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Alveolar capillary surface (extrauterine)

2. Primary organ of gax exchange for fetus
3. Umbilical cord blood vessels
4. Fetus lives in hypoxic what is major factor
5. Right atrium shunted to left
6. Fetal pulmonary vascular resistance
7. Percentage of blood entering the pulmonary artery flows to lungs, where does the rest go
8. First few breaths after birth
9. Number of alveoli in newborn vs adults (withj surface area of the lung)
10. Infants breathe through what part of airway
11. Infant lung volumes lower than adults
12. Severe hypoxemia for infants
13. Grunting
14. Infants severe hypoxemia more readily than adults
15. Innervate
16. Describe the pathway gas follow 9-8

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