last on the left side row of the room.

"Why you—" Misty was interrupted by Ash, who had pulled her away from Gary. Pulled away to the front
of the classroom with Richie, she knew that Ash was trying to save her the trouble of wasting her breath
on Gary.

"Mickey, do you really like picking fights with him?" Ash asked.
"Not really but every time we encounter he's an ass and I'm not going to let him push me around.
Wouldn't you do the same? How can you just stand there and let him be rude like that?"

"It's not like we really let him push us over like that, it's just we don't lower ourselves to his violent level.
Besides, it bugs him more when the both of us don't verbally or physically retaliate back. Beside we tell
him is save it for the battle fields." Ash quietly replied back, as he noticed the raised eyebrow on
Mickey's face.

"No verbal retaliation? Where's the fun in that?"

"Dude Mickey, you are just as twisted like Gary getting pure enjoyment out of bickering." Richie

"What? You're comparing me with him now?" Misty said in an annoyed tone, as she took a step towards

"Heh, well mentality, yes, but I have to admit when it comes to Pokémon battles, he's top up there. So I
can't compare you to him on that area."

"Pfft, whatever you say Rich—" Misty was cut off by the bell, as she was left by herself when the long
braided brunette professor told everyone to take their seats.

Professor Aerith; Normal type specialist, gave Mickey a smile, as she gestured him to the middle of front,
to introduce himself. Misty nodded and introduced herself as 'Mickey Waterflower', relations to the
Waterflower of Cerulean City and took a quick bow. Pulling back up from 'his' bow, Misty faintly
overheard a few of her classmates' mutters that 'he' was the new kid that stood up to Gary. While some
said 'he' was stupid, others praised on 'his' gusty move against Gary, an awkward smile appeared on her
face. Professor Aerith looked up from a piece of paper in her hand and told Mickey his seat is right in
front of Ash's but also right next to Gary. A dreadful sigh escaped but Misty kept a positive attitude and
made her way to her assigned seat. While Professor Aerith was taking roll-call attendances, Misty saw
the smile on Ash's and Richie's faces; whose desk is right behind Gary and besides Ash's. When she
made home with her permanent seat; out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Gary staring out the
Chin's rested in his palm with his fingers covering half his right side, Gary didn't realize that the empty
desk was taken by Mickey, until he heard Mickey's quiet whispers towards Ash and Richie. He didn't
bother to budge from his position but let out a mental sigh, at his luck once again. Gary just raised his
hand briefly when his name was called out. Still gazing out the window and with Richie's name being the
last for roll-call, he mentally counted down from three. Right when he reached one, the door was
opened and entered a tall, black spiked hair professor with a flower in his hand.

The same Friday morning routine of the flower deliverance, Professor Aerith gladly accepted the flower
from one of their other Professors; from Wednesday. Professor Zack; Dark type specialist, waved to his
students with a smile and told them be on best behavior or else there will be hell to pay when
Wednesday morning to comes. With the usual 'yes sir' reply, Professor Zack finally left the classroom to
head back to his office. With the main distraction gone, Professor Aerith was left in a giddier mood; as
she then told her students that she is going to call out each pair out of the classroom and into the room
next door to discuss their test results from last week. Nervous and grim sighs were heard throughout the
class, as Ash and Richie were the first one to be called out.

With only three minutes ticking by, Misty sat quietly bored in her seat but looked over to her left when
another cold breeze went past her. With Gary's back facing her, she noticed his hair was damp, as she
then couldn't help to speak up. "You know, leaving your hair damp like that and with the cold winds,
you'll get sick." Misty said in a bluntly tone, as she got no movement from Gary, which got her annoyed.
"Not like I care if you get sick or anything."

Gary finally turned his annoyed expression towards Mickey. "Than what's with your concern about me
catching a cold? I never asked for your option."

Misty returned a bigger glare. "Who said I was concern for your health? I was stating a fact and now that
we're sharing a room, I don't want to catch your idiotic cold when I told you so in the first place."

"For your information, I've been doing this for quite some time and I haven't gotten sick because of my
hair being damp and the breeze. So just butt out of my personal life."
"I don't even know why I even bother! Fine when that time comes when I told you so and you're sick,
don't expect me to care for you."

"Like I said, I didn't ask for your concer—" Gary suddenly cut his sentence short when he overheard a
few of the classmates. Mumbling that he is talking more than usual, he quickly shut everyone out by
looking the window.

Misty was about to throw another tantrum at Gary but Ash and Richie walked by. About to ask about the
result, Misty only heard Prof. Aerith just called Gary's name. Once he was out the door, Misty asked Ash
and Richie who was the unlucky guy to be Gary's partner. Ash let out a tiny smile and told Mickey that
Gary didn't had a partner, he volunteered to work alone. And has been like that since their first year at
the academy. Misty let out a snort at the information and was not surprised.

With the remaining classmates still needed to be called out, Ash took this opportunity to discuss to
Mickey about Friday's schedule, and how he should be prepare for the pokémon training battle. Richie
chimed in mentioning the training battle rivals are randomly selected among the academy. After hearing
the info, it left her kind of nervous but also excited for she'll to be able to show off her skills.

**Lunch Time – Academy's Cafeteria**

"This cafeteria is so big." Misty said out loud at her table with Ash, Richie and along with a few other
classmates on the end.

"Seriously Mickey, it's only a little bigger than the average size to any other schools. Give or take,
depending on drop outs of the First years and or Second years, there's about sixty to seventy of us at this
academy. And this cafeteria is made to hold up at least a hundred and fifty and that exclude pokemon
partners; who's out of their pokeball." Richie said and took a bite out of his sandwich.

"Touché." Misty then slowly turned her body around to see the other entire First and Second year
student body but the one person caught her eye. There she spotted far in the back of the cafeteria by
one of the big window sill, sat Gary and his Umbreon; looking out the window. She couldn't help but
watched a bit longer at the two isolating themselves with their lunch. Misty finally turned around to face
Ash when he called out 'his' name.
"You're not concerned about him are you?" Ash asked, as he knew Mickey was looking over at Gary's
usual lunch spot.

"Um, well I was looking at all the other students but how can I avoid that big eye sore in the corner
window ledge?" Misty replied back, as she stuffed a fork full of pasta in her mouth.

"I guess you got a point there, he does stand out by being at that corner by himself. He really can't go out
since we all have to eat in the cafeteria. Anyways, since you were interested looking at the other
students, I'll give you the scoop on the top students of the First and Second year. Right over there," Ash
pointed at a full table far back behind Richie. "The light green haired with the open jacket with the navy
blue undershirt, that's Drew. He's one of the top Second years. A lot of us think he's only at this school to
flaunt his skills to the all-girls school not too far from here. Besides the whole Pokémon training, he
mention about girls twenty-four-seven and he gives out a rose each day to one girl. I guess that makes all
the girls melt. And he's from LaRousse City, the Hoenn Region and then the guy right next to him, with
the fully zipped up jacket and black and red headband around his white hair. That's Brendan also fro—"

Richie couldn't butt in his with his comment. "Oh for your information Mickey, since we're not allowed to
wear hats, Brendan found a flaw in the rule book saying that headbands weren't allowed. So rumor has
it that headband and his white hair is really a hat."

"No way?" Misty asked, as she couldn't believe it and stared hard at Brendan's hair. "Dude, that looks like
real hair to me."

"I'm just saying, rumor has it." Richie said out loud, as he pointed how Brendan was being protective of
his head when a few of the other classmates were joking around him and Drew.

A chuckle escaped from Ash's mouth. "Maybe he doesn't like his hair to be messed with. Some people
are like that with their hair being touched or messed with. But then again when it comes to Brendan I
guess it's a mystery, as we'll never know unless we ask him. Continuing on, Brendan is also from the
Hoenn Region but from Littleroot Town. He's roommates, friends and also rivals with Drew. Those two
are always at it with each other when it comes to battling, so taking first place in the Second years
division is always a tossup between those two. Brendan, he's a happy-go-lucky joker but if you offend
him, Drew or his pokémon partners, he'll turn on you with nasty tricks. Now if we look over there at the
wall," Ash quickly pointed at a solemn looking student with purple-greyish shaggy hair. Uniform jacket
half way zipped over a cyan blue undershirt. "That's Paul, a First year and from Veilstone City of the
Sinnoh Region. You can say he's about another version of Gary but not as bad. He doesn't go around
beating the crap out of students who's in his way, he's more sociable than Gary. But the only person he
cares to listen and talks to is his roommate. The one with the open jacket with the light blue shirt, that
light brunette baby face is Georgio. His home town is a mystery. We think it's somewhere in the Kanto
Region but Georgio never mentioned or confirms it." Ash then looked over at Richie who called out
Mickey's name.

"You know, with you being around, Georgio might have some competition with who has the cutesy baby
face of this academy. So you better watch out, once he sees your face he might get attach to you. He also
has a thing for cute things and faces. But anyways, those two are pretty good for the First year division."
Richie nudged Ash. "Ash over here always lectures Paul all the time about how he needs to treat his
pokémon partners with more care and respect. Blah, blah, blah." Richie leaned back in his chair with a
grin. "Well those are the top two students that stand out from their division. You'll meet and get to know
more during our pokémon training battles."

"Got it, thanks man." Misty then grabbed one of the two water bottles in front of her.

"What's with all the water bottles since this morning Mickey?" Richie asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh I love drinking water but also I need it because I get dehydrated easily. It's really not a big deal, but
to prevent anything my doctor told me to keep on drinking lots of water." Misty explained, as then
finished up her first water bottle.

"I see. Hey Mickey are you busy tomorrow?" Richie asked, as he received a head shake from Mickey.
"Cool, how about going with us to Lil' Pandas' with us?"

"Um what's that place?"

"Right, I forgot you're new here to this city. Well Lil' Pandas' a popular place for most academy students
to hang out. There's a lot of activities, dining, pool table, swimming, mini library, gaming room, karaoke,
TV lounge, a battle field, etc. Dude, you name it, that place has it. The owner and her friends/co-workers
are awesome and it's cheap there too. So what you say Mickey? Hell, you might even get hit on by the
All-Girls Academy and fangirls." Richie said with a smirk and looked over at Ash and spoke up before
giving Mickey a chance to reply back. "Ash has quite a group of fan-girls always asking him to join in their
games or table just so they can talk to him. But he always refuses, which kills my mood hanging with my

"Richie I told you many times that you can go off with those girls if you wanted."

"Right and leave you sitting by yourself so you're wide open to be ambush by those girls? With me there,
I have more of meaner streak than you. So I can tell them off. Buuut you know, you could at least talk to
the short blue haired cutie that keeps on eying you."

Ash smiled with a pair of rolled his eyes at Richie. "Richie, you know she's not my type. I like my girl to be
umm-uhh," Ash then looked at Mickey and back at Richie, as he knew Richie would pick up on his joke.
"She has to be all girly and cutesy."

"If I remember correctly, don't you like redheads?"

"Maaaybe, as long as she has medium length hair, fair skin—"

"With a nice body figure too." Richie chimed in again.

"Sure and nice long legs would be a great bonus."

Richie held in his laughter. "I haven't seen a girl like that around here, but it kind of like you could have
described a female version of Mickey. Damn, it's a shame that Mickey isn't a girl," Richie stuck out his
tongue jokingly. "Pfft, good luck on that Ash. And I bet you if she did exist, you would probably give her
some time huh?"
"Haha yeeeah totally! One-hundred percent of my time. But since she doesn't exist, I have Mickey
around as a reminder. Ahahaha!" Ash couldn't hold on to his lame joke and got back on track. "So what
you say Mickey, want to join us tomorrow? We'll show you around the city and show you the best areas
for training if you want."

Misty let out a couple of slow 'ums' and uhhs', as she pondered of Ash's comment; not realizing it was a
joke. Only because it was the first time she heard about Ash's interest in girls. But she decided to take
the opportunity to show up as her girl-self for sure. "—I have something I need to do first but how about
I'll meet you guys there? Just put the time, address and direction on a piece of paper would be great.
Anyways I'll be right back, got to more water bottles. Do you guys' need anything?"

Ash and Richie shook their heads no, as Misty headed towards the food and drink section. Making her
way through the other students, Misty couldn't help to notice Gary again. Now reading a book with his
Umbreon resting peacefully by him, as she curiously wondered what goes through in that roommate's
mind of hers.

**Outside - Pokémon Training Battle Field**

With one of the academy's open ground fields divided in three sections; spaced out for three different
one on one battles to go on. The entire specialist Professors split up in groups to observe the students.
Ash and Richie had already battled; Ash lost to a Second year and Richie won against a First year. Misty;
next to Ash and Richie on one of the benches, waited patientingly for her name to be called, but she
definitely felt anxiety.

With more battles gone by, Georgio's Delcatty lost, but his roommate, Paul won with his Weavile. Drew
not too long ago won with his Roserade and within seconds, Brendan was announced the winner with
his Swampert. Misty took a mental note that the top lower classmen pokémon partners were already at
their final stage of evolution. Impressed at all the battles that has happened, she still was waiting for the
announcer to call her name. But the moment she heard Gary's name, Misty rolled her eyes, but suddenly
left dumbfounded when she heard her name right afterwards.

Positive but more negative hollers were made by the sidelines, as she slowly made it down to hers and
Gary's battling field section. The other two battles were First years verses First years. So most students'
eyes were on Gary; the number one of the academy verses the new transfer student, Mickey. Misty
didn't need to call out Poliwhirl, as he was already beside her when she had stepped on the battling
field. Gary and Misty just stood still staring at each across the field. But Gary let out a confident smirk
when he looked down at his Umbreon. Within seconds the gun shot was fired into the air; indicating the
start of the battle.

"Let's end this quick, Umbreon Tackle!" Gary yelled out, as Umbreon went charging towards his
opponent with Tackle.

"Don't be too full of yourself! Poliwhirl counter it with Body Slam!" Misty shouted, as Poliwhirl fully
charged towards Umbreon. A smile appeared when Poliwhirl sent Umbreon flying through the air.

"Umbreon! Three-two-one flip!" Once Gary saw his Umbreon landed on his feet, he commanded
another Tackle.

With Umbreon running towards Poliwhirl again, Poliwhirl was ready to counter it with another Body
Slam. But the moment he heard Gary had command Umbreon to circle around him; creating multiples
illusions, Poliwhirl focused hard to lock onto the real Umbreon. Misty knew she didn't have too much
time before Gary's next command, as she focused and counted the rhyme of Umbreon's speed images.
Finally found the rhyme, a victorious smile escaped as she commanded Poliwhirl to turn his head to the
right and Water Gun the ground. The moment the water hit the ground, Umbreon jumped out of the
way high into the air, as the illusions disappeared.

'I'm no ordinary student, I'm a gym leader! Let's nail this Poliwhirl.' "Poliwhirl Mud Bomb!" Misty
watched Poliwhirl form mud balls from the spot where the Water Gun had hit. Hoping the accuracy was
right since this it was Poliwhirl's second use of the Mud Bomb attack.

With all the mud balls that were made and thrown, only two hit Umbreon. One of had hit his hind legs
causing reduce in speed and numbness. With Umbreon hitting ground on his side, he forced himself onto
his feet. Even though it was two hits, it left Gary pissed. Usually the training battles on Friday's ends
within a few attacks and his Umbreon always unharmed. Wanting to command his next physical attack,
he commanded Mean Look to buy some time for Umbreon's recovery. But it was canceled out by
Poliwhirl's Hypnosis and caused some weird wave affect that hit back on Poliwhirl and Umbreon. Gary
looked straight ahead at Mickey, to see the concern look on his face, for the two's pokémon partners
stood still. With nothing else but to cheer and encourage their partners' name, Misty let out a smirk
when she saw her Poliwhirl made the first move and jumped a few steps back.

"Poliwhirl, let's finish like how we always do it back at home! Super Hydro Pump!" Misty a smile
appeared, when she heard a few gasps at the name attack and some were hollers cheering on for 'him'
to win.

Within seconds Poliwhirl finally released his Super Hydro Pump that he and his master had practiced
every day back at the gym to level up the intensity for a powerful damage. But the down fall, it leaves
Poliwhirl drained out of energy and his defense sluggish. Believing in his master's judgment on using that
attack move, it had indicated him the battle is about to end. Poliwhirl had a victory smile that matched
his master, as the two watched their Super Hydro Pump only a foot away of hitting Umbreon. Sudden
shock appeared in both their eyes, when the very last second Umbreon jumped high into the air.

"No way!" Misty yelled out and couldn't believe at Umbreon's speed verses Poliwhirl's Super Hydro
Pump. She then glared straight ahead at her smirking roommate.

"Do you really think I'm going to lose you Twerp?" Gary shouted towards the annoyed roommate of his.
"Umbreon, let's try out our new technique we did this morning, Quick-Sand Combo Attack!

After had heard his cue, Umbreon created some dust cloud around him and his master and by every
second went by the dust cloud grew bigger covering half the battle field. To avoid the sand dust in his
eyes, Poliwhirl shield them like his master. He then heard to use Bubble to clear the area.

Misty then forced her eyes to open when she didn't see or hear any bubbles. At the moment she had a
bad feeling and all she could do was play the waiting game for the mini sand dust storms to clear up.
Once the air cleared up, she saw Poliwhirl down on his side covered in dirt and Umbreon; not too far,
stood tall and proud full of victory on his face. Not caring she had lost and declaring Gary and Umbreon
victors, Misty ran over to Poliwhirl to attend to his aid by pouring the remaining water from her water
bottle all over him.

"Hope that help for the time being." Misty said, as she then heard a disappointed 'Poliwhirl' from her
partner, as she shook her head. "Don't be disappointed, because I'm not. Didn't matter that we lost, all
that matters that you're ok and you did a great job today! Let's get you back in your pokeball and Nurse
Joy will take care of the rest, kay?"

Poliwhirl nodded and disappeared back into his pokeball. Misty finally stood up when she saw Gary and
Umbreon making their way towards 'him'. She thought she was going to get some ass-like insults or
remarks of losing the battle or being a prissy. But she received nothing, not even a shred of some sort of
emotions their faces. Deciding not to make a big issue at the moment for, she turned around and ran
passed Gary and Umbreon. But she couldn't help herself slightly turned her body and gave Gary a
ridicule look; which result an irritated glare from him. Once she turned back to head towards the
bleachers, her morning questions about Gary's early morning start and being covered in dirt were finally

Ash and Richie congratulated Mickey on an excellent battle against Gary. Even though 'he' had lost; the
training battle had everyone on the edge of their seats compared to the past battles. As the two asked
about the unique attacks Poliwhirl used, not wanting to brag and blow her cover of being one of the top
gym leaders in Kanto, Misty played it off and told them 'he' learned from the best back at home.

While the next set of names were being called out to the battle field, Misty decided to excuse 'himself' to
the Nurse's Office to have her Poliwhirl treated as soon as possible. Ash nodded in agreement before she
made her way down the staircase bleachers. Once she made around the corner to head towards the side
entrances of the building, she spotted Gary and Umbreon far in the distance under a tree with Professor
Zack. She wasn't sure if they were in some sort of a discussion or not, for the two were leaning against
the tree with arms crossed their chest. Misty then continued onward since Poliwhirl was her number one

Misty slowly entered the nurse's office. "Nurse Joy or student aid, are either you guys in? I'm here to
turn in my Poliwhirl from my battle about ten minutes ago."

"Nurse Joy is out for the time being. I'm the student-aid." A guy; with his whole back view facing Misty's,
replied from the window that overshot a great view of the battle field. The tall, upward spiked brunette;
dressed in a white uniform still stared out the window, as a quiet chuckle escaped. "I have to say that
was a gutsy move you did near the end of your battle against Gary. Commanding your Poliwhirl to use
Super Hydro Pump wasn't a good move on your part, Misty."
"Whaaat?" Misty asked in a scared tone at the person's back that called out her real identity's name.

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