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Bernetich Bulletin

November 2010

How wonderful it is to be sharing again have in seeing those that have never heard
with each of you, our faithful supporters! It the name of Jesus come to a saving knowl-
continues to be a time of growing in our edge of Him!!
faith as we seek God and continue to see
where He leads us in support raising. Since As our supporters, we need you to be our
our last newsletter, we have seen more sup- team of networkers. We would ask for your
port come in but are still not anywhere near help to find other people and churches that
the point of being able to go to Texas and you know who love God and want to see the
serve full time yet. We are trusting God to lost world come to know Him as the one
bring the rest of our support true God. Have you talked to your church
in His timing. We continue about what God is doing
to be faithful to contact through GFA? How about
churches and fellow believ- friends whom you know
ers just about every day to that have a heart to reach
see if they would be willing the most unreached? We
to partner with us to fulfill would not ask this of you
the Great Commission. It is if we were asking for our-
our desire to go as soon as selves but we are asking
possible but we need more on behalf of God and the
support. work that He is accom-
plishing and we hope that you would know
God has given us the opportunity to meet that you are supporting Him and not us.
with more churches and even share on a Please let us know if you have people that
Sunday morning with a church from Phila- may be interested as we would love to get in
delphia briefly for both of their morning ser- contact with them.
vices as well as speak to their Sunday
School class. God is teaching Dave and I As John Thomas, pastor of Fish Hoek Bap-
each time we share how to do it better next tist Church, South Africa, once wrote “This
time. We are definitely not wonderful was not something we chose. It is some-
speakers but we just pray that those who thing God put in our path. Wherever He
hear us would know the passion and joy we leads, we will follow.”

This Christmas for millions of souls in South Asia there is no hope. Their lives are filled with
poverty and despair. Many people have no way to even provide for their families. Then, a GFA
supported missionary gives one family a pair of pigs, another gets a water buffalo, or maybe an-
other a sewing machine. The missionary also tells them about a Savior who loves them and
provides for them. Suddenly lives are changed! There is now a way for a family to earn enough
money to feed their children and make a living. When you give items from the Christmas cata-
log, you are giving so much more than just a gift. You are giving hope and that hope is Jesus
Christ and will forever change lives!

The Bernetich Bulletin

Kid’s Korner
Words cannot describe the absolute joy God has given us in these 2 amazing children.
We truly believe they are a blessing given straight from God.
This summer was spent doing some fun activities at home. We made homemade ice
cream, went to parks, and of course enjoyed lots of fun times at the pool and the beach.
The end of summer the kids got to spend a month up north with both of their grand-
parents. They had a great time and it gave Dave and I some great date nights alone—
not something we get to do very often.
This fall Andrew and Kira started public school. There was definitely a time
of transition for both them and myself but God is so good and has carried us through.
They are really enjoying the school now. Kira has joined chorus and Andrew is thrilled
with all of the Science experiments he is getting to do in Science class. Don’t tell him
but I think he knows more than me in some areas already :).
Please continue to pray for our kids that they would grow in the Lord and in their daily
Bible reading and that we, as parents would be patient as we continue to direct them to
be a man and woman of great faith and dependence on our Savior!!

Dave’s Heart (sharing my journey with the Lord)

I decided to grow an avocado tree. I was pretty proud of my little plant. Some times I would see a
leaf change color and start to die. At first I thought that I could bring it back to life if I just remem-
bered to keep it watered and give it sunlight. I then noticed that more leaves started to wilt. I de-
cided to try to remove the dead leaves because they looked beyond revival. As soon as I started to
remove the dying leaves I noticed that the rest of the plant looked healthier. The plant ac-
tually was growing faster after I did this. Even though the plant was growing, many
leaves kept dying and the tree had many places where the leaves were removed.
Even though it now looked like a sad tree with all the missing leaves, it contin-
ued to grow. Then one day a branch starting growing out of one of the areas
where an old leaf was! It grew bigger and bigger and other leaves started to
grow from that branch. I started to contem- plate how removing the leaves would help
the tree grow and how the new branch grew from where the old leaf used to be. The dying
leaves reminded me how when we hold on to sin it causes our whole walk with God to suffer
the way my plant was suffering keeping the dying leaves alive. Sometimes we hold on to our
sin not realizing that it is slowly killing us spiritually. But as soon as we remove sin from
our lives the way I removed the dying leaves, we can then begin to grow spiritually. Then God
will draw us to Himself so that we can then bear much fruit. My prayer to God is that He
shows me my sins, even my hidden sins. Ask God if you might have any hidden sins
that are keeping you from growing. “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever
abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do
nothing. If anyone does not abide in me he is thrown away like a branch and withers; and the
branches are gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned. If you abide in me, and my words abide in
you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. By this my Father is glorified, that you bear
much fruit and so prove to be my disciples.” John 15:5-8 (ESV)

Praises and Prayer Requests

 Praise God that He has given us the opportunity to share the ministry of GFA with new pas-
tors and churches.
 Praise that we are continually learning how to raise support as God leads us since raising
support will be fundamental to our continuing in ministry.
 Pray that the churches and people we contact would have the faith to trust that God is big-
ger than this economy.
 Pray that more churches would allow us to present the ministry of GFA to their congregation
and that many other churches would feel lead to support us.
 Pray that we would continue to develop a strong prayer life as a family.

Dauid and Krysten Bernetich • ;@> Southport Dr • Summeruille, SC • <9>8=

Phone: 843-278-<=90 • Mobile: 8>=-819-??99 • E-mail:
Financial Contributions: Gospel for Asia - ;800 Golden Trail Ct. Carrollton, TX :?0;0 (include “Dauid and
Krysten Bernetich” in memo)
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