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Legal Disclaimer

This course is advisory in nature and reflects The Knowledge Academy’s current thinking
about best and common practice in the subjects discussed. In particular, please consider the

1. No liability for any errors or omissions

The information contained in this workbook and supporting documentation has been provided for
information purposes only. This information does not constitute legal, professional, or commercial
advice. While every care has been taken to ensure that the content is useful and accurate, The
Knowledge Academy (TKA) provides no guarantees, undertakings, or warranties in this regard, and
does not accept any legal liability or responsibility for the content or the accuracy of the information so
provided, or, for any loss or damage caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with reliance on
the use of such information.

While every effort is made to avoid this, the material and training may contain technical inaccuracies
and typographical errors.

2. Views, opinions, examples, & guidance are for information purposes only

Any views, opinions, and guidance provided by the Course Trainer, the Course Material (including
supplemental material), or other TKA Staff are for information only, and do not purport to be legal
and/or professional advice, or a definitive interpretation of how to provide a solution. It is the sole
responsibility of anyone contemplating action in respect of matters covered in this course (either
formally or informally) to make sure that such actions are sound based on the unique requirements of
the specific situation.

3. No Warranty or Endorsement

TKA does not make any warranty, express or implied, including warranties of merchantability and
fitness for a particular purpose, nor does it assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy,
completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, nor does it
represent that its use would not infringe privately owned rights.

Reference to any specific commercial products, process, or service by trade name, trademark,
manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement,
recommendation, or favouring by TKA. The views and opinions of authors and trainers as expressed
during the course do not necessarily state or reflect those of TKA and shall not be used for
advertising or product endorsement purposes.

4. Third Party Company and Products (Real and Fictitious)

Any reference or mention to third party companies and/or products, is for purely informational
purposes only. This information does not constitute either an endorsement or a recommendation.
This includes (but is not limited to) references to third party websites and other information sources
such as is displayed in the “CPD” slides and other documentation.
Exam Regulations & Guidelines
1. Exams must be completed within the time specified for the particular exam.
2. Open book exams allow the candidate to access the course workbook, approved technical
manuals, and their own notes only.

3. Questions and answers are based on the TKA BOK (Body Of Knowledge) for the course. This
will consist of the course workbook(s) and any other documentation provided as standard by
TKA. Please be aware that in some cases third party information and descriptions may conflict
with the BOK viewpoint.

4. Candidates can seek clarification on wording and phrasing from the Invigilator, however the
Invigilator is not allowed to give explanations that provide, or help to provide, a correct answer.

5. The decision of the Invigilator is final.

6. Extra time may be granted to either individuals or the whole examination body to compensate
for disruption or interference during the exam.

7. Official results will be transmitted via e-mail direct to the candidate. Candidates who pass the
exam will have a certificate attached.

Appeals Procedure
Candidates may appeal against decisions given by the Invigilator or against the exam result.

Candidates should contact their TKA Sales Customer Service as soon as possible and no later than
10 working days after the end of the course or upon receiving their exam result.

Appeals should be supported by the following:

1. The nature of the appeal

2. Justification for the appeal

3. Supporting facts and evidence including corroborative documentation & statements

4. An indication of what you think would be a satisfactory resolution

TKA will acknowledge within 2 working days and attempt to resolve the matter within 10 working
days. We cannot guarantee the resolution response time due to the investigative nature of the work
but we will keep you informed.

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