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W ELCOM E TO N UMERO LO GIST ’ S N U MBER MES SAG ES H A N D B O O K . . . . . . . . . . . 3

HOW TO USE THIS H AN DBOO K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

HOW TO IMP ROVE YO UR L IFE WITH REP EAT IN G N U MBERS.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5

THE BENEFITS OF REP EATING N U MB ERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6

A BR I E F HISTO RY OF NUMEROLO GY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

THE TYPES O F REP EATING N UM BERS.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

D ECOD IN G YO UR REPEATING N U MB ERS.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5

THE M ASTER ECH O REPEATING N U MB ERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6

NUM B ER 11 . .......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6
NUM B ER 22........................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 7
NUM B ER 33. .......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
NUM B ER 44........................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 8
NUM B ER 66. .......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 9

EC HO SEQUENCES .................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0
NUM B ER 11: 11 . ..................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0
NUM B ER 222 . ........................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
NUM B ER 555 . ........................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1

COM BI NATIO N REPEATING N U MBERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

NUM B ER 86. .......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
NUM B ER 19........................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3
NUM B ER 123 . ........................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3

LEAR NI NG TO DECODE YOUR REP EAT IN G N U MBERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4

Welcome to Numerologist’s Numbers Message Handbook!

At, we’re fascinated by all things numbers. From decoding

the deeper meaning of birthdays, to analyzing every single facet of an
individual’s name, we live and breath numbers, day in and day out.

So, it’s no surprise that our fascination with numbers includes the
phenomenon of repeating numbers, too!

We’re guessing we have this in common and that’s why you’re reading this
right now.

In the following pages, we’re going to deliver groundbreaking information

about the real meanings of repeating numbers.

Yes, we’re emphasizing “real” because most of the available information about
repeating numbers on the internet is either inaccurate or incomplete.

It is our mission to share the most accurate and trusted information that
reveals the whole story behind numbers, their deeper meanings, the
messages they’re delivering to you, and how you can use this information to
truly better your life for good.

Now it’s time for you to dive into our Number Messages Handbook, starting
with the next section - How To Use This Handbook!


The Numerologist Team

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You might be tempted to fast forward and flip through this book to find the
exact repeating number sequence you’ve been seeing.

We get it. We too have had that burning desire to figure out what the heck all
those numbers mean!

And yes, while you can easily flip ahead, it is highly recommended that you
take the time to review the information leading up to the repeating number
definitions first.

Because the information we’ve included in this handbook does not simply
share a one-size-fits-all message for each repeating numbers.

We have gone one step further by explaining the types of repeating numbers
that exist, why they appear, and the secret formula, created by expert
Numerologist, Natalie Olson, for decoding the specific meanings these
numbers hold for YOU.

That’s right. Not all repeating number

sequences are created equal. Their
messages don’t mean the same thing for

It all depends on the specific numbers

you see and the situations in which they
present themselves.

Recurring numbers and repeating digits

are often indicative of an answer you’ve
been waiting for, confirmation you’re
on the right path, or sometimes even a
warning of an upcoming danger…

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Which one is it for you?
To find out, it’s imperative that you pay attention to not only the individual
numbers, but the pattern or sequence within which they appear, and where
they show up for you.

Now this isn’t to say that one type of repeating number is better than
another. That’s not the case at all.

But, there is a very unique distinction between the types of repeating

number sequences that exist.

So, if you’re wondering how to get the most out of this handbook, the
answer is simple...

Continue reading, section by section, to learn the secret that no one else is
talking about.

As you’ll learn, it’s not as simple as googling a number pattern and sifting
through the numerous (and varied) responses.


Typically, the first step to improving your life involves developing a
deeper awareness and understanding of both your internal and external

In the case of repeating numbers, the first step to improving your life is to
understand why repeating numbers exist and the benefits they’re showing up
to provide! Ready to get started?

Great! Here we go…

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At, we are constantly asked the same question…

“Why do I see repeating numbers everywhere I go and what do they mean?”

Whether it’s a number on a clock, or the same repeating number pattern that
appears on receipts, license plates or homes, the phenomenon of repeating
numbers is real and it exists for a very specific reason.

There’s no denying that life has become far more complex. Especially in
recent years.

With the fast pace of ever-changing technology, our everyday reality is

changing in a way that has never happened before.

Most people are more connected to what’s going on around them than ever.
They focus on what their friends, co-workers and/or family members are up
to on social media, what they think, etc.

Meanwhile, despite the “connections”, people are actually more disconnected

to what matters most - the personal truth that lives deep within.

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This is where the power of repeating numbers comes into play…

Repeating numbers act as a connection to our personal truth. They’re a fast

path to connecting with the little voice that lives within us that is so easily
ignored or pushed to the side in the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

In Ancient times, there were fewer external distractions. Life may have been
more challenging in certain ways, but it was undoubtedly more simple. People
lived in harmony with not only the environment around them, but with their
inner self and personal truth.

This powerful connection has been diluted with modern day distractions and
this is the precise reason repeating numbers exist, and are on the rise!

God, Universe, Spirit, Source or whatever belief you align with, knows that
you are more prone to pay attention to what’s happening outside of you vs.
what’s happening within.

Repeating numbers are the messengers of the Universe.

They are appearing in your life because there is an important message that
needs to be delivered to you.

As you’ll discover, the meaning of the repeating numbers being sent to you
will likely ring very true. This is because this exact message has been trying to
“reach” you for quite some time without success.

Disclaimer: While it is beneficial to understand the deeper meaning of

repeating numbers and pursue a connection with your personal truth, we are
firm believers in personal will.

No matter what the circumstance or message, you have the power to choose
how you wish to interpret and act on certain information.

The intention of sharing this powerful information is to truly empower you to

lead your life in an aligned, conscious way.

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Once you truly understand this personalized Universal language, the
superpowers that’ll become available to you are unparalleled. You’ll...

• Find immediate answers to problems you’ve been desperately trying to

• Get divine confirmation when you’re on a path that’s aligned with your
TRUE destiny...
• Spot Cosmic warning shots any time there’s trouble lurking on the
• Open a direct channel of feedback from the Universe on your thoughts,
actions, and overall life choices...
• Receive guidance on your most fulfilling next steps in life (and when to
take action before it’s too late).

Now that we’ve explored the power of repeating numbers in your life, it’s
important to take a quick peek at the history of numbers and numerology.

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Whether you realize it or not, you are surrounded by numbers all the time.

In fact, everything we create is made of numbers. Numbers are the DNA of

clocks, calendars, addresses, phone numbers, skyscrapers, and the change in
your pocket. They fit you into shoes and clothes and stand between you and
your goals. But even though we tend to use them only to measure or count
things, distance and time, they have not lost their individual meanings. They
tell their own stories and deliver their own messages.

The messages of the numbers are not always easy to decipher, because there
are so many other things we must pay attention to these days. Yet there are
times when they surprise us and evoke feelings of wonder and curiosity. And
sometimes they predict events that haven’t happened yet.

Numerology began when people first realized that numbers meant more than
“how many?” or “when?” They discovered that numbers could also define the
form or quality of a thing. A tripod could not be built without 3 sticks. Shelter
could best secure people and things when it had 4 walls. People’s bodies
worked best with 2 arms, 2 legs and a head. The 5 senses and the 5 fingers
and toes on the hands and feet were parts of us that gathered knowledge
about the world. They were also the tools that created the world that evolved
into the one we have today.

We honored our relationship with the universe by building Pyramids -

structures of 4 triangular sides. Stonehenge was a circle of stones used to
track the Sun and the Moon, as the Pyramid City of Giza marked the seasons
and the cycles of the stars. In this way, our Ancestors matched the cycles of
nature, human society with the cycles of the stars. They did all this from their
belief in the meaning of numbers.

The ancient Minoans left us a circular clay disk with concentric rings of
holes and a seven-rayed star in the center. Recently a researcher discovered
that the pegs moved from hole to hole each day and calculated the orbits of

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Jupiter and Saturn. Some think this “Disk of Kronos” may have been the origin
of the 7-day week.

Ancient Sumerian priests used numbers in a different way. They assigned

meanings to them that described the most common quality that things of
similar nature shared. An Eagle usually flies alone, so it had the nature of
the number 1. The Moon shared the night with the stars so it was second in
the order of heaven, and was assigned the number 2. They brought to early
civilization the most ancient of ideas about the world; that everything is

Many centuries later, the Greeks, Egyptians and Hebrews used the letters
of the alphabet for numbers. They encoded their holy books with them.
They wrote speeches, plays and poetry to conform with the themes of the
numbers. Sanskrit has its own number-letter conversion system and a method
of Numerology that still survives. It is to a very large degree, the foundation
of the Numerology we use in the west today.

Numerology was originally used to study events that occurred in nature to

discover prophecies about the land and its rulers.

It was also used as a method to decode myths and predict future events.

As we developed more sophisticated techniques for finding messages in the

numbers, it became a secret code known only to magicians, sorcerers and
priests. They believed that numbers were the divine language.

Even during the Renaissance it was seldom used to tell fortunes for common
people. Those who wrote about the magic number squares and the number
meanings found in

Sacred texts were among the literate few.

In Asia, Numerology was known from most ancient times, but was very
different from the methods developed in Europe. Its techniques came
from the same metaphysics basis as the I-Ching, traditional medicine, and

During the 20th Century, Numerology began to focus its attention on the

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individual. It became a method of character analysis in the west, and a good
deal of its predictive methodology survived.

Many people make unfounded claims about the history of Numerology. As

we use it today, it was almost completely developed in the 20th century. In
today’s modern materialistic world, it is really hard to find the magic within
it. At the same time, you might say that today’s Numerology is a rebellion
against this disenchantment of the wonders of the world.

Number messages can be understood as meaningful coincidences, or what

the famous Dr. Carl Gustav Jung called “synchronicities”. He explained them
as unconscious content connecting with events in the world, but without a
cause and effect relationship. But the full definition can get quite complex.
Let’s say that a Synchronicity is a message from the universe and leave it at

And that’s what this little handbook is all about. It’s about those numbers that
seem to follow you around and may even appear in your dreams. This little guide
is also about your ability to pay attention to these Number Messages and
allow them to unlock your ability to read them.

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Now it’s time to explore the different types of repeating numbers that exist.

Most experts acknowledge the meanings of single digit numbers, Karmic and
Master numbers, and various sequences.

While these are relevant, there are two types of repeating number sequences
you must know about.

The first is called an Echo Repeating Number and the second is called a
Combination Repeating Number.

How do you know what kind of sequence you’re seeing?

As Natalie Olson explains….

If you are seeing the SAME single number repeating itself in a sequence then
you are seeing an Echo Repeating Number.

For example, if you are seeing 22, 11:11, 5:55, 888, 333, then you are seeing
an echo repeating number because the same symbol is echoing itself or
repeating itself throughout the whole sequence!

If you’re seeing a single digit over and over again at separate times, like if
the number 8 popping up everywhere you look, that is considered an echo
repeating number, too!

Because again, the same single number is repeating itself in your life!

If this is the type of repeating number that you’re seeing right now,

The Universe is asking you to focus on this one number, or superpower, in

your life to achieve greatness.

Echo repeating numbers are powerful, FOCUSED and AMPLIFIED life-

changing messages coming through to you from the Universe, that you

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cannot ignore!

Now onto the second type of repeating number.

If you are seeing a mixture of numbers over and over again, then you are
seeing something called a Combination Repeating Number.

For instance, if you are seeing 1234, 5:30, or 757, then you are seeing a
combination repeating number.

A great rule of thumb to distinguish between an echo repeating number and

a combination repeating number is this: If all the digits in the repeating
number that you’re seeing are not the same (even if just one of the digits is
different), then you automatically have a Combination Repeating Number.

Even if you are seeing 1:33, 8:22 or 11:44 - all of those numbers are
considered combination repeating numbers because there are two or more
types of numbers appearing in your life.

Combination Repeating Numbers are delivering an equation or a set of

instructions, made-just-for-you, to help you achieve what you most need
right now in your life.

After you’ve identified what type of repeating number sequence you’re

seeing, the next step is to use this information to uncover the Miracle

This is the super secret code that really pulls together the actual meaning of
the repeating numbers you’re seeing in your life.

The Miracle Number is the sum of all the numbers in your echo and/or
combination sequence, added down to a single digit and it represents the
deeper message the Universe is trying to deliver to you right now.

It also highlights the magical outcome that awaits you when you follow the
decoded messages in your repeating number sequence.

For example, if you are seeing the echo repeating number 11:11, add all those
1’s down to a single digit and you have the miracle number of 4! 1+1+1+1=4

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Now, if you’re seeing the combination repeating number 123, add all those
numbers down until you get a single digit! So 1+2+3= 6. The repeating
number 123 has a Miracle number of 6.

After you’ve calculated your miracle number, it’s time to decode!!

Continue reading to decode the meaning of the repeating numbers in your


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Now it’s time to decode the repeating numbers you’re seeing.

As you previously learned, the repeating number sequences are reduced to

arrive at a single digit, otherwise known as the Miracle Number. Hence the
connection to the powerful meaning of the message.

The odd numbers usually prompt us to take individual action and make
personal decisions. They are “doing” numbers.

The even numbers usually prompt us to move toward cooperation,

competition or interacting with others. They are “being” numbers.

Some numbers act on the plane of reason and intuition, some act on the
emotional level, and some represent physical or tangible things.

Now, for obvious reasons, it’s impossible for us to decode every combination
of repeating numbers that exist so we have chosen to decode some of the
most popular sequences below.

If the repeating number sequence you’re seeing is not decoded below, don’t

At the end of this report, we tell you about a system that teaches you to do
this for yourself so you don’t have to rely on random Google searches and the
interpretations of (possibly questionable) strangers.

Once you understand the system, you’ll be able to access your Miracle
Number and decode the meaning of your repeating number sequence in a
matter of minutes!!

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The common Master Numbers include 11, 22 and 33, although any number
multiplied by 11 can become a Master Number. When they repeat themselves
as messages, they speak of things that need your immediate attention. They
are also a form of an Echo Repeating Number Sequence.

Number 11
The repeating number 11 is special and unique indeed! The 11 is comprised
of two 1’s - the number of individuality and leadership! You are being called
to step into your own leadership at this time. Tune into who you are at your
core, then commit to being the leader of your life. Because there are two 1’s,
this message is coming through loud and clear right now.

When you add 1+1 together, you arrive at the Miracle Number of 2. 2 is a
beautiful number that represents receptivity and relationships. This is the gift
you will receive when you implement the double message of the 1.

Seeing repeating 11’s can also mean that you’re about to have a unique
or unusual experience. The messages given by the 11 can be about events
that are inspiring or transformative. Sometimes they are small events like
“telephone telepathy,” when you know who is calling and what they want
before the phone rings. Sometimes they are big events like visions or dreams
about the future, or the delivery of big new ideas. A message from the 11
can make it easier for you to express your own uniqueness. Never expect the
ordinary to stay in place when 11 is your message number.

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Number 22
22 is very special when it is appearing in your life as a message. The number
2 represents attraction and receptivity. It is also the number of relationships.
When 22 is appearing in your life, you are being asked to be open to
receiving. So often, people are closed off to receiving the good in their life.
There can be the best gift waiting on your doorstep, but if you don’t open the
door, you’ll never know it’s there.

In this case, 2 + 2 = 4 so your Miracle Number is 4. 4 is the number of

practical action and building. When you remain open to receiving the good
that others are showing up in your life to give you right now, the outcome
will be practical support to help you build your dreams and turn them into a

The repeating number 22 can also predict your involvement in situations that
affect a large number of people. Sometimes this has to do with a business
project, or something else that involves a large amount of money. No matter
how big these events are, you’ll find that you can achieve things you never
thought were possible. That may be the subtle or hidden meaning of the
message. You also need to be aware that it may mean “executive stress”, so
try not to take on too much. On the lighter side, it can be telling you that it
will be easy to find the cooperation you need to get something important

Number 33
Some Numerologists call 33 the “Master Teacher” because it represents those
who inspire and teach others by example. The number 3 is about creativity
and creation. It’s the number of artists, teachers, writers, actors and poets.
You are being called to tune into your unique voice and creativity to share
your special gifts with the world.

3 + 3 = 6, so 6 is your Miracle Number. If you follow the repeating message of

the 3 and tune into your potential to create something beautiful in your life
and the world, your miraculous outcome will possess the energy of the 6.

The 6 delivers a message of self-care and love. It can also mean that it’s
time to do something to beautify or harmonize the place where you live. It

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can improve relationships, but it can also cause relationship issues. It can
be important regarding financial matters. 6 may be a sign of gifts or meeting
helpful people. It’s a great omen for promotions or other events that improve
your status on the job.

When the repeating 3 appears as a message number, it also gives you the
opportunity to lead and teach. But it also tells you to make your own security
and well-being your top priority. It tells you to protect the people and things
you love, but not by sacrificing your dreams. It’s time for you to make your
stability come first in all decisions you make. It is the number of “universal
love”, but when it shows up as a message, it will teach you that you need to
love yourself before you have enough love to share.

Number 44
When the repeating number of 44 shows up in your life, you are being called
to embrace the message of the practical 4. The 4 is known as the builder.
Oprah is a number 4 and she acts as a perfect example of someone who
focuses on taking practical action-steps to build something. In Oprah’s case,
using the energy of the 4 has helped her to build a business. This powerful
“builder-like” energy can assist you in all matters of creation whether it be at
home, in your personal life or in your career. Take a moment to assess where
you are, and where you want to go, then identify practical action steps that
you can easily take to get there.

4 + 4 = 8, giving you a Miracle Number of 8. 8 is a very powerful and positive

outcome! It is known as the number of wealth and power. When you focus on
embracing the practical, can-do attitude of the 4, the result will be success in
a new way than you’ve experienced before.

This number also brings messages connected with healing on all levels of
being. But the healing aspect of 44 is not as important when it presents
itself as a message. It can be a sign that there is something wrong with the
information you are receiving, especially if it comes from mass-media outlets.
No matter what kind of information you need, it’s not likely that you’ll find
anything useful on television or the internet. In other words, don’t “bet the
farm” on something someone has said on the news. Ignore anyone whose

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ideas may be financially motivated. Don’t trust your physical well-being to
those who promise miracles. Only make decisions on matters where the
outcome is within your control.

Number 66
When 66 appears in your life as a repeating number, you are being called to
engage in practices of self-care and beautification. The 6 places an emphasis
on rest, relaxation and taking care of oneself. It is also the number of
home so this can be a message to take a moment to pause and assess your
surroundings. What is your external environment like on a day-to-day basis?
How can you bring more harmony and beauty into your home, your place of
work, etc.?

6 + 6 = 12 and 1 + 2 = 3, so your Miracle Number is 3. The number 3 is about

creativity and creation. It’s the number of artists, teachers, writers, actors and
poets. When you follow the message of the 6 and apply it to your life, the
outcome will be the positive aspects of the 3. You will find it easier to tune
into your personal voice and you will flourish as you share your creations and
artistic gifts with the world.

66 is also a number of love, growth, fertility, prosperity and brainstorms.

When it comes as a repeated message, anything in your life regarding
growth and development has a chance of being successful. Financial plans or
activities are likely to bring rewards. You can also count on any well-organized
risk to be profitable in some way. It can signal a perfect time to work on your
relationships with others. Do your best to be friendly and kind to people you
run into by accident. In domestic affairs, it can predict an addition or other
change to the household.

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Number 11:11
If you are seeing 11:11, you are being called to honor your uniqueness and
to listen to your own personal leadership. For thousands of years, the 1 as a
symbol has represented the gift and power of the individual. And all of those
1’s are like a neon flashing sign saying, “Honor yourself. Don’t second guess
yourself or invalidate your needs or your desires. Follow the breadcrumbs of
what inspires YOU.”

When you add 1+1+1+1 together you arrive at 4. In numerology, the number
4 is the builder. The 4 shows up to support you in making your dreams and
hard work come to life and take form in the material world. The Miracle
Number of 4 will start to work it’s magic when you follow, and take action on,
the messages being delivered by the four number 1’s.

It also means that you are one of the people being called to be a pioneer in
personal empowerment; to lead the way for others to new and better lands,
by following YOUR dreams.

Number 222
The number 2 is a symbol that represents attraction. It represents the energy
that brings things together, and holds things together. When this symbol
shows up - especially in an echo sequence where there are a lot of 2’s it is a
message to be in receptive mode; to be open to receive.

2 + 2 + 2 = 6, so in this instance, your Miracle Number is 6. If you follow

the message of the three repeating 2’s and tune into your potential to create
something beautiful in your life and the world, your miraculous outcome will
possess the energy of the 6.

The 6 delivers a message of self-care and love. It can also mean that it’s
time to do something to beautify or harmonize the place where you live. It
can improve relationships, but it can also cause relationship issues. It can

© Co pyr i g ht 2 0 1 9 Nu m e rolog is t. co m 20 Repeat ing Numb ers Han dbook

be important regarding financial matters. 6 may be a sign of gifts or meeting
helpful people. It’s a great omen for promotions or other events that improve
your status on the job.

In the Holy Kabbalah of the Hebrews, 222 means to weave, to join or to bind
together. As a message, it has a strong connotation of a person with whom
your “fate” is entangled, either as a loved one, as an ally or as an adversary.
It can mean a sudden or unexpected contact or visit is about to happen
that gives you cause for joy or makes you angry. As long as you stand up for
yourself, this meeting will be successful for both parties.

Number 555
5 is the number of transformation and if you’re seeing the echo repeating
number, 555, it means big change is on the horizon and you have the
opportunity to up-level!

The repeating 5 is also a call to adventure. It’s asking you to get outside
your comfort zone and to do things and go places that you haven’t before.
It typically shows up when amazing changes and improvements are on the
horizon, but you must be willing to embrace some sort of change; like a
change in your behavior, in your habits or a change in the direction of your
life. Don’t over-analyze it at all. Just follow the thrills, the excitement - and it
will lead you to where you need to be.

5 + 5 + 5 = 15 and 1 + 5 = 6 , so your Miracle Number is a 6. If you follow

the message of the three repeating 5’s and tune into your potential to create
something beautiful in your life and the world, your miraculous outcome will
possess the energy of the 6.

The 6 delivers a message of self-care and love. It can also mean that it’s
time to do something to beautify or harmonize the place where you live. It
can improve relationships, but it can also cause relationship issues. It can
be important regarding financial matters. 6 may be a sign of gifts or meeting
helpful people. It’s a great omen for promotions or other events that improve
your status on the job.

© Co pyr i g ht 2 0 1 9 Nu m e rolog is t. co m 21 Repeat ing Numb ers Han dbook

In the Ancient Kabbalah, the 555 can mean “double money” or “other money.”
Double money is the money that comes from making a particularly good
business deal. Other money means money from a source outside of your
regular income. In today’s world, this message implies “lucky money.” This
can be profits from investment or winnings that come from games of chance.
Because all three digits are fives, it could imply profits from having fun or
taking a financial risk. It may also mean profits from a breakthrough that
bounces you out of a rut that you’ve been in. It is a very good omen if you’ve
been stuck in a boring routine for a long time, or if profits have been flat.


Number 86
If you are seeing the repeating number 86, you are seeing a combination
sequence. Remember, combination sequences are like your own personal
algorithm or set of instructions for achieving something that we want.

To decode a combination sequence remember this: Trust the ORDER. 86

is delivering a different message than 68. Even though they’re the same
numbers, the order in which they appear makes a huge difference.

We’re going to focus on decoding your exact sequence of 86.

The 8 is asking you to step into your power as the authority and creator of
your own life. It is asking you to become the queen or the king, who doesn’t
give their power away to others - but who instead focuses on manifesting
what they want in their kingdom.

And then the 6 is asking you to then, from that place of personal power and
focusing on your goals, take care of yourself and fill yourself with love, so
that you can use love as a transformative power in your life and the lives of

8 + 6= 14 and 1 + 4 = 5, so 5 is your Miracle Number. If you should you heed

the messages of the 8 and then the 6, you will access the gift of change,
transformation, and upleveling in your life, all delivered by the Miracle
Number 5.

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Number 19
If 19 seems to be following you, you are being asked to embrace the
messages of the powerful numbers 1 and 9.

Specifically, the number 1 is calling you to tune into the unique aspects that
make you special, then embrace these qualities by being the leader of your
life. Take action and don’t be afraid to blaze a few trails! This is what you are
being supported to do at this time.

After you have embraced the message of the 1, the next message you are
being called to embrace is that of the 9. In numerology, the number 9 is the
final number in an energetic pattern or sequence. It often signifies the ending
of a certain phase or circumstance.

With the unique combination of first the number 1, then the number 9, you
are being called to step into your powerful role as a leader, while letting go of
that which no longer serves.

When you do this, the Miracle Number you will experience is the 1 (1 + 9
= 10, 1 + 0 = 1). You will reap the benefits of the number 1 and you will
have that added Universal support as you take action and begin on a new
adventure, whether it be personal, professional and romantic.

In addition to the above reading, when the 19 shows up you need to be

careful because its message is about making tough decisions. It will usually
show up when a problem only appears to have extreme solutions. You may
feel like your options are limited, but they are not. Its message is a demand
that you find the middle ground; only win-win solutions will give good results
now. You don’t have to let others “walk all over you” or become a tyrant.
19 carries the solution you seek, but you will only find it by avoiding the

Number 123
This combination number is encouraging you to embrace the power of the
number 1, then the number 2, followed by the number 3.

The number encourages you to step into the role of a leader and move

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forward with either a new or current project by taking action. The number 2
encourages you to be receptive to receiving the good from those around you.
Partnership can be a powerful support, especially in times of action. Lastly,
the number 3 encourages you to tune into your natural gifts (whether it be
through music, art, writing, acting or using your voice) and share them with
the world.

When you embrace the messages of 123, you will experience the Miracle
Number of 6 (1 + 2 + 3 = 6). 6 delivers great love, abundance, rest and
relaxation and beauty! It is also known as the number of the home so you can
expect your home circumstances to experience a positive change.

123 is an extra powerful combination sequence because it is also part of the

Golden Mean sequence, which is probably why it is a natural count to start
something across many cultures on earth.

Now that you have a deeper understanding of what Repeating Numbers are
truly all about and you know that a system to decode your personal messages
exists, you’re ready to take the next step and learn how to do this for

Because here’s the thing. There are literally hundreds, if not thousands,
of different number sequences that exist! Yet most, if not all, of the free
information available online about these Universal messengers is misleading
and doesn’t paint the complete picture.

You see, the specific repeating numbers you’re seeing are on purpose. They
offer insight into what you need to focus on, and in what order, to experience
your own personal Miracles.

That’s why we created a one-of-a-kind system that will allow you to

effortlessly decode the number sequences you see on your own – at the
precise moment you see them – so you can get the personalized messages the
Universe is sending you in real time.

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The system is part of a program called Meaning of Repeating Numbers. It’s the
first of its kind and the result of over a decade of study and research in the
fields of numerology, ancient mathematics, philosophy and sacred geometry.

It has been tested and proven to work with various individuals. From CEOs,
bestselling authors, teachers, and soldiers, to leaders of all kinds, the Meaning
of Repeating Numbers has become their secret weapon to succeed in life.

This program, created by Natalie Olson, is the latest addition to the

Numerologist library. With audio guides, transcripts and worksheets, it’s one
of the most valuable and transformational programs we’ve ever offered…

And for a limited-time, you can get it at a massive discount – our way of
saying thanks for joining our worldwide community of numerology fans!


To creating miracles,

The Numerologist Team

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