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Listening & Speaking

Imperative Sentence
 “Please ....... ! Ok, I will do it!”

Noun and Verb



By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
 mention the cleaning equipment.
 practice the activity based on the order.

 Integrity
 Independent
 Team-work

The teacher uses the Indonesian culture to teach English through the learning
activity namely, cleaning duty. It shows the Indonesian culture which is
identically with team-work.

The real cleaning tools (realia), puzzle and pictures in microsoft power point

H. Pre-lesson Activities

(5 Minutes)

1. Preparing the materials or learning tools (realia, list card, puzzle, and ppt).
2. Singing opening classroom password (OCP)
“ Hello my teachers
Hello all my friends
Good morning and cheers
And give me your smiles
La..lala..lalalala, horray La..lala..lalalalalala, horray”
(anak gembala’s song)
NB: When singing this OCP, the teacher should give an example by using
extra movement (gesture).
3. Checking student attendance.


(5 Minutes)

1. Guessing Game

Teacher asks the students in “Who Wants to be A Millionaire,” by showing

the objects (realia). They can be used in different sections of the class.
2. Give Me Your Clap

The teacher plays a simple game - give me your clap - game to check the
student concentration.

ACTIVITY 1: Opening

Pre-listening activities (10 Minutes)

Introducing the lesson

The teacher tells the students that they are going to learn about cleaning
equipment directly and a simple conversation which is including the imperative
sentence implicitly. She/ he tells them that to begin the lesson they will hear a
short story from the teacher and after listening the story, and they will retell what
they understand from the story. It is helped by the availability of PPT.

ACTIVITIY 2: Presentation

(Listening and Speaking, 25 minutes)

1. Story Telling
Asking the students to see and listen carefully. The teacher can use the real
cleaning tools as the property of story telling. The script of the story is:


“My name is Jo. I am the captain of the class. I love to clean up my

class together with my friends. Today, I just want to tell the cleaning duty
on Monday. My job is sweeping the floor by using this broom. Mei mei’s job
is mopping the floor by using the mop. Afifah loves to throw the rubbish into
the bin. Bima’s job is erasing the whiteboard. I am happy to work with them.
My classroom is always clean and tidy.”
2. PPT Presentation
Before showing the picture, the teacher is interacting (question and answer)
with the students - talking about the content of the story. Afterwards, asking
the students to see the picture and say to them:
Example: The picture is “broom,” teacher asks the students, “What is this?
What can I do with this broom?” or perhaps asks the students to come
forward and say “Salma, please sweep the floor!” and then ask the other
students “What’s salma doing? She is sweeping the floor.”
3. Moving along the song
Sing the I love to clean up my class song with actions and music
accompaniment. The lyric is:

I Love to Clean up My Class

In this morning, I go to school and clean up my class

I sweep the floor by using broom and mop mop together
I throw the rubbish to the bin and erase the whiteboard
I love to clean up my class together with my friends
Hey! Tuk tik tak tik tuk tik tak tik tuk I love to clean up my class
Tuk tik tak tik tuk tik tak tik tuk I love to clean up my class
(Naik Delman’s song)

NB: By the end of the song, ask the student to group the vocabulary.

ACTIVITIY 3: Practice

(Post-listening and speaking, 10 minutes)

1. Real Talk:
Teacher guides the students to:
 hold up the actual cleaning tools and ask the students what the actual
cleaning tools is. Besides, the teacher can practice some activities
using the actual cleaning tools and ask the students to predict what
teacher is doing.
 have the student converse by asking similiar question to each other
about the cleaning tools and how they are working to.
 ask some students to practice in front of the class as the way they
answer your question. Example: the teacher says “Chyntia, please
sweep the floor!” and Chyntia has to say “Yes miss, I will sweep the
floor by using broom.”

ACTIVITIY 4: Practice

( 25 minutes)

1. Puzzle Arrangement
The teacher checks the students’ understanding of cleaning equipment and
imperative sentence by having them arrange the puzzle. The teacher
divides the students into some groups. Each group consist of 5 to 6
members. The teacher gives them 3 different puzzle in one group. The
teacher will say something related to the material.

Group 1: Their puzzles are sweeping the floor, throwing the rubbish, and
closing the door.
Group 2: Their puzzles are sweeping the floor, throwing the rubbish, and
closing the door.
Group 3: Their puzzles are sweeping the floor, throwing the rubbish, and
closing the door.

First order: “Throwing the Rubbish.” Those 3 groups have to arrange one
of the puzzles related to the order. The earliest group that finish the puzzle
is the winner.

NB: This game will be continued to get the winner.

ACTIVITIY 5: Discussion

( 5 minutes)

Why we have to clean up our classroom?

1. The teacher tells the students the importance of cleaning up the classroom
and innitiates some simple conversations with them. She/he asks them
what is the most favorite things to do when cleaning up the classroom. The
students talk about their interest and the reasons why they have to keep
their classroom clean.
2. The teacher divides the student into some groups. Each group consist of
four to five students. The teacher gives laptop for each group and asks
them to match the question and answer in ppt.

ACTIVITIY 6: Follow-up & Closing

Homework ( 5 minutes)

1. The teacher gives the students a grayscale picture (it shows the activities of
cleaning up the classroom).
2. The teacher asks them to choose one picture based on their interest.
3. The teacher ask them to color the picture at home and prepare to speak in
front of their parents about what cleaning activity is in the picture and how
they use the cleaning equipment to finish their cleaning job.
4. The teacher asks their parents to take a video of their children while they
are doing the presentation. Afterwards, the parents have to send the video
to the teachers.
6. Before closing the class, the teacher asks the students to clean up the
classroom together by listening to the imperative sentences.
5. The teacher closes the class and tells the student whether or not the students
are happy to learn with her/him.
Here the Closing Classroom Password (CCP)

“Good bye, Good bye, Good bye my teacher

We want to go home and see you next time
Good bye, Good bye, Good bye my teacher
Thank you for today and see you next time”
(Cangkul-Cangkul’s song)
Attachment 1

Attachment 1

Example of Puzzle
Attachment 2

Example of Grayscale Picture

Attachment 2

Speaking Activity Rubric

EXCELLENT - Uses a variety of vocabulary and expressions in daily activity (esp. School daily
VU activity).
90 – 100 Stays on task and communicates effectively; almost always responds
appropriately and always tries to develop the interaction
PI Pronunciation and intonation are almost always very clear/accurate
VERY GOOD Uses a variety of vocabulary and expressions, but makes some errors in word
(B+) choice (esp. School daily activity).
80 – 89 Stays on task most of the time and communicates effectively; generally responds
appropriately and keeps trying to develops the interaction
PI Pronunciation and intonation are usually clear/accurate with a few problem areas
GOOD (B) VU Uses limited vocabulary and expressions.
75 – 79 FP Tries to communicate, but sometimes does not respond appropriately or clearly.
Pronunciation and intonation errors sometimes make it difficult to understand the
FAIR (C) VU Uses only basic vocabulary and expressions
<74 FP Usually does not respond appropriately or clearly.
PI Frequent problems with pronunciation and intonation

Source: Adopted and Modified from Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for
classroom use.
VU Vocabulary Use
FP Fluency & Participation
PI Pronounciation & Intonation
Attachment 4
Listening Activity Rubric
EXCELLENT GU - The student showed a very good general understanding of all vocabulary and
(A) information.
90 – 100 LD Stays on task and communicates effectively; almost always responds
(RP) appropriately and always tries to develop the interaction
VERY GOOD GU The student showed a good general understanding of the vocabulary and
(B+) information.
80 – 89 LD Stays on task most of the time and communicates effectively; generally responds
(RP) appropriately and keeps trying to develops the interaction
GOOD (B) GU The student did not understand a lot of the vocabulary and information.
75 – 79 LD Tries to communicate, but sometimes does not respond appropriately or clearly.
FAIR (C) GU Student did not understand enough vocabulary or information.
<74 LD Usually does not respond appropriately or clearly.
Source: Adopted and Modified from Listenig I-Rubric
GU General Understanding
LD Listening for Details
(RP) (Response and Participation)

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