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1. PAPER [noun]
● The material that is used in the form of thin sheets for writing or printing on, wrapping things,
►We'll need pens, glue, and some paper.

2. SCHOOL [noun]
● A place where children go to
► The town is building a new school.

3. BOTTLE [noun]
● A glass or plastic container that has a narrow neck and usually has no handle
► There's a bottle of soda in the fridge.

4. PLATE [noun]
● a flat and usually round dish that is used for eating or serving food
► I ate a salad and a plate of spaghetti.

5. TEACHER [noun]
● a person whose job is to teach students about certain subjects
► She is a first-grade teacher.


6. BIRTHDAY [noun]
● the day when someone was born or the anniversary of that day
►Her birthday is September 30th.

7. SPECIAL [adjective]
● different from what is normal or usual: better or more important than others
►He won't tell us the special ingredient in his salad dressing.

8. PICTURE [noun]
● a painting, drawing, or photograph of someone or something
►Draw a picture of your house.

9. AIRPLANE [noun]
● a machine that has wings and an engine and that flies through the air
►My uncle learned how to fly an airplane during World War II

10. MACHINE [noun]

● a piece of equipment with moving parts that does work when it is given power from
electricity, gasoline, etc.
►The machine is working properly

11. BEAUTIFUL [adjective]
● very attractive in a physical way
►You have the most beautiful smile

12. COFFEE [noun]

● dark brown drink made from ground beans and boiled water
►I'll make some coffee.

13. PIECE [noun]

● an amount that is cut or separated from a larger section of something
►Divide the pie into six equal pieces.

14. MOTORCYCLE [noun]

● a vehicle with two wheels that is powered by a motor and that can carry one or two
►There was a motorcycle accident here yesterday.

15. TRUMPET [noun]

● a brass musical instrument that you blow into that has three buttons which you press to
play different notes
►I want to learn how to play the trumpet


16. WEDNESDAY [noun]

● the day of the week between Tuesday and Thursday
►I'll be seeing her again next Wednesday.

17. PEOPLE [noun]

● an individual human beings
►We met all sorts of people on the trip.

18. SCIENCE [noun]

● knowledge about or study of the natural world based on facts learned through
experiments and observation
►Science is my favorite class.

19. OXYGEN [noun]

● a chemical that is found in the air, that has no color, taste, or smell, and that is necessary
for life
►The doctors monitored oxygen levels in her blood.

20. BALLOON [noun]

● a thin usually rubber bag that becomes larger when it is filled with air or gas
►I blew up a balloon but then it burst.
1. CHEESE [noun]
● a yellow or white solid food that is made from milk
►I love making cheese sandwich.

2. COFFEE [noun]
● dark brown drink made from ground beans and boiled water
►I'll make some coffee.

3. BATTLE [noun]
● a military fight between groups of soldiers, ships, airplanes, etc.
►The battle continued late into the night.

4. THUNDER [noun]
● the very loud sound that comes from the sky during a storm : the sound that follows a flash
of lightning
►Her dog is afraid of thunder.

5. ISLAND [noun]
● an area of land that is surrounded by water
►He lives on an island in the Caribbean.

6. LISTEN [verb]
● to pay attention to someone or something in order to hear what is being said, sung,
played, etc.
►he listened with interest as he told her about his travels.

7. DIAMOND [noun]
● a very hard usually colorless stone that is a form of carbon and is used especially in jewelry
►Her husband gave her a diamond for her birthday.

8. RECYCLE [verb]
● to make something new from (something that has been used before)
►They're studying various ways to recycle garbage into fuel.

9. BECAUSE [conjuction]
● for the reason that
►I ran because I was afraid.

10. SURPRISE [noun]

● an unexpected event, piece of information, etc.
►I have a special surprise for the children.

11. EXERCISE [noun]

● physical activity that is done in order to become stronger and healthier
►Get plenty of fresh air and exercise.

12. MIDNIGHT [noun]

● the middle of the night : 12 o'clock at night
►Her parents wanted her home before midnight.

13. SUCCESS [noun]

● the fact of getting or achieving wealth, respect, or fame
►With success comes responsibility.

14. NEPHEW [noun]

● a son of your brother or sister
► John is my nephew.

15. BELIEVE [verb]

● to accept or regard (something) as true
►You should not believe everything you read.

16. RECEIVE [verb]
● to get or be given (something)
►You will receive a discount if you spend over 500 pesos.

17. MAGAZINE [noun]

● a type of thin book with a paper cover that contains stories, essays, pictures, etc.,
►She subscribes to several gardening magazines.

18. BEAUTIFUL [adjective]

● very attractive in a physical way
►You have the most beautiful smile

19. APPRECIATE [verb]

● to understand the worth or importance of (something or someone)
►Living in the city has taught me to appreciate the differences between people.

20. CYLINDER [noun]

● a shape that has straight sides and two circular ends
► That factory has a four-cylinder engine.


1. SCHEDULE [noun]
● a plan of things that will be done and the times when they will be done
►I have a busy schedule this week.

2. PYRAMID [noun]
● a shape, object, or pile that is wide near the bottom and narrows gradually as it reaches
the top
►We made a pyramid of apples/oranges

3. VEGETABLE [noun]
● a plant or plant part that is eaten as food
►The doctor said I should eat more fruits and vegetables.

4. TISSUE [noun]
● a piece of soft and very thin paper that is used especially for cleaning
►She wiped her nose with a tissue.

5. BEAUTIFUL [adjective]
● very attractive in a physical way
►You have the most beautiful smile


6. EXPERIENCE [noun]
● the process of doing and seeing things and of having things happen to you
►The best way to learn is by experience.

7. MICROPHONE [noun]
● a device into which people speak or sing in order to record their voices or to make them
sound louder
► The microphone is not working properly.

8. BOULEVARD [noun]
● a wide and usually important street that often has trees, grass, or flowers planted down its
center or along its sides
► There was a long traffic on Roxas boulevard.

9. PARALLEL [adjective]
● used to describe lines, paths, etc., that are the same distance apart along their whole
length and do not touch at any point
►A square is made of two sets of parallel lines.

10. NURTURE [verb]

● to help (something or someone) to grow, develop, or succeed
►The study looks at the ways parents nurture their children.
11. CHANGEABLE [adjective]
● ability to change or to be changed
►The terms of this contract are easily changeable.

12. COURAGEOUS [adjective]

● having or characterized by being brave
►She was a courageous woman who wasn't afraid to support unpopular causes.

13. APPRECIATE [verb]

● to understand the worth or importance of (something or someone)
►Living in the city has taught me to appreciate the differences between people.

14. HYGIENE [noun]

● the things that you do to keep yourself and your surroundings clean in order to maintain
good health
►He has very poor personal hygiene.

15. IMMEDIATELY [adverb]

● without interval of time : straightaway
►I'll make that call immediately

16. NEIGHBOR [noun]
● a person who lives next to or near another person
► Jane’s family is our neighbor.

● the part of the mind that makes you aware of your actions as being either morally right or
►You should decide what to do according to your own conscience.

18. MISCHIEVOUS [adjective]

● causing or tending to cause annoyance or minor harm or damage
► That is one mischievous puppy.

19. EMBARRASS [verb]

● to make (someone) feel confused and foolish in front of other people
►I would never do anything to embarrass my family.

20. OPAQUE [adjective]

● not letting light through : not transparent
►the opaque water of the muddy river

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