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Preboard Sample paper 2019-20

Subject: Mathematics Grade: X

Name: Date:
Section A
1. If HCF (26, 169) = 13, then LCM (26, 169) is
(a) 26 (b) 52 (c) 338 (d) 13
2. If cos A+cos²A=1, then the value of sin²A+sin⁴A=1 is
(a) -1 (b) 0 (c) 1 (d) 2
3. The decimal expansion of the rational number will terminate after
(a) One decimal place
(b) Two decimal places
(c) Three decimal places
(d) Four decimal places
4. The distance between the point A (0,6) and B (0, -2) is
(a) 6 units (b) 8 units (c) 4 units (d) 2 units
5. The pair of equation 5x – 15y = 8 and 3x – 9y = has
(a) One solution
(b) Two solutions
(c) Infinite solutions
(d) No solution
6. The area of triangle with vertices (3,0), (7,0) and (8,4) is
(a) 14 sq. units (b) 28 sq. units (c) 8 sq. units (d) 6 sq. units
7. A tower stands vertically on the ground. From a point on the ground which is 25 m away from the foot of the
tower, the angle of elevation of the top of the tower is found to be 45 degrees. The height of the tower is
(a) 25√2 (b) 25√3 (c) 25 (d) 12.5
8. If P ( , 4) is the midpoint of the line segment joining the points A (-6, 5) and B (-2, 3), then the value of a is
(a) 26 (b) 52 (c) 338 (d) 13
( 4 sin 𝛼 − cos 𝛼 )
9. If 4 tan 𝛼 = 3, then the value of (4 sin 𝛼 + cos 𝛼)
is equal to
(a) 2/3 (b) 1/3 (c) 1/2 (d) 3/4

10. For the following distribution:

Class 0-8 8-16 16-24 24-32 32-40
Frequency 12 26 10 9 15
The sum of upper limits of the median class and the modal class is
(a) 24 (b) 40 (c) 32 (d) 16

11. What is the digit at unit place of 9n?

12. If , a, 2 are three consecutive terms of an A.P., then find the value of a.
13. lf x= is a solution of the quadratic equation 3x2 + 2kx – 3 = 0, then find the value of k.
14. In figure, S and T are points on the sides PQ and PR respectively of ∆PQR, such that PT = 2 cm, TR = 4 cm and ST is
parallel to QR. Find the ratio of the areas of ∆ PST and ∆PQR

15. Two concentric circles of radii a and b(a>b) are given. Find the length of the chord of the larger circle which
touches the smaller circle.
In the given figure PQ is a chord of a circle with centre O and PT is a tangent. If ∠QPT =600, find ∠PRQ.

16. A quadratic polynomial, whose zeroes are -3 and 4, is _____________.

If one zero of the polynomial 5z2 + 13z – p is reciprocal of the other, then find p.

17. A card is drawn from a deck of 52 cards. The event ‘E’ is that card is not an ace of hearts. The number of
outcomes favourable to E is _______________.
18. The 20th term from the last of the A.P 3, 8, ---------253 is _____________.
19. A cylinder and a cone are of the same base radius and same height. The ratio of the volumes of the cylinder to
that of the cone is ________________.
20. The perimeters of two similar triangles ∆ABC and ∆PQR are 26 cm & 39 cm respectively, then the ratio of the
corresponding medians of the two triangles is ___________.

Section B

21. In an AP the first term is 2, the last term is 29 and sum of the terms is 155. Find the common difference of the AP.
22. If sec 4A = cosec (A – 20°), where 4A is an acute angle, find the value of A.
23. A pair of dice is thrown once. Find the proobability of getting the same number on each dice.
Find the probabilty of 53 Fridays in a leap year.
24. E is a point on the side AD produced of a parallelogram ABCD and BE intersects CD at F. Show that ΔABC is similar
to ΔCFB.
ABC is a right triangle, right angled at A and D is the mid point of AB. Prove that, BC²=CD²+3BD²

25. In the given figure, if ∠ATO = 40°, find ∠AOB.

26. The largest possible sphere is carved out of a wooden solid cube of side 7 cm. Find the volume of the wood left.

Section C

27. If 12th term of AP is -13 and sum of first 4 terms is 24 find sum of first 10 terms.
28. Find all the zeroes of the polynomial of x4+x3-34x2- 4x+120 if two of is zeroes are 2 ,-2.
29. The sum of denominator and numerator of a fraction is 3 less than twice the denominator. If each of the
numerator and denominator is decreased by 1, the fraction becomes . Find the fraction
Solve for x and y:
ax by
- a
=a+b ; ax – by =2ab
𝑥 𝑦
30. If p (x, y) is any point on the line joining the points A (a, 0) and B (0, b), then show that + = 1.
𝑎 𝑏
31. Prove that √2 is irrational.
Use Euclid division lemma to show that the square of any positive integer is either of the form 3m or 3m+1 for some
integer m.
sin 𝜃−cos 𝜃 sin 𝜃+ cos 𝜃 2
32. Prove that + = 2
sin 𝜃+ cos 𝜃 sin 𝜃− cos 𝜃 2𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜃−1


Find the value of 5cos2 60°+ 4cos2 30°- tan2 45°

sin2 30°+cos2 60°
33. Find the area of the shaded region of the following figure, if the diameter of the circle with centre O is 28 cm
and AQ = AB

34. If the median of the following frequency distribution is 32.5, find the values of f1 and f2.

Section D

1 1 1 1
35. Solve for 'x’:
= 2a + b + 2x , x ≠ 0

There are two points on a highway A and B. They are 70 km apart. An auto starts from A and another auto starts
from B simultaneously. If they travel in the same direction, they meet in 7 hours, but if they travel towards each
other they meet in 1 hour. Find how fast the two autos are.

36. Prove that If a line is drawn parallel to one side of a triangle to intersect the other two sides in distinct points ,
then the other two sides are divided in the same ratio.

37. A 2m tall boy is standing at some distance from a 29 m tall building. The angle of elevation, from his eyes to the
top of the building increases from 300 to 600 as he walks towards the building. Find the distance he walks towards
the building.

38. Draw a circle of radius 3.4 cm. Draw two tangents to it inclinded at an angle of 60° to each other:
Draw a ΔABC with side BC = 6 cm, AB = 5 cm and ∠ABC = 60°. Construct ΔAB’C’ similar to ΔABC such that sides of

ΔAB’C’ are of the corresponding sides of ΔABC.

39. An open metal bucket is in the shape of a frustum mounted on a cylindrical base made of same metallic sheet.

The diameter of two circular ends of bucket are 45 and 25 cm. The total height of bucket is 40 cm and base of
cylinder is 6cm. Find area of metallic sheet used to make the bucket. Also find the volume of water it can hold.

An agriculture field is in the form of a rectangle of length 20 m width 14 m. A 10m deep well of diameter 7 m is dug
in a corner of the field and the earth taken out of the well is spread evenly over the remaining part of the field. Find
the rise in the level of the field.

40. Find the mean and mode of the following data:

Classes Frequency

0-20 12

20-40 13

40-60 6

60-80 7

80-100 8

100-120 14

120-140 13


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