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Pagsanghan National High School

Pagsanghan Samar
Senior High School Department


Direction: Read the statement carefully. Choose the correct answer and write it in your
answer sheet.
1. It is the process of exchanging information, thoughts, ideas and feelings.
A. Talk B. Communication C. Conversation D. Broadcasting
2. There is a wide variety of contexts and situations which can be manifested, it can be face
to face interaction, a phone conversation, a group discussion, a meeting or interview, a class
recitation and many others.
A. Communication B. Conversation C. Face to face D. Media channels
3. Communication is a process this state in
A. Elements of communication B. Nature of communication
C. Style of communication D. Functions of communication
4. Process of communication where the speaker___________ an idea or converts the idea
into words or action.
A. Encodes B. Decodes C. Transmits D. Feedback
5. Communication can be expressed through written or spoken words, actions(nonverbal) or
both spoken words and nonverbal actions at the same time.
A. Functions of communication B. Elements of communication
C. Models of communication D. Nature of communication
6. Process of communication on which states that a receiver_______ or interprets the
message based on the context.
A. Feedback B. Generates C. Encodes D. Decodes
7. What communication model known as the mother of all communication models.
A. Linear model B. Schramm model C. Transaction model D. Shannon-Weaver model
8. Who introduced the important concept in one communication model that noise makes the
sending of the message difficult.
A. Wilbur Schramm and J.L Austin B. Claude Weaver and Warren Shannon
C. J.L Austin and John Searle D. Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver
9. A communication model that is a two-way process with the inclusion of feedback as one
A. Schramm model B. Transaction model
C. Shannon model D. Weaver model
10. What features of an effective communication that implies the use of simple and specific
words to express ideas. It is also achieved when the speaker focuses only on a single
objective in his/her speech so as not to confuse the audience.
A. Concreteness B. Nature of communication C. Clearness D. Models
11. What causes communication breakdown?
A. Physical B. Courtesy C. Noise D. Semantic
12. It is the awareness that people have varying cultures and the similarities and differences
of these cultures affect the values, behavior, and learning of people.
A. cultural relativity B. cultural sensitivity C. Cultural differences D. Cultural sensitivity
13. One stage in developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity states that the individual
does not recognize cultural differences.
A. Defense B. Minimization C. Acceptance D. Denial
14. According to Bennett and Bennett (2004), In what stage of developmental model where
the individuals begin to appreciates important cultural differences in behaviors and
eventually in values?
A.Integration B. Adaptation C. Acceptance D. Denial
15. What functions of communication encourages people to live better?
A. Social interaction B. Control C. Motivation D. Information
16. PIE stand for what?
A. Persuade, influence Entertain B. Persuade, Inform, Entertain
C. Perform, Induce, Entertain D. Prevail, Inform, Encourage
17. Speaker’s purpose that teach or give information to the reader or listener.
A. Introduce B. Inform C. Investigate D. Entertain
18. What is the first method for Effectively Improving Students Communication Skills?
A. Offer group presentation B. Watch film that models communication skills
C. Use high technology D. Reinforce active listening
19. It is a prompt that is conveyed in spoken language from one person to another or a
group of people.
A. direct verbal cue B. Verbal cue C. Indirect verbal cue D. Verbal cue
20. Which of the following best defines verbal communication?
A. Facial expression and gestures B. Eye contact and body positions
C. The words used to share an idea D. The words and sound used to convey a message
21. One form of oral text that refers to poetic expression that not only defines but names an
A. Storytelling B. Oral poetry C. Poetry D. Praise poetry
22. It is a literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and
ideas by use of distinctive style and rhythm, poems, collectively or as a genre of literature.
A. Storytelling B. Praise poetry C. Poetry D. Oral poetry
23. Ancient Greek believed that every citizen should study public speaking and the Art of
Persuasion. Aristotle broke down the following into Ethos, Pathos, Logos which we called
A. Art of success B. Artistry C. Art of history D. Art of rhetoric
24. What is the first step to Effective Oral Communication?
A. Self-assess the presentation B. Research the presentation
C. Prepare visual aids D. Determine general purpose
25. A communication where the speaker acts as both sender and receiver?
A. Speech context B. Interpersonal C. Intrapersonal D. Mass Communication
26. Echoic, Mands, Tact’s are component of?
A. Verbal analyzation B. Verbal sensitivity C. Verbal denial D. Verbal behavior
27.What types of speech style that occurs between or among close family members or
individuals. The language used in this style may not be shared in public.
A. Frozen style B. Consultative style C. Intimate style D. Formal style
28. One example to this speech style is a communication between Employers and
Employee, Doctor and Patient.
A. Intimate style B. formal style C. Frozen style D. Consultative style
29. It is the way in which something is said, done, expressed, or performed and it
corresponds to specific speech act.
A. Speech Act B. Speech style C. Speech Kinds D. Speech context
30. It would be appropriate if you are with your peers and friends, classmates, and co-
workers (in the future).
A. Intimate style B. Formal style C. Frozen style D. Casual style
31. Speech style that are rarely and never changes as they are permanently inscribed in a
A. Casual Style B. Frozen Style C. Formal style D. Consultative style
32. Terms of endearment and terms that show respect are often used in this speech style.
A. Interpersonal B. Intrapersonal C. Intimate D. Frozen
33. To ask or seek advice from a person who has expert knowledge on a specific subject or
A. Intrapersonal B. Public C. Mass D. Consultative
34. A utterance of a meaningful sentence, or what is said literally, called
A. Perlocutionary act B. Illocutionary act C. Locutionary act D. Speech act
35. The social function of what is said?
A. Speech style B. Speech act C. Illocutionary act D. Locutionary act
36. What other communication situations do you observe?
A. A professor giving hamburger to grade 11 students
B. A friend quarrelling in the campus
C. A professor delivering a lecture to her students
D. A daddy punishing his son
37. What communication features that is essential to the quality of the communication
process in general, and it should include everything that the receiver needs to hear from
him/her responds, react or evaluate properly?
A. Completeness B. Conciseness C. Consideration D. Clearness
38. What happen when an individual interacts, negotiate, and create meanings while
bringing in their varied cultural background?
A. Intercultural diagram B. Intercultural relatives
C. Intercultural Communication D. International Communication
39. In what communication that facilitates people’s expression of their feelings and
A. Emotional expression B. Control C. Motivation D. Social interaction
40. What do you called the human responses that are not expressed in words?
A. Nonverbal organization B. Nonverbal Orientation
C. Nonverbal Communication D. Nonverbal Criticism
41. What kind of oral text which is a poetry that is recited to an audience and without the aid
of writing?
A. Ballad B. Praise C. Haiku D. Oral poetry
42. In what Art of Rhetoric by Aristotle which states how we appeal to our audiences’
emotions and persuade them of our argument?
A. Art of conclusion B. Ethos C. Pathos D. Logos
43. What do we called the small platform on which a person may stand to be seen by an
audience as when making a speech or conducting an orchestra?
A. Wobble B. Podium C. Rostrum D. Stage
44. If you provide comfort to a friend who was feeling down, falls on what types of
interpersonal context?
A. Small Group B. Intrapersonal C. Dyad D. Mass communication
45. On what speech act belongs the resulting act of what is said by J.L Austin?
A. Performatives B. Perlocutionary C. Illocutionary D. Locutionary
46. What communication model having a collaborative exchange of message between
communicators with the aim of understanding each other?
A. Transaction model B. Schramm model C. Weaver model D. Fashion model
47. How can you say that there is a breakdown in communication?
A. When the message or the feedback is not sent or received properly
B. When the message or feedback can be heard clearly by your boyfriend
C. When the phone conversation with someone is heard by your neighborhood
D. When the message is clearly understood by your parents
48. When can we use additional visual channels?
A. When presenting important ideas B. when presenting reports
C. when the receiver needs D. when the listeners need
49. In what we can we speech context a style affects to people according to JOOS 1968?
A. Affect the living of people B. Affect the situation of people
C. Affect the family income D. Affect the way people communicate
50. How can we classify speech act according to the intention of the speaker?
A. By assertive, directive, commissive, expressive, declaration
B. By declaration, jargons, euphemism, assertive
C. By nature of communication and elements of communication
D. By commissive, expressive, functions, models
Good Luck and God Bless!

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