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narratorFive thousand years ago, in a place not known, there lived a beautiful princess named

Snow White. His skin was white as snow, lips beautiful and shiny hair. He was an orphan, she
lived in a palace belonging to his stepmother. Queen arrogant have habits that are not important,
she always asks her loyal Fortune-Teller, the most beautiful woman in the universe, and the
answer was always the queen.

One day, the queen put the same question to her Fortune-Teller again.

Queen Hey, I'm loyal Fortune-Teller! Who is the most beautiful woman in the universe? (With

soothsayer: My queen, the most beautiful woman in the universe is Snow White. Sorry, but now
you are more beautiful than Snow White. (With a deadpan expression)

Queen: Snow Princess?! It is impossible! My lovely cat is more beautiful than her! No kidding!
(Shocked and angry)

soothsayer : My Queen, I do not intend to ...

narrator: Queen of Fortune-Teller left home angry. She really did not think anyone prettier than
her. In addition, he is Snow White, her step-son. He could not accept this fact. When he arrived
at his palace ...

Queen: Impossible, absolutely impossible! This is a mistake. Snow White, the child who only
sleep-eat-sleep-eating? It Fortune-Teller must be crazy! (Continues to grumble about themselves
while walking in his room)

Queen: I have to kill her! But, how?

narrator: Queen found the idea; He fumbled in his pocket, picked up the phone and punched
some numbers.

Security(Across the phone line) Yes, my queen? What can I do?

Queen: The Guardian, went to my room as soon as possible!

Security: Roger! Errr, I have to go now?

Queen: Tomorrow! Grrr, of course NOW! Jerked !!

Security: Ehehe, okay okay. I will soon be there.

narrator: Snow moved to his room quickly, a few seconds later, The Guardian has come and
entered the Queen's room.

SecurityWhat happened, my queen?

Queen: I order you to kill Snow White, my step-son.

Security: What?! It is impossible, my queen. I'm afraid to kill someone. our sins will be forgiven
and hell will be waiting for us. Additionally, Snow White is kind and ...

Queen: Do not give me a lecture! If you do not want to do it, I'm going to kill his wife and your
children! Now, which would you choose?

Security(Keep silent) Okay, my queen. I will obey your commands. But, how can I kill it?

Queen: Whatever! Stab, hit, burn, torture or induce is your choice. Or you want to throw him
abyss, it was fine. Note that, Snow White must die in this night. Understand?

Security: Un ... Understand, my queen!

narrator: The Guardian left the room the Queen immediately.

Narrator: While the queen ordered to kill snowwhite guardian guardian can not bear so he
searched for a way to make beauty snowwhite reduced

Guardian : "how ya how to make a snow white beauty diminished "(thinking so hard), AHA
!!!, how damaging his teeth only, hmm but wear what ya (think again),

Guardian : "Oh I know! what if chocolate content of the rocks? so his teeth broken and her
beauty is reduced, smart wah I. "

(Knock Knock Knock)

Snow Princess: Come on!

Security: The daughter there is a chocolate for you

Snow princess: thank guards

narrator: Snow princess was eating chocolate guardian Award

(Principally ya daughter eating snow again)

Snow Princess: Hmm yummy AWW !! What happen, omg my teeth !!

Rawi: after tooth broken snow princess, Snow White ran out of the palace immediately. He
decided to escape. He ran into the woods, across the river, walk to the mountain and cross the
wild animals. Eventually, he tired and stopped on the hillside.

AngerHey, who are you? Do not noisy, jerk !! (Screaming in front of Snow White)

Snow Princess: Hah? Oh, sorry! But who are you? (Surprised after he saw the dwarf)

Anger: I am a dwarf who lives in the back of your castle! Grrr ... that you do not sadarinya?

Snow Princess(Turn your head) Oh, my God! I do not see it. I think this is just a shack. I am so
sorry! (Smiling)

WiseWhat happens, The Anger? Why are you screaming like mad?

Anger: I am angry! See, this girl grumbled to myself like a crazy girl. Our house disturbed!

Wise(Looking at the faces of Snow White who expressed regret) It's okay, he was sorry. Better
to let him stay with us. Unfortunately, it looks like he is tired.

Anger: Stay with us? How can! Our house could be destroyed if we let him stay here. I do not

Wise: What is wrong? We just helped him.

Anger:Hah! it is up to you lah!

Wise:Well. Hey, you want to stay with us? Looks like you're tired.

Snow PrincessThank you dwarf. Sorry if I made some trouble for you all.

Wise: Call me The Wise and she Anger The. Come on!

Snow Princess: Okay, thanks. (Smiling and then stand)

narrator: The Wise, Snow White and the anger it enters the dwarf house. Inside, Snow White
was greeted by two others dwarf.

The joy: Wow, there are newcomers in our house! Yay, this would be fun. Uh, wait a minute! I
call The Sleeper. (Running backwards)

WiseLet me introduce myself. Dwarves who greets you is The Joy. Green is the Forgetful.

The Forgetful: Welcome! Hey! I The Forgetful. Who are you? (Hand Shake Snow White)

Snow PrincessI Snow.

Wise: Well, that red is anger The. He is angry, but he is good. Well, daughter! Have you broken
the Queen step-son?

Snow Princess: Yes. But my mother is not damaged. He just thirsty domination of selfishness
and cruelty.

Anger: Wew, it's the same, princess! Uh, by the way why do you run here?

Snow PrincessActually, I have been here since I escaped from the palace. My mother wanted to
kill me. Her Fortune-Teller tell if my beauty exceeded hers. So, he wanted to kill me, so she can
be the most beautiful woman in the universe.

narrator : The Joy and The Sleeper has joined in the room. Everyone was silent.

Anger: Unbelievable! Will be killed just as gorgeous looking? zzz!

The joy: Well, it's dangerous. Do not let the Queen know The Princess here.

Wise: Yes. We must protect the Snow in our house. Agreed??

four dwarf: Agreed !! (Fist of their hands!)

The joyHey, The Sleeper? Do you agree?! (Poke The Sleeper sleeping on the side)

Sleepyhead(Awake) Hmm? Agree on what ??

Anger: Grrr, damn it! Daughter threatened with death, err, I mean to be killed in our house. Do
you agree to let her stay here peacefully ??
Sleepyhead: OO! So that was the problem!

AngerDo not say just "OO" Do you agree?

Sleepyhead: Yes, I agree. It could be fun if we live together with a beautiful princess. Hehehe…

The joy: Oh, shit! (While this slap Sleeper Head)

Snow Princess: Hahaha thank you! Good to see you all!

narrator:Five Snow White Dwarfs allowed to live together in their home. At present, Snow
White is well cared for. As a thank you to them, Snow White was always cooking food, cleaning
the house and told me before they fall asleep. He also keeps the house while The Five dwarf
work. Snow White was happy to live with them. He decided to live forever in their homes.
Meanwhile, in the Queen's Palace ... The Queen was dressed up and whistled as the phone

♫ ~ ♪♪ drettt (vibration)

Queen(Surprised) Huh, bitch! Do not see me dressed up? (Furious) Hello?! Who are you? (With
a straight face)

soothsayer: Astaghfirullah ... I The Fortune-Teller, Fortune-Teller your faithful who always
predicted everything fast, up-to-date, and accurate! Have you forgotten, my queen?

Queen(Spinning eyeball, his heart became more angry) zzz ... So, it's you! Why are you calling
me? I think you do not have a phone. Because your old age.

soothsayer: Oh, my God! I forgot to tell you, this is my new phone. I have found it in a cave is

Queen: Do not tell a fairy tale! What kind of news do you have? (Can not be patient)

soothsayer: I have seen Snow White. He is still alive and living in the house five dwarfs.


soothsayer(Taking the phone from ear) I am not lying, my queen. You know how I do my job, is
not it?
(Queen secretly keeping her anger. A network he holds scratched to pieces. Time is lost)

soothsayerHello my queen? Are you still alive ??

Queen: I will not die before I kill Snow White with my own hands !! (Anger and rage. He
switched off the phone and slammed it onto the table)

(Queen left her room quickly)

narrator: Mad queen went to make a new plan to disappear Snow. He had a good idea. Without
thinking, he began to take revenge. Meanwhile, at home Five Dwarfs, Snow White is still loved
by The Five Dwarf, because The Snow White dwarfs are treated as their own mothers. He often
tells the story of a fairy tale if they want to go to sleep or do not sleep well. Now, it's time for
The Five Dwarves to work in Remote Hill.

Snow Princess: Beware, The Five dwarf! Sleeper Special to The, you are not allowed to sleep in
the street loh!

SleepyheadOkay, princess! (Pointing thumbs up)

AngerHey, The Forgetful! your backpack! How can you forget it?! (Pointing backpack near
Snow White)

The Forgetful: Oh, yeahh! Thanks hehehee !! (Taking his backpack)

Snow Princess: The forgetful, do not forget to mention yah!

The ForgetfulOkay, princess. Calm down, I just forget now!

Anger: WHAT?! It's not just now! Errr!

Wise: Stop arguing! We go to work so, princess! Maybe we go home at 4:00. Be Careful. Do not
trust anyone here!

Snow Princess(Smiling) Okay, The Wise.

Wise: Well! Adios!

four Dwarfs: Adios, daughter !!

Snow Princess: Adios! (Entering the house)

narrator: Snow alone in Lima Dwarf House. He tidied up the kitchen, living room and fishing in
the river dwarfs. Once fried fish, he stripped the fruit. After that he was mopping the floor.
Suddenly, someone has come.

Snow Princess(While mopping) Phew ... I'm very lucky and keep in the house. No one can find
me here.

narrator: The Young Man with a black cloak walking toward the house five dwarfs. There are
staff and boxes in his hands

Witch(Knocking on door) Spada! Spadaa! (Glancing at his watch) Spadaa !!

Snow Princess(Opening the door) Yes, what are you looking for?

Witch: Err, girl! I would like to offer the business. Eeh, the product I mean.

Snow Princess: What kind of products, huh?

Witch: This is a grower drug teeth. I clay ye broken front teeth, the teeth can grow this drink at
once! Trust me

Snow Princess: Errr. All right all right! How much it costs?

Witch: It's a bargain! Cuman 20 dollars

Snow PrincessAlright (Fumble his pocket and give him money)

Witch:Thank you, girls! I will not forget your kindness. Oh, yeahh! You have to use it
immediately. Fresh out of the oven loh! Byebye ~ (Waving his hand)

Snow Princess: Well! (Hand Waving) (Goes to the bathroom and use it). Ahh! Hopefully this is
really effective! Amen!

narrator:After a while, Snow White was not feeling in the mouth. His mouth was hot. He was
panic and crying.

The new dwarf datangpun panic panic seeing snow princess.

Sleepyhead: How about this?

The joy: What should we do? (afraid)

Wise: What is going on?

Sleepyhead: Snow princess was in pain

Wise: Princess?? (He saw the bottle is drunk daughter) Huh, this is the poison?! It means…

The Forgetful(Surrounding Snow White) What? Was he poisoned?

Wise: This is poison! Did you forget? Poison!! (Bear grief)

The ForgetfulSo what if he poisoned? (Relapse)

Sleepyhead: He could die, Forgetfulness! zzz?!

The Forgetful: Ohh, yeah yeah! Sorry! Then, what should we do?

Wise: Let him wince. Come on!

(Kurcacipun move the snow princess helpless pain to the mattress)

narrator: Finally, The Five dwarf supports Snow White goes to bed. Hour away. The snow was
still unconscious. Five Dwarves confused and scared. The snow looked like death. They assume
there is one, can solve this problem. He is the Prince of Remote Hill.

♫ ♪ ~♩ ♬♯ (Beep beep beep)

Prince: Wew, someone needs my help! (Looks at his watch) It's better if I go to find out! It must
be important! (Immediately leave the home and the flight)

narrator: The Prince left the palace immediately. He ran for long-distance and long. After about
20 minutes, he felt very tired. He decided to stop running. He sat under a tree near a small house.
That house is five dwarfs. The Joy heard anything suspicious outside their homes. He went
outside to check.

The joy(Opening the door) Hey! What is going on?!

PrinceAh! I'm tired of walking for long distances. Are you a dwarf? Do you live there? (Pointing
House Lima Dwarves)

The joyYes, I am The Joy. That's my house. Why are you sitting there? Is there any problem?

PrinceI have to help someone. But, I do not know where. I'm very tired, so I'm sitting here.

The joyAh! By the way, who are you? Apparently, I've seen you before.

Prince: Ah. I'm the Prince of Slytherin Kingdom Remote Hill.

The joy: Oh. I see! You can get a few drinks in my house. Come on! Get in!

Prince: Okay, thanks! You're so good, The Joy! (Stand up and go into the house)

(At home, The Prince saw Snow White asleep)

The joyActually, our daughter was not aware of now. She had a toothache (sad expression)

Prince: Wew, maybe this is the problem. (Be aware that!) Aha! I know what I should do!

Prince(Seeing Snow White) Umm ... Let me think ... (Thinking)

dwarf: … (just wait)

Prince: Aha! Let's take it to the dentist! That is the only way to overcome this problem. Trust
me! It will be fine! (Smile)

Rawi: prince also bring snow to the dentist's daughter in the next village.

Prince: please dock dock, he had in his mouth poison dock so hot and gatal2 dock. His teeth were
also broken dock.

Doctor: Well, I will seek to menyembuhaknnya

Rawi: the dokterpun beekrja to menyembuhakn princess. After some time, dokterpun completed
and the daughter of the snow was bangubn.
Snow Princess: Hoamh .. What happened ...?!

Prince: Thank God, you're awake? We are on the dentist. You fainted because your dental pain.

Snow Princess: Oiya, I remember there was a grandmother who gives me grower drug teeth.
Thank you for helping my prince.

Dentists hello saju daughter, I fix your teeth broken. Now you have a beautiful smile again

Snow princess: thank you very much doctor, prince (sobbing happy)

Rawi: once from the dentist, the prince went to the palace and was married to a witch. So
that makes a witch be good and live in harmony with snow white forever.

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