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1. Apples Apples contain vitamin A, vitamin B,

vitamin C. The fiber content in apples can
make you full longer on our stomach, so
apples are suitable for the diet and besides
that it is safe for our intestines.
Apples besides helping the small
intestine also have other benefits such as
reducing the risk of respiratory problems,
controlling sugar in the blood, overcoming
osteoporosis problems, helping to prevent
and treat cancer, reduce cholesterol, deal
with diarrhea, and nourish the heart

2. Bengkoag fruit Bengkoag fruit contains B vitamins,

vitamin C, iron, calcium, fat, and
carbohydrates. Bengkoang fruit is good for
the skin because it is often used as the main
ingredient for beauty treatments.
Bengkoang fruit is not only useful to
brighten the skin but also to prevent
premature aging of the face, maintaining
healthy skin and moisturizing the skin

3. Grapes Grapes contain vitamin A, vitamin B

complex, vitamin C, vitamin K, gallic acid,
glucoside, manganese, iron, and calcium.
Grapes have other compounds such as
polyphenols and resveratol which are
known as antioxidants.
Grapes are useful for reducing the risk
of developing breast, prostate, and large
intestine cancer. In addition grapes can also
reduce the risk of stroke, control blood
sugar, healthy kidneys and digestion. Other
ingredients of grapes are also used for
antioxidants and anti-microbes

4. sour fruit Acidic fruits contain calcium,

phosphorus, nitric acid, malic acid, and
pipekolat acid. Acid fruit is useful for
treating canker sores.
Other benefits of sour fruit are to increase
appetite, help digestive organs function,
help regulate cholesterol levels and
triglycerides, and also to treat constipation.
5. Strawberries Strawberries contain vitamin A, vitamin
B1, vitamin C, protein, fat, carbohydrates,
folic acid, calcium, and phosphorus.
Strawberries also contain saponins in the
form of glycosides, favonoids, polophenols
and have antibacterial properties.
Strawberries are useful for treating
canker sores, to relieve diarrhea symptoms,
help fight cancer, as a typhus drug and can
be used to treat ulcers.
6. Star fruit Star fruit contains vitamin A, vitamin C,
vitamin E, vitamin K, folate, niacin,
phosphorus, iron, calories, protein, fat,
carbohydrates, fiber and calcium. Star fruit
is an antioxidant and fiber is also useful for
the health of blood vessels.
Star fruit contains vitamin A, vitamin
C, vitamin E, vitamin K, folate, niacin,
phosphorus, iron, calories, protein, fat,
carbohydrates, fiber and calcium. Star fruit
is an antioxidant and fiber is also useful for
the health of blood vessels.
Star fruit can be used to treat hypertension,
reduce cholesterol levels. Promotes the
digestive system, loses weight, overcomes
liver disorders, and as a natural antioxidant.
7. Avocadoes Avocados contain healthy oleic fat (omega-
9), vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin B6,
vitamin C, vitamin E, iron, copper,
potassium, fiber, and solfic acid. Avocados
are rich in benefits and can protect the
body from various diseases.
Avocados are beneficial for heart health,
control blood pressure, reduce cholesterol
levels, regulate blood sugar levels, reduce
the risk of stroke, prevent cancer, gain
weight and are also good for eye health

8. Olives fruit The contents of olives are very complete

such as vitamins, protein, fat, oleocanthal,
oleuropein aglycone and many more.
Olives contain monounsaturated fats which
are good for health, which can help lower
blood pressure.
Olives are useful for maintaining
intestinal health, maintaining and
moisturizing the skin, reducing high blood
pressure, preventing heart attacks,
preventing stroke, strengthening the body's
resistance, preventing osteoporosis and
relieving arthritis, strengthening bones, and
as antioxidants from free radicals.
9. Strawberry fruit Strawberry fruit contains provitamin A,
vitamin B, vitamin B1, vitamin C, folate,
potassium and ellagic acid. Strawberry fruit
contains antioxidants that can fight free
radicals, and stores extraordinary and low-
calorie nutrients.
Strawberry fruit can reduce cholesterol
levels, help treat cancer, and reduce
symptoms of stroke. Strawberry fruit is
also capable of treating bladder disorders.
Usually strawberries are used as anti-virus.
10. Soursop fruit Soursop fruit also contains a lot of water.
The content in soursop includes
carbohydrates, fats, malic acid, citric acid,
isotrate acid, vitamin C, and also contains
dietary fiber and other phytochemical
compounds that are many beneficial for
Soursop fruit is useful to fight cancer
cells, increase endurance, provide energy to
the body, reduce cholesterol, and maintain
healthy skin.

11. Watermelon fruit Watermelon contains a lot of water.

Watermelon fruit also contains vitamin A,
vitamin C, calories, fat, sodium,
carbohydrates, fiber, citrulline amino acids,
spantotenic acid, copper, biotin, potassium,
and magnesium.
Watermelon fruit is useful to keep the
body hydrated, smooth the digestive
system, reduce the risk of cancer, reduce
the risk of heart attack, reduce high blood
pressure, maintain kidney health, and
improve bone health.
12. Cucumber fruit Cucumber fruit also contains a fairly
high water content. The ingredients in
cucumber include vitamin A, B vitamins,
vitamin C, as well as minerals such as
magnesium, potassium, manganese, and
Cucumber fruit is useful for smoothing
the digestive system, strengthening and
healthy joints, helping to digest proteins,
keeping blood pressure stable, fighting
cancer, maintaining healthy skin, and also
as a good antioxidant for the body.

13. Sopodilla fruit Sapodilla fruit contains many nutrients

such as vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin C,
energy, protein, fat, carbohydrates,
calcium, phosphorus, and iron. And
riboflavin, nicin, vitamin B6, and vitamin
Sapodilla fruit is useful for strengthening
bones, maintaining eye health, maintaining
healthy skin, helping the formation of red
blood cells, preventing colon cancer,
treating thrush, preventing premature
aging, and as a remedy for bleeding.
14. Dragon fruit Dragon fruit also contains a lot of water
in it. Dragon fruit content, among others,
vitamin C, vitamin B complex, calories,
Dragon fruit is useful for controlling
blood sugar levels, lowering blood
pressure, neutralizing toxins in the body,
maintaining eye health, treating asthma,
and also as antioxidants.
15. Cempedak fruit Cempedak fruit contains vitamin A,
vitamin C, vitamin B1, protein,
carbohydrates, fat, calcium, iron, and also
phosphorus. The main benefit of cempedak
fruit is to nourish the eyes.
Cempedak fruit also has many benefits
such as treating tumors, to reduce
cholesterol in the blood, to expel parasites,
to relieve malaria, to help the digestive
process, and also to increase endurance.
16. Blueberries Blueberries contain vitamin B1, vitamin
B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B6, vitamin C,
vitamin E, vitamin K, cholesterol and also
fat. It also contains various minerals such
as manganese, calcium, phosphorus, iron,
potassium, and also zinc.
Blueberries do not directly promote
blood flow, and improve memory. In
addition blueberries are beneficial to
maintain eye health, protect the skin, to
prevent digestive disorders, prevent cancer,
help control blood pressure, control blood
sugar, and also for antioxidant protection.

17. Cermai fruit Cermai fruit contains vitamin C,

calories, minerals, carbohydrates, crude
fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, thiamin,
and ribloflavin. And there are also other
ingredients such as saponins, tannins,
polyphenols, acid galus, tanned substances,
and toxic.
Cermai fruit is useful for treating various
diseases such as treating constipation, to
treat asthma, to relieve cancer, to increase
endurance, be used as a slimming, to
nourish bones and is very good for growth.
18. Pomegranate Pomegranates contain many nutrients
such as vitamin B6, vitamin C, energy,
carbohydrates, sugar, fiber, fat, protein,
thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic
acid, folate, calcium, iron, magnesium,
phosphorus, potassium, and also zinc.
Pomegranates are useful for preventing
osteoarthritis or cartilage damage, to
prevent Alzheimer's disease, to protect
teeth, relieve heart problems, treat cancer,
to add blood, and to treat diabetes.
19. Duku fruit Duku fruit contains vitamin C, vitamin E,
calories, protein, fat, carbohydrates,
minerals, calcium, phosphorus, and iron.
Duku fruit also has antioxidant properties.
The benefits of duku fruit are to maintain
gum health, prevent premature aging,
accelerate the recovery of the body, to
facilitate the digestive system, strengthen
teeth, to help control cholesterol levels,
both to maintain healthy skin, and as an
antioxidant to block damage by free
20. Durian fruit Durian fruit contains a lot of nutrition
that is quite complete, including vitamin B,
vitamin C, carbohydrates, protein,
unsaturated fats, magnesium, phosphorus,
potassium, thiamin, polyfenhol, omega 3
and omega 6, and antioxidants.
Durian fruit has a high number of calories
compared to other fruits. Natural sugars in
durian fruit such as fructose and sucrose
are easily digested so they can restore the
body's energy quickly. In addition, durian
fruit contains potassium which helps
reduce fatigue.
Another benefit of durian fruit is that it
helps to facilitate the digestive system,
helps control blood pressure, nourishes the
cardiovascular system, overcomes
insomnia, prevents cancer, prevents
anemia, helps maintain healthy bones,
coughs up, reduces weight, and also as a
natural aphrodisiac
21. Citrus fruits Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C, besides
that there are also other beneficial
ingredients such as folate, vitamin A,
vitamin B1, flavanoid antioxidants, beta
carotene, beta cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin,
and lutein.
Orange is beneficial for health such as
preventing heart disease, preventing stroke,
controlling blood sugar levels, reducing the
risk of colon cancer, increasing endurance,
preventing kidney stones, helping the
respiratory system health, reducing the risk
of arthritis, treating thrush, to maintain
stamina, and also to help facilitate the
digestive system.
22. coconut fruit Nutritional content of coconuts not only
in the flesh, but also in the water.
Nutritional content of coconut meat include
calories, fat, calcium, phosphorus, and iron.
And the content of coconut water includes
macronutrients such as carbohydrates,
proteins, fats, and with the content of
micronutrients in the form of minerals and
vitamins, as well as vitamin B3, vitamin
B5, vitamin B6, vitamin C, potassium,
calcium, phosphorus, zinc, sodium, and
The benefits of coconut fruit are to treat
heartburn, as an antidote in the body,
overcome pain during menstruation, reduce
fever, deal with dengue fever, treat
influenza, treat urinary stones, and replace
fluids in the body.
23. Kiwi fruit Kiwi fruit is rich in vitamin C, and there
is also vitamin A, vitamin B complex,
vitamin E, vitamin K, good dietary fiber,
beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, folate,
riboflavin, niacin, and thiamine.
Kiwi fruit is useful for increasing
endurance, preventing blood clots,
reducing the risk of stroke, overcoming
hypertension, preventing heart attacks,
helping iron absorption, helping the
digestive process, reducing the risk of
diabetes, maintaining healthy skin, and also
as a source of antioxidants.
24. Dates Fruit Dates contain a lot of nutrients, and the
most prominent are potassium (potassium)
and magnesium. Other content contained in
dates is vitamin B complex, vitamin C,
boron, calcium, cobalt, fluorine, iron,
manganese, phosphorus, sodium, selenium,
zinc, and there are antioxidant compounds
such as tannin, beta-carotene, lutein, and
Dates are useful for increasing energy,
maintaining healthy bones and teeth,
overcoming intestinal disorders, increasing
body weight, maintaining heart health,
preventing anemia, maintaining a healthy
nervous system, overcoming night
blindness, and also as an antioxidant to
fight free radicals.
25. Pineapple Pineapple is rich in vitamin C and
manganese, and contains vitamin A,
vitamin B1, vitamin B6, copper, dietary
fiber, folate, and pantothenic acid.
Pineapple fruit also contains proteolytic
enzyme bromelain which acts to help break
down protein.
Pineapple fruit is useful for preventing
cancer, helps the digestive system, helps
reduce weight, strengthens the body's
resistance, relieves inflammation, helps
cure sinusitis, strengthens eye performance,
and as an antioxidant from free radicals.
26. Papaya fruit Papaya fruit contains vitamin C and
provitamin A. Papaya fruit is useful to help
break down dietary fiber in the digestive
system and also helps facilitate the
digestive tract of food.
Papaya fruit can also cope with and treat
various diseases and other health problems
such as healing wounds and eliminating
infections. Another benefit of papaya is
that it can eliminate allergies.

27. Rambutan Rambutan contains vitamin C, vitamin

A, carbohydrates, protein, fiber, and
contains minerals such as calcium, iron,
phosphorus, niacin, potassium, zinc, and
Rambutan fruit is useful for providing
antioxidants for the body, can replace
damaged cells into new cells, help the
digestive process, maintain eye health, treat
hypertension, treat diarrhea, reduce
cholesterol, and prevent cancer.
28. Bananas Bananas contain vitamin A, Vitamin B1,
vitamin B2, and Vitamin C. The benefits of
bananas are that they can help reduce
stomach acid and also help maintain water
balance in the body.
Bananas can also treat diseases and other
health problems such as disorders of the
stomach. Besides bananas can prevent
heart disease and stroke. Banana fruit is
also effective in lowering cholesterol
29. Salak fruit Salak fruit contains many nutrients such
as, vitamin C, energy, protein,
carbohydrates, fat, calcium, phosphorus,
iron, fiber and also vitamin B. Salak fiber
is found in the skin of aria or thin skin
attached to the flesh of zalacca Therefore,
when eating snake fruit, aria skin should
not be removed.
Salak fruit is useful for increasing
endurance, maintaining eye health,
preventing cancer, treating diarrhea,
improving digestion, increasing brain
intelligence, and helping the diet process.
30 Limes fruit Lime contains various kinds of substances
including limonene and linalool, also
flavonoids, such as poncirin, hesperidine,
rhoifolin and naringin. Seain also contains
synephrine and N-methyltyramine,
calcium, phosphorus, iron, citric acid, iron
and vitamins A, B1, and C.
Some of the benefits of lime include to
treat hemorrhoids, tonsils, anyang-
anyangan, cough, influenza, overcome
unpleasant body odor, kidney stones,
diphtheria, irregular menstruation,
overcome acne, prevent hair loss and
spread hair, overcome dandruff, vertigo ,
cure sore throat, slimming weight and
many more benefits and properties of lime
for body health.
31. Guava fruit Guava is a juicy and refreshing fruit.
Guava water contains vitamin C and high
vegetable protein, so it is good to be
consumed to maintain skin elasticity and
elasticity. The content of vitamin C and
guava fiber can also reduce high
cholesterol levels

32. Melons contain vitamin A, vitamin C,

Melon fruit carbohydrates, protein, fat, and potassium.
Melon has a lot of water content like
Melons are beneficial for health such as
preventing stroke, preventing diabetes,
nourishing the eyes, helping the digestive
process, preventing heart attacks, and
maintaining healthy skin.

33 Mangosteen fruit Mangoes contain vitamin A, vitamin C,

and vitamin E. Mangoes can act as a
disinfectant. Mangoes can cleanse dirty
In addition, mangoes can also treat other
health problems such as bad body odor.
Mangoes can help reduce heat in the body
during a fever.
34. Mangoeteen fruit Mangosteen fruit contains many nutrients,
including vitamin A, vitamin B complex,
vitamin C, xhanthones, alpha mangostin,
gamma-mangostin, garcinone E, catechins,
polysaccharides, quonin, stilbene,
polyphenols, iron, calcium, magnesium and
Mangosteen fruit is beneficial for health
including fighting free radicals, helping to
reduce the risk of cancer, maintaining
endurance, treating dysentery, overcoming
diarrhea, overcoming bladder problems,
improving the digestive system, keeping
blood pressure stable, treating TB pain, and
maintaining healthy skin .

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