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Thomas Alva Edison

Thomas Edison’s Phonograph

Considered to be the first great Thomas Edison invention, and his life-long favorite, the phonograph would record the
spoken voice and play it back. When speaking into the receiver, the sound vibration of the voice would cause a needle to
create indentations on a drum wrapped with tin foil. Later Edison would adopt cylinders and discs to permanently
record music.The first recorded message was of Thomas Edison speaking “Mary had a little lamb”, which greatly
delighted and surprised Edison and his staff when they first heard it played back to them.
Albert Einstein (14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955)

1. Quantum Theory of Light

Einstein’s quantum theory of light proposed that light is composed of small packets of energy called photons that have
wave-like properties. In this theory he also explained the emission of electrons from some metals they’re struck by
lightning – this was called the photoelectric effect. This theory later led to the invention of the Television, which gave
technologists a vision to come up with modern day screen devices (smartphones, computers, laptops).

2. E=mc2

He demonstrated the link between mass and energy that led to the nuclear energy today.

3. Brownian Movement

4. Special Theory of Relativity

5. General Theory of Relativity

6. Manhattan Project

7. Einstein’s Refrigerator

8. Sky is Blue

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