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Three Dimensions of Power

There are three dimensions of power in action, with two, two and three possible states.
This gives 2 x 2 x 3 possible combinations, which gives 12 ways of using power.

The channels of power are the way in which power is enacted. They can perhaps more
readily be remembered as 'head, hands and heart'.
Physical power
This is power derived from material or physical advantage. Individually, it can come
from strength or skill, such as the power of a wrestler. It can also come from having
weapons, which can be the ultimate power of groups and governments.
Physical power also comes from having things that are not designed to hurt people.
Owning a building or a machine or even a sewing needle are forms of physical power.
Informational power
This is derived from knowledge. For example if I know your weaknesses I could
leverage this knowledge when trying to persuade you, or maybe help you learn and
shore up those weaknesses.
Power often comes from the control of access to information, where you can permit or
offer access to others. Knowledge is power, as they say.
Emotional power
This is the social power of affect, using emotion to get what you want. Charisma is a
form of emotional power, including the power of oratory and the use of subtle body
Threats are often emotional in the effect they have. In fact most interactions between
people include some form of emotional power.

These form the intent of the person using power, helping or hurting others.
Positive power
This is power used for good, with the intent of helping others. It is used to protect and
nurture, or at least do no harm. It is based on love, care, concern and pro-social values.
Negative power
This power that is used either to directly harm other people or with no care or concern
about them. It is based either on greed and selfishness or on other negative emotions
such as fear and hate.

These are the deliberateness of power, the triggers which lead to power being used.
Reactive power
This is power that is used in response to situations, for example where a person has the
power to say no or to restrict access in some form. This power cannot be utilized that
until someone else wants something that can be blocked.
In some countries, crimes are considered as being less so when they are deemed as
being reactive. Thus, in France, 'crimes of passion' are dealt with more leniently than
over the water in Britain.
Proactive power
This is power used consciously and deliberately, for example using your physical
strength to attack someone. This is where Values, Morals and Ethics are more
significant, as they imply deliberate intent, premeditation and forethought.

Uses of power
Put together, these three domains of power can be used to create the table below. It's a
neat way of understanding how different forms of power appear.

Uses of power Physical Informational Emotional

Open book Respond to calls for

Positive Do no harm
Allow access help
Do not inform Ignore
Negative Allow harm
Deny access Reject calls
Inform, teach Comfort
Positive Defend
Warn of danger Nurture
Attack Withhold information Taunt
Do harm Blackmail, deceive Seduce

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