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Geppetto was an old carpenter who lived with Gepetto era un tamplar batran care locuia cu o piscanumita

a cat called Figaro and a fish called Cleo. Figaro si un peste numit Cleo.
One day he made a little puppet boy out of a Intr-o zi el a facut un mic baietel marioneta dintr-o bucata
piece of wood. de lemn.
Oh how I wish you were a real live boy he Vai ce mi-ar place sa fii un baiat adevarat a oftat el inainte
sighed before going to bed. sa se suie in pat.
But outside the evening star had risen and its Dar afara luceafarul era pe cer si lumina lui cadea in
light was falling into the old man's room. camera batranului.
Sometimes the fairy of the evening star grants Cateodata zana luceafarului de seara implineste dorinte si in
wishes and that night she appeared from out of noaptea aceea s-a infiripat din lumina.
the light. -Scoala-te i-a spus marionetei atingand-o cu bagheta
May you wake up, she said touching the fermecata.
puppet with her wand. Marioneta deodata deschise ochii, unde sunt? intreba el.
The puppet suddenly opened his eyes, where Zana observa un grieras pe masa. Cum te cheama intreba
am I he said? ea. -Jiminy Greierasul, raspunse o voce mica.
The fairy noticed a little cricket on the table. -Si fie ca Jiminy Greierasul sa-ti fie constiinta, spuse ea
What's your name? she asked. Jiminy Cricket, marionetei.
said a little voice. Nu esti un baiat adevarat inca, continua zana, dar daca
And may Jiminy Cricket be your conscience, dovedesti ca esti curajos si intelept intr-o zi poti fi, pe urma
she told the puppet. disparu.
"You are not a real boy yet", she continued -Tata, tata striga marioneta, uita-te la mine!
"but if you prove to be brave and wise, Geppetto fu foarte fericit. El dansa cu Figaro.
someday you may be." then she dissapeared. -Iti voi spune Pinochio spuse el papusii.
Father, father cried the puppet, look at me! Pinochio in mare era un baiat bun, dar cand spunea o
Geppetto was overjoyed. He danced with minciuna ii crestea nasul.
Figaro. In curand Geppetto hotara ca Pinochio era destul de mare
"I will call you Pinnochio" he told the puppet. ca sa mearga la scoala.
Pinnochio was a good little boy overall, but Pe drum spre scoala Pinochio se intalni cu doi ticalosi care ii
whenever he would tell a lie his wooden nose spusera ca mersul in Insula Placerilor e mult mai distractiv
grew longer. pentru copii decat mersul la scoala si sa ii urmeze. Jiminy
Soon Geppetto decided Pinnochio was old Greierasul ii striga in van lui Pinochio sa nu se duca, el
enough to go to school. pleca oricum.
On the way to school Pinnochio met two Insula Placerilor era foarte distractiva. Pinochio se
swindlers who told him that going to Pleasure imprieteni cu un baiat numit Lampwick si ei mergeau pe
Island is much more fun for children than montagne-russe si mancau bomboane toata ziua. Insula avea
going to school and he should follow them. chiar o trasura trasa de un grup de magarusi tristi.
Jiminy Cricket cried in vain at Pinnochio not Intr-o zi urechile lui Lampwick incepura sa creasca, pe
to go, he went anyway. urma ii crescu o coada. De asta erau copiii adusi pe Insula
Pleasure Island was a lot of fun. Pinnochio Placerilor! Ca sa se transforme in magari! Fugi Pinochio,
made friends with a boy named Lampwick and fugi! a apucat Lampwick sa strige inainte ca doi barbati sa-l
they would ride on rollercoasters and eat bage intr-un sac.
candy all day long. Treasure Island even had a Si Pinochio incepuse sa aiba uchi lungi si o coada dar reusi
carriage that would take the kids from place to sa scape si pentru prima data incepu sa urmeze sugestiile lui
place, it was drawn by a bunch of sad looking Jiminy Greierasul.
donkeys. In cele din urma plecara de pe insula si ajunsera acasa. Dar
One day Lampwick's ears started to grow Gepeto si Figaro si Cleo plecasera!
long, then he grew a tail. That was why all the Un frumos porumbel alb, zana lucafarului de seara insasi,
children were being brought to Pleasure cobora in zbor ii lasa lui Pinochio un bilet si pleca in zbor.
Island! So they could turn into donkeys! Run Biletul zicea ca Gepeto plecase sa-si gaseasca fiul si fusese
Pinnochio run, Lampwick managed to cry out inghitit de o balena. Pinochio ramase cu inima zdrobita. Dar
before two men caught him in a sack. el si cu Jiminy Greierasul plecara pe mare ca sa-si gaseasca
Pinnochio too had started growing ears and a mica familie.
tail but he managed to escape and for the first Au mers multe luni pe o pluta si au evitat multe pericole. Si
time he started following Jiminy Cricket's intr-o zi ajunsera fata in fata cu o balena! Si il puteau auzi
suggestions. pe Gepeto vorbind cu Figaro din interiorul balenei! Isi
Eventually they were off the island and finally tinura respiratia, stiau ca au o singura varianta, si atunci se
made it home. But Geppetto and Figaro and intampla! Balena ii inghiti si pe ei! Lacrimi si imbratisari
Cleo were gone! urmara, dar trebuiau sa gaseasca un mod de a pleca. Atunci
A beautiful white dove, the evening star fairy lui Pinochio ii veni o idee.
herself, flew down left Pinnochio a note and - Trebuie sa pornim un foc, spuse el lui Gepeto, ca balena sa
then flew away. stranute si sa ne arunce afara.
The note said that Geppetto had left looking In sfarsit balena a stranutat si in curand Geppetto
for his son and had been swallowed by a whale. Figaro,Cleo si Jiminy Cricket au fost aruncati la tarm. Dar
Pinnochio was heart broken. But he and unde era Pinochio? Valurile in sfarsit l-au adus la tarm. Dar
Jiminy Cricket left by sea to find their little parea mort.
family. - O bietul meu baiat curajos, plangea Gepeto, tinandu-l in
They travelled for many months on a raft and brate.
avoided many dangers. Then one day they Dar singurul raspuns era al valurilor.
came face to face with a whale! And they could Deodata o raza de lumina cobora si vocea zanei luceafarului
hear Geppetto talking to Figaro inside the de seara spuse: Pentru curajul si intelepciunea ta te
whale! They held their breath, they knew they transform intr-un baietel adevarat, baietelul incepu sa
had just one choice, and then it happened! The respire si o medalie ii stralucea pe jacheta.
whale swallowed them too! Tears and hugs Recompense totdeauna vin celor care sunt curajosi, intelepti
followed, but they needed to find a way out. si nu se dau batuti.
Then Pinnochio had an idea.
"We must build a fire", he told Geppetto, "so
the whale will sneeze and throw us out".
Finally the whale sneezed and soon Geppetto
Figaro,Cleo and Jiminy Cricket were thrown
to shore. But where was Pinnochio? The waves
finally brought him to shore. But he seemed
Oh my poor brave boy Geppetto cried cradling
him in his arms.
But the only answer came from the tide.
Suddenly a beam of light came down and the
voice of the evening fairy said: For your
bravery and wisdom I hereby turn you into a
real live boy, the little boy started breathing wise and never give up.
and a medal shone on his jacket.
Rewards always come for those who are brave
A long time ago there was a miller who had a very Demult era un morar care avea o fata foarte
pretty girl. draguta.
One day the king came to the town were they lived. Intr-o zi regele a venit in orasul in care locuiau.
Wanting to please the king the miller told him the Vrand sa faca placere regelui morarul i-a spus
girl could spin anything into gold. acestuia ca fata poate sa toarca fir de aur din orice.
"She can spin straw into gold", he said. - Poate sa toarca fir de aur din paie", zise el.
"That would please me", said the king. "But I do - Asta m-ar multumi, spuse regele. Dar nu vad cum
not know how it can be so". "Bring the girl to me. e posibil. Adu-mi fata. Dar daca nu poate sa faca
If she cannot do what you said things will go hard asa cum spui, iti va merge greu.
with you". Morarul fu necajit, dar duse fata regelui.
The miller was upset, but he took the girl to the Regele duse fata intr-o camera plina cu paie.
king. Arata spre o roata de tors si zise:
The king took the girl into a room filled with - Acum toarce! Daca n-ai tors paiele in fir de aur
straw. pana dimineata va fi vai si amar de morar, dar
Then he pointed to a spinning wheel and said, daca-mi umpli camera de aur atunci ma insor cu
"Now spin! If you have not turned the straw into tine. Ma insor cu tine si te fac regina.
gold by morning things will go hard with the Cand regele pleca din camera, fata incepu sa
miller, but if you fill this room with gold then I will planga. Nu putea sa toarca paie in fir de caur si nu
marry you. I will marry you and make you stia ce sa faca.
queen." Atunci in camera aparu un omulet urat.
When the king left the room, the girl began to - Buna seara, zise omuletul cel urat. De ce plangi?
weep. She could not spin straw into gold and she - Vai, spuse fata. Regele mi-a spus sa torc toate
did not know what to do. paiele astea in fir de aur, dar eu nu stiu cum.
Then into the room came an ugly little man. - Ce-mi dai daca ti le torc eu? intreba omuletul
"Hello,"said the ugly little man."Why do you urat.
weep?" - Nu am nimic sa-ti dau, zise fata.
"Oh!", said the girl. "The king told me to spin all - Ai sa te mariti cu regele, spuse omuletul. Imi dai
of this straw into gold, but I don't know how." primul copil pe care o sa-l ai ca regina?
"What will you give me if I spin it for you?"asked - Da, da, spuse fata. Orice! Numai sa te apuci mai
the ugly little man. repede. Toarce paiele in fir de aur.
"I have nothing to give," said the girl. Omuletul incepu sa toarca.
"You are going to marry the king," said the ugly Pana dimineata camera era plina cu aur. Regele fu
little man."Will you give me the first baby you foarte multumit si se insura cu fata.
have when you are queen?" In timp, regele si regina avura o fetita. Intr-o zi
"Yes, yes," said the girl. "Anything! Just do not omuletul cel urat veni la regina.
tarry. Spin the straw into gold." - Copilul e al meu, spuse el. Mi-ai spus ca ai sa-mi
The little man began to spin. dai mie primul copil.
By morning the room was filled with gold. The
king was very pleased and wed the girl.
In time, the king and queen had a fine baby girl.
Then one day, the ugly little man came to the
"This baby is mine," he said. "You told me you
would give me your first baby."
I will give you all the gold I have," said the queen. Iti dau tot aurul pe care il am, spuse regina.
"I do not want gold," said the ugly little man. - Nu vreau aur, spuse omuletul cel urat. Ai spus ca
"You said you would give me your baby. She is all imi dai fetita. Ea e tot ce vreau.
that I want." Regina incepu sa planga si omuletului urat i se
The queen began to weep and the ugly little man facu mila de ea.
was sorry for her. - Iti dau trei zile, sa-mi ghicesti numele, spuse el.
"I will give you three days to guess my name," he Daca pana atunci nu poti trebuie sa-mi dai mie
said. "If by then you cannot, you must give me the copilul.
baby." Cand omuletul pleca regina trimise un om in toate
When the little man left, the queen sent a man to colturile regatului.
every part of the land. - Adu-mi toate numele de baieti pe care le auzi,
"Bring me all the boys names you hear," she said. spuse ea. Nu intarzia, pentru ca daca nu te intorci
"Do not tarry, for if you are not back in three days in trei zile trebuie sa-mi dau copilul.
I must give my baby away." In noaptea aceea regina scrise toate numele de
That night the queen wrote down all the boys baieti care ii venira in minte.
names she could think of. A doua zi, cand omuletul veni regina ii aratat
The following day, when the little man came the numele. Dar dupa ce le citi pe toate omuletul rase
queen showed him the names. But when he had si zise:
read each one he laughed and said, - Numele meu nu e acolo. Ma intorc maine.
"That is not my name I will be back tommorrow!" Dupa ce omuletul cel urat pleca, regina ruga pe
After the ugly little man left, the queen asked toti sa ii scrie nume de baieti.
everyone to write down boys' names for her. Cand omuletul veni a doua zi ea ii arata numele
When the little man came the following day, she acelea. De cate ori citea un nume omuletul radea si
showed him those names. Each time the little man zicea:
read a name, he laughed and said, - Acela nu e numele meu. Mai ai o zi, ii spuse
"That is not my name! You have one more day," reginei. Daca nu mi-ai ghicit numele pana maine
he told the queen."If you have not guessed my seara iti iau copilul.
name by tomorrow night I will take the baby." A doua zi omul reginei se intoarse cu numele pe
The following day, the queen's man came backwith care le gasise.
the names he had found. Cand regina se uita la nume incepu sa planga.
When the queen looked at the names she began to - Alte nume de baieti nu am gasit, spuse omul
weep. reginei. Dar pe cand calaream prin padure am
"I could find no other boys' names," said the vazut o casuta. In fata casei era un foc. In fata
queen's man. "But as I rode in the woods, I saw a focului statea un omulet urat. Pe cand statea a
little house. Before the house was a fire. Before the inceput sa cante:
fire, sat an ugly little man. As he sat, he sang,
"Astazi stau, maine gatesc
"Today I sit, tomorrow I bake. O zi dupa aceea copilul reginei il iau
The day after that the queens baby I take. Omul reginei merge calare sa-i ajute cautarea
The queen's man rides to help her quest, Dar Rumpelstilskin ea nu va ghici"
But Rumpelstilskin she won't guess.
Regina era multumita. Cautarea se terminase.
The queen was pleased. Her quest was ended. In noaptea aceea cand veni omuletul, regina ii
That night, when the little man came, the queen arata numele. De cate ori citea un nume omuletul
showed him the names. Each time he read a name, cel urat zicea:
the ugly little man said, - Acela nu e numele meu!
"That is not my name!" Atunci regina intreba:
Then the queen asked, - Este numele tau Rumpelstilskin?
"Is your name Rumpelstilskin?" - N-ai cum sa stii! n-ai cum sa stii! striga omuletul
"You cannot know! You cannot know!" shouted cel urat.
the ugly little man. Apoi incepu sa sara. Din ce in ce mai tare sari
Then he jumped up and down. Harder and harder pana cand pamantul sub el se surpa.
he jumped till the ground gave way under him. Regina nu-l mai vazu niciodata pe Rumpelstilskin.
The queen never saw Rumpelstilskin again.

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