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In this chapter consist of backgroud, research problem, objective of the

resecarch, significance of the research, research methodology, key word


A. Backround

In the area of education with English as a foreign language, the students

especially junior high school students in Indonesia are required to be able to

communicate in both spoken and written language. Written language is one of

language products as well as the means of communication. The written language

can be expressed through written products which need specialized skills. The

written products can be measured as the students’ achievement in a process of

learning the language. As a result, writing skills become an important part in

students’ English learning process. However, the teaching learning English in the

schools does not give adequate proportion of writing skills. Writing skills are less

taken into consideration in the teaching process than the other skills. For example,

teachers often ask students to read certain texts and answer the following question

instead of asking them to produce a text. It makes the students feel that writing

skills seem not very important. In writing skill there are writing, sentence and

paragraph. According to Wikipedia writing ia a medium of human communication

that represents language and emotion with signs and symbols, according to

Collindictionary paragraph is a section of a piece of writing. A paragraph always

begins in a new line and contains at least one sentence and the last is sentence,

according to Wikipedia sentence is is a textual unit consisting of one or more

words that are grammatically linked. In writing we need to pay attention because

in writing there are many things that we have to understand like grammar,

vocabulary, tenses, and much more. In teaching writing there are many ways like

teaching writing through picture, song, short story and last vocation story.

Using vocation story as a media to teach writing is one of good idea because

students can write a story by their true vocation so the student will be easy to

write and Using last vocation story in teaching writing is one way to be used to

improve writing by asking students to write their vocation and accidentaly the

student study about vocabulary, grammar, tenses and much more. Sometimes

student makes and error in writing like punctuation, grammatical errors, word

choice, and cohesive device. In other words, the students could not meet the

minimum requirements in writing.

This inability made them write the forms of word incorrectly. Further, the

students who did not recognize the form of words failed to express the right tense,

case, or gender.

Another fact, which shows the students’ low writing skills, was that the

composition they made was not coherently correct. It could be seen when they put

jumbled sentences in wrong orders. The students still could not distinguish

whether the sentence was the main idea of a text or the supporting details. The

inability to create the distinction of the sentences made them fail to write the text
coherently. Thus, other people who read their compositions, especially the

teacher, could not follow the development of the ideas from the text.

Based on explanation above the researcher interested to improve students

writing skills. According to oxford dictionary improving is giving moral or

intellectual benefit.

Based on the explanation above the researcher ins interested to do research with

the title improving students competence in writing skill trough last vocation by the

second grade of SMPN 2 Saluputti .

B. Research problem

Based on the background above, the researcher formulate the

research question as:

Does last vocation stories effective to be used in improve students’

competence in writing by the second grade of SMPN 2 Saluputti?

C. Objective of the research

The objective of the study is to find out whether or not last

vocation story effective in improving writing skill of the second grade of

SMPN 2 Saluputti.

D. Signjficance of the Research

The result of the study would be hopeful useful for the English

teacher in writing text using last vocation story to improve writing skill,

and also it is expected that the result will be useful for junior high school

student in learning writing using last vocation stories. Last vocation stories

can be a media in improving the student skill in writing.

E. Research Methodology

The method use in this research namely: quantitative, where the

research find out the improvement of writing at the second grade students

of SMPN 2 Saluputti.

F. Key Word Defenition

a. Improving is to make something better than before .

b. The second grade students are all the second grade students of SMPN

2 Saluputti.

c. Writing skill is the ability to express ideas, though, opinion and feeling

to the other people on the paper.

d. Last vocation stories tells about someone’s experience in the past.




A. Previous Study

There are some research finding that support this research, they are:

Parabean (2013) conducted a research by the title ’’Teaching

recount text through powerpoint on LCD to the tenth grade students of

SMK Matallo Rantepao’’. His result of this research shows that teaching

recont text through powerpoint on LCD can improve student achievement

in writing Recount text.

Utami (2013) conducted a research by the title “ improving

students writing skill on recount texts through collaborative writing

technique”. The result of this research shows that improving student

writing skill on recount text through collaborative writing technique can be

helpful to improve students writing skill.

Daud ( 2013 ) conducted a research by the title ’’ Improving

students writing skill through direct method for the eighth class students of

SMP Negri 1 Makale’’ . Her result of the research shows that improving

students writing skill through direct method is effective to improve

students writing skill.

The three researches above, have different and similarity this thesis

that will be done by the researcher and the similarity is all the researcher

talk about improving writing skill. For example Roni parabean conducted

a research with the title teaching recount text through powerpoint on LCD,

Amrih Bekti Utami conducted a research with the title “ improving

students writing skill on recount texts through collaborative writing

technique”, Elisbeth Apriyani Daud conducted a research with the title ’’

Improving students writing skill through direct method but the different of

the research is talking about another media to improve students’ in writing,

on this research, the research will talk about improving writing through

last vocation story.

B. Review of Related Literature.

A. Writing

1. The Nature of Writing

Writing is an activity of explore opinions and ideas into words.

It includes the organization of words, phrase, clause, and sentence into

coherent and cohesion paragraphs and texts. There is no doubt that

writing is the most difficult skill for all language users: foreign,

second, and even for first language. Writing needs a well preparation

and a lot of practice. According to Richards and Renandya ( 2002:

309), Written language is complex at the level of the clause. Writing

consists of many constituent parts: content, organization, originality,

style, fluency, accuracy, or using appropriate rhetorical forms of

discussion. In relation to writing , Brown ( 2001: 335) states the

writing makes the product though thingking, drafting, and revising. It

means that in producing written language, the writer should follow

those steps to produce the final product. Writing is a skill that needs a

process so that ideas that have been possessed can be expressed

through writing. It needs in teaching-learning process can be done

well. Certainly in English is to easy. Expressing ideas is not enough,

because the ideas still have to be told in english. For that reason, a

technique that can support the learning process in needed.

2. General Concept of Writing

In this part, I would like to past the experts “opinion about

writing theory. Peha (2010:58) stated that “writing is the

communication of content for an purpose to an audience”. Therefore,

Mc Donoucgh and Shaw (2001:8-9) Writing is a process of encoding

or putting massage into words carried out with the reader pay attention

to the aspects of writing in his writing.

3. Kinds of Writing

According to melly (2006:1) “ one definition of the kind of writing

are follows, the first is expository writing( where the writing serves to

explain or inform), the second is descriptive writing ( writing that

serves to show, describe), the third is persuasive writing ( arguing for

or against an issue), the fourth is creative writing ( interestingly,

creative writing is a vague term, but it includes fiction, poetry, drama,

screen writing, autobiographis and more) and narrative writing ( tells a


4. The Components of Writing

Writing is one of skill that have to be mastered by the students

in learning English. In writing, the student have to pay attention to

aspect of writing. Haris (1969:68) aspect of writing consist of

grammar, form, mechanic, vocabulary, and style. The following aspect

can be explained as follows:

5. Grammar

Grammar is employment of grammatical form and syntactic

pattern. It means that sentence is another aspect that should be


6. Form

Form means the organization of the content. We should clarify

our idea and make it clean. So, the reader can deduce some

organization well. Organization means there is a communication

between the reader and the writer.

7. Mechanic

Mechanic use of the graphic convection of the language we

have topay attention the usage of the pungctuation and applying of the

word of sentence. Function is very determiner whiter the writer can

clear for the reader.

8. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is the most important aspect in teaching a language

mastery vocabulary. It means that we can explore our idea and effect it

in writing .

9. Style

Style is the most of structure and lexical items to give a

particular tone of flavor the writing. It should be noted that the choice

of lexical itemto be used writing must be accordance with the readers.

By seeing the opinion above, it can be said that there are five

aspects in writing that have to be paid attention in writing in order to

make the writing more better and understand by the reader.

B. Competence

to Cambridge Advanced learner’s dictionary and thesaurus

competence is the ability to do something well.

Competence is a standardized requirement for an individual to

properly perform a specific job. It encompasses a combination of

knowledge, skills and behavior utilized to improve perfomance. More

genrally, competence is the state or quality of being adequately or well

qualified, having the ability to perform role. Competence is also used to

work with more general descriptions of the requirerments of human being

in organizations and communities. Example are educations and other

organisations who want to have a general language to tell what a graduate

of an education must be able to do in order to graduate or what a member

of an organization is required to be able to do in order to be considered

competent. An important detail of this approach is that all competences is

called artificial experience, which is the basis for among academics about

the issue of defenitions all simulators.

Collin (2004: 14) state that “the concept of competence has

different meanings. Continues to remain one of the most diffuse terms in

the management development sector and organizational and occupational


C. Last vocation stories

D. Theoritical framework

Written language is one of language in both of spoken and written

language. The written language can be expressed through written products

which need specialized skills like grammar, tenses vocabulary, structure

and how to make a good paragraph, sentence. That is why writing is

considered as one of the most difficult productive skill that requires

specialized skills because we need some process in writing. The concept in

the main last vocation story to improve students’ writing skills have been

derived from those concept presented. On the basis of theoretical review, it

can be seen that the last vocation story can help the students because it

enables them the students to arrange the facts and ideas.

E. Hypothesis

Based on the theories and theoretical framework above

hypothesis of the research is formulated as: the competence students in

writing skill through last vocation story of the second grade students of

SMPN 2 Saluputti can be improve. To determine hypothesis accept or

refused, the researcher use the criteria as:

1. If the main score of post-test is higher than mean score of the

pre-test the hypothesis is accepted.

2. If the main score of post-test is lower than mean score of the

pre-test, the hypothesis is refused.



This chapter presents setting, data sources, population, and sample,

instrument of the research, procedure of collecting data and technique of data


A. Setting

the writer will conduct this research at the second grade student of SMPN 2

Saluputti, regency of Tana Toraja, academic year2017/2018. It is located in

batusura’ and this research will be held on mei 2018.

B. Data Sources

1. Primary Sources

The primary sources of the research obtain from the second grade

students of SMPN 2 Saluputti

2. The secondary source

The secondary source obtain from some book and thesis from

library as a literature.
C. Population and Sample

1. Population

The population of this research is the second grade of SMPN 2

Saluputti in academic years 2017/2018, which consist of 4classes. Each class

has( ) students, so the number of population is ( )

2. Sample

The writer will use random sampling in this research. The researcher

take 5 in every class of the second grade students of SMPN 2 Saluputti. So the

sample are 20 students.

D. Instrument of the Research

The instrument use to collect data in the research namely written test.

It aims to know the school environment effective in teaching writing for the

second grade students in SMPN 2 Saluputti.

E. Data Collection

In collecting data, there are two types, they are:

1. Library research

In conduct this research, the researcher read some books reference

in the library, the the researcher read books, searching in internet and

information relating to the title of the research.

2. Field Research

in this field research, the researcher obtained the accurate data from

the students writing skill. In pre-test, the researcher give the treatment

about last vocation stories, after that, the researcher collect the data and

analysis the wrong tenses, words to know the competence of students in

writing last vocation stories. Than, the researcher give the post-test. It aims

to know the students competence in writing short stories.

1. Pre-test

Pre-test will give before treatment. In the pre-test the

researcher give an instruction to students to write the short stories

in order to measurethe students basic skill in writing last vocation

stories before explain the last vocation stories. The students are

free to choose their vocation

2. Treatment

Treatment is one of the step in this research. The researcher

teach the students writing last vocation stories and what tense

should be used and structure of the last vocation stories. This

treatment will be done in three meetings.

3. Post-test

Post-test will give after treatment. the researcher give the

last test as the same topic in previous pre-test. The students are free

to choose their vocation

F. Data Analysis

Analyzing the data collected using the criteria of classification as


a. Content

Score Classification Criteria

27-30 Excellent to very Knowledge, substantive,

good act.

22-26 Good to average Some knowledge of

subject adequate range,


17-21 Fair to poor Limited knowledge of

subject, little substance,


13-16 Very poor Does not show knowledge

of subject, non
substantive, act

b. Organization

Score Classification Criteria

18-20 Excellent to very good Fluent expression, ideas

clearly stated, ect

14-17 Good to average Somewhat choppy,

loosely organized but

main ideas stand out, ect

10-13 Fair to poor Non fluent, ideas

confused or disconnect

7-9 Very poor Does not communicate,

no organization, ect

c. Vocabulary

Score classification Criteria

18-20 Excellent to very good Sophisticaded range,

effective word/idiom

choice, and usage

14-17 Good to average Adequate range,

occasional errors of

word/idiom form, choice,

usage but meaning not


10-13 Fair to poor Limited range, frequent

errors of word/idiom

form, choice, usage ect

7-9 Very poor Essentially translation,

little knowledge of

English vocabulary.

d.Language usage

Score Classification Criteria

22-25 Excellent to very good Effective complex


19-21 Good to average Effective but simple


11-17 Fair to poor Major problems in



10-15 Very poor Virtually no mastery of

sentence construction


Score Classification Criteria

5 Excellent to very good Demonstrates mastery of


4 Good to average Occasional errors of

spelling, punctuations

3 Fair to poor Frequent errors of

spelling, punctuations

capitalization, ect

2 Very poor No mastery of

conventions, dominated

by errors of spelling,


paragraphing, ect

( Heaton 1991 : 145)

To measure the student’s score, the researcher classified into five levels as


No. Classification Score

1 Very good 90-100

2 Good 76-89

3 Fair 61-75

4 Poor 51-60

5 Very poor <50

( Depdikbud in Sunaria 2012 : 27)

The data is collected from the pre-test and post-test and will be

analyzed. The calculating the mean score of the students achievement by

using this formula:

1. Means Score

Calculate the value of one sample t-test, by using this formula:

t = 𝑥̅ - µ


t = one sample t-test value

µ= population mean

x= sample mean

n= number of observation in sample

s= the sample standard deviation of the sample


If the obtain score higher than t-table score by using 5% alfa of significance, how

is rejected. It means that H1 is accepted.

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