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Comedy Toolbox

Comedy is cruelty
-it’s funny if it happens to others and not you
-someone is suffering
-mental adjastment - you have to be willing to heart imaginary

Create a bad situation for the character -“make a bad situaion

1. what makes a person happy in that moment?
2. what makes a person unhappy in that moment?

How do you make a character suffer?(Clash of context)

1. objects/persons that belong in the envoirement
(transform the envoirement)
Ex room: chairs, windows, bed, desk, people, couch, light
2. objects/persons that doesn’t belong in the envoirement
Ex: car, santa claus, plain, elephant, tank, dead
grandfather, ghost etc (the more unusual the better)
3. how can we bring the unusual objects in the envoierment?

Exercise: association word that relates with the

envoirement / or don’t relate

The question are for this: Who? and What?

Fail Big!!!!
-don’t edit, be aware that you edit and eliminate that little
by little

Inappropiet responses
-give an attitude to a character
The question are for this: What attitude can we give
to the character?
Ex: bitter, pregnanent

A character:
1. what he wants?
2. how can you take that from him or make it
3. throw forces of opposition

1. exaggeration of number of things
2. exaggeration of attitude

What s taboo (forbbiden) in an social context?
Defeat of expectaion

Funeral - black clothes, cross, chair, priest, widow, the dead ---
clash of intrest ---normal
- sadness,crying, grief, silence - appropiet response ---
- laghing, telling jokes about the dead, talking loud,
reading the newspaper, reading porn ---abnormal,

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