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Assalamualaikum wr.

Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings
Good Afternoon audience, on this happy occasion, I want to deliver a speech about education. As we
know, education plays an important role for the progress of a nation. If the education of the people is
left behind, then the population will experience difficulties in adapting and facing pressure from the
outside world. Therefore, it is not surprising that the government holds many programs to support the
progress of education in Indonesia, one of which is by allocating large amounts of funds, so the dropout
rate can be reduced and more students can get the right to education.
Actually, education can not only be obtained at school. Even outside of school we can use
technology to access education. Take advantage of an online platform that can be accessed for free to
get free knowledge from various parts of the world, so that we can compete with the people out there.
Developing countries are also very concerned about the quality of the education of their people, so it is
not surprising that the quality of campus abroad is quite good, even many Indonesians decide to gain
knowledge out there.
Thus, we must learn to be able to catch up, especially if we have not yet had the opportunity to distribute
I think that’s all my speech. I hope it is useful for you all. I am sorry for any words or behave that
unpleasing your heart. Thank you very much for the occasion and your kind attention. Good Afternoon.
Wasalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

Selamat pagi, pada kesempatan yang berbahagia ini, saya ingin menyampaikan pidato tentang
pendidikan. Seperti yang kita tahu, pendidikan memegang peranan penting untuk kemajuan sebuah
bangsa. Jika pendidikan rakyatnya tertinggal, maka penduduknya pun akan mengalami kesulitan dalam
beradptasi dan menghadapi tekanan dari dunia luar. Oleh karena itu, tidak mengherankan jika
pemerintah mengadakan banyak program untuk menunjang kemajuan pendidikan di Indonesia, salah
satunya dengan mengalokasikan dana cukup besar, sehingga angka putus sekolah bisa ditekan dan lebih
banyak siswa bisa mendapatkan hak atas pendidikan.
Sebenarnya, pendidikan tidak hanya bisa didapatkan di sekolah saja. Ketika berada di luar sekolah pun
kita sudah bisa menggunakan teknologi untuk mengakses pendidikan. Manfaatkanlah platform online
yang dapat diakses secara gratis untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan gratis dari berbagai belahan dunia,
sehingga kita bisa bersaing dengan masyarakat di luar sana. Negara berkembang pun sangat
memperhatikan kualitas pendidikan masyarakatnya, sehingga tidak mengherankan jika kualitas kampus
di luar negeri cukup bagus, bahkan banyak orang Indonesia memutuskan untuk menimba ilmu di luar
Dengan demikian, kita harus belajar untuk bisa mengejar ketertinggalan, apalagi jika saat ini kita belum
mendapatkan kesempatan pemerataan pendidikan.
To wipe the corruption out, we need much more patience and work harder. We must tell ourselves to
not take something that does not belong to us. Corruption is begun by stealing something small, and
evolves into a theft to the large sums of money. Train us to be afraid to take something that does not
belong to us, and continue to be grateful for the sustenance that has been given by God.

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