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Take Home Exam for Final Assessment 2020-2021/Third

MT390: Digital Image Processing

Cut-Off Date : August 30, 2021 Cut off Time : 10:05 am

Total Marks : 100 Duration : 48 Hours

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MT390 / Final-THE 1 of 4 2020-2021/Summer

Question 1: 15 marks 
a) Provide the ‘Formal’ Description of the term Digital Image Processing. Provide two examples
at each level of the description from the field of ‘Robotics’ by adequately describing why
these examples belong to these levels. 9 marks
b) Write one similarity and one major difference between the Bilinear and Bicubic Interpolation
techniques used for images. Which of these techniques is powerful and why? You should
provide adequate explanation for your answer. 6 marks

Question 2: 15 marks 

a) Apply the following Intensity Transformation to the 8-bit image of size 3x3 pixels given below
and find all output values: 4.5 marks

Intensity Transformation

output intensity, s




0 50 100 150 200 250
input intensity, r

113 64 70
90 11 25
60 200 210

b) Briefly describe the main characteristics of the Power Law Intensity Transformation. Which
of its parameters plays a major role in controlling its characteristics and how? You should
provide adequate explanation for your answer. 4.5 marks
c) Specify an Intensity Transformation that should suppress i.e. force to zero all intensity values
in range 0 to 50 and preserve all intensity values in the range 200 to 255 for an 8-bit image
processing system. The remaining intensity values of the input should be fixed to the value
200. 6 marks

Question 3: 15 marks 

a) How is a filter usually specified in the Frequency Domain for image processing applications?
Specify an Ideal Low Pass Filter (LPF) in the Frequency Domain for images. How can you
obtain the specification of an Ideal High Pass Filter from this ideal LPF? Write the equation
that enables this derivation. 7 marks
b) Briefly explain how the following effects can be achieved for images: 8 marks

MT390 / Final-THE 2 of 4 2020-2021/Summer

i) Blurring an image
ii) Edge enhancement in images
iii) Detecting a large object in presence of many smaller objects
iv) Obtaining a binary image

Question 4: 25 marks 

a) Derive and show the correspondence between the Filtering Operation in the Spatial Domain
to the filtering Operation in the Frequency Domain using 1-D systems and sequences. You
must provide all necessary equations and derivation steps for full marks. 15 marks
Hint: Using definition of Convolution Sum and Fourier Transform for 1-D case for simplicity.
b) Derive and show the ‘Commutative’ property of the ‘Convolution’ operation for the simple
case of 1-D systems and sequences. You must provide all necessary equations and derivation
steps for full marks. 10 marks

Question 5: 15 marks 

a) Consider 2 compression codes whose relevant information is given in the table below. You
have to compare the performance of the 2 codes using the information provided in the
table. You must show that which code has performed better and why? Show all steps of your
calculations for full marks. 8 marks
rk pr (r k ) Code 1 l 1(r k ) Code 2 l 2(r k )
r1 .07 00 2 1001 4
r2 .15 01 2 000 3
r3 .25 10 2 10 2
r4 .53 11 2 1 1

b) Apply any one of the Laplacian Operator mask to the center pixel of the following 8-bit image
of size 3x3 pixel and find the output value: 7 marks

105 69 76
225 39 47
15 60 110

Question 6: 15 marks 

a) Find the result of Convolution Operation between the following 1-D sequences: 9 marks
x(n) = [5 1 3 7 6 4]
h(n) = [4 8 2 9]
Show all steps of your work for full marks.

MT390 / Final-THE 3 of 4 2020-2021/Summer

b) What is the major difference between the operations of the ‘Average’ and ‘Weighted
Average’ filters for image processing? You must provide an adequate explanation in your
own words. 3 marks
c) Briefly describe the major characteristics of Linear filters that differentiates them from Non-
Linear filters in your own words. 3 marks

End of Assessment

MT390 / Final-THE 4 of 4 2020-2021/Summer

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