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Computer Programming for Engineers, BKF 2143

Semester 1, 2019/20

Assignment 2

Question 1:

1) Figure 1 shows the command window results obtained from the data shown in Table
1. Create the MATLAB® code for displaying pressure value demonstrated by
different pressure sensor of a chemical plant unit as shown in Figure 1.
Table 1: Pressure sensor vs Value (kPa)
Pressure 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Value 99 40 43 20 50 39 60 29 20 10 5 60 80

Figure 1: Results shown in command window

(9 marks)

Question 2:

Consider that an acceptable temperature in between 200°C and 250°C for a distillation
column. Write the MATLAB’s code using if command for the problem that specifies that the
temperature of a distillation column shows

 Temperature within specified range

 The temperature has exceeded maximum value
 The temperature is below the operating range
(7 marks)
Question 3

Consider a chemical company has a balance of money of $50k before closing down. The
company plan to invest that amount of money in a third party company that generates a return
of 8% annually.

a) Write a MATLAB code using while loop to show how many years are needed to
reach $1million.
(6 marks)
b) Using fplot code to plot year vs the number of years that reach $1million from $50k
(3 marks)

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