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The Parental Attachment Questionnaire (PAQ) was designed to assess security of a parental attachment in the self-report format among
adolescents and young adults. A 55-Item Likert scale which assesses the perceptions of young adults about their parent's attitude toward
them and their relationship with their parents.
The Parental Attachment Questionnaire (PAQ) is a 55-item Likert-type self-report inventory that was designed to assess security of a
parental attachment in the self-report format among adolescents and young adults by Ainsworth et al's (1978) conceptualization of
attachment with adolescents and young adults.
The following pages contain statements that describe family relationships and the kinds of feelings and experiences frequently reported by young
adults. Please respond to each item by filling in the number on a scale of 1 to 5 that best describes your parents, your relationship with your
parents, and your experiences and feelings. Please provide a single rating to describe your parents and your relationship with them. If only one
parent is living, or if your parents are divorced, respond with reference to your living parent or the parent with whom you feel closer.

1 2 3 4 5
Not at All Somewhat A Moderate Amount Quite A Bit Very Much
(0-10%) (11-35%) (36-65%) (66-90%) (91-100%)

In general, my parents.... . .

___1. are persons I can count on to provide emotional support when

___15. have provided me with the freedom to
I feel troubled.
experiment and learn things on my own.
___2. support my goals and interests.
___16. are too busy to help me.
___3. live in a different world.
___17 have trust and confidence in me.
___4. understand my problems and concerns.
___18. try to control my life.
___5. respect my privacy. ___19. protect me from danger and difficulty

___6. limits my independence. ___20. ignore what I have to say.

___7 are available to give me advice or guidance when I want it. ___21. are sensitive to my feelings and needs

___8. take my opinions seriously. ___22. are disappointed in me.

___9. encourage me to make my own decisions. ___23. give me advice whether or not I want it.

___10. are critical of what I can do. ___24 respect my judgment and decisions, even if different from what
they would want.
___11. impose their ideas and values on me.
___25. do things for me, which I could do for myself.
___12. have given me as much attention as I have wanted
___26. are persons whose expectations I feel obligated to meet.
___13. are persons to whom I can express differences of opinion
on important matters. ___27. treat me like a younger child.

___14 have no idea what I am feeling or thinking.

(go to next column)

During recent visits or time spent together, my parents were persons. . .

___28. I looked forward to seeing. ___35. who aroused feelings of guilt and anxiety.

___29. with whom I argued. __ 36. to whom I enjoyed telling about the things I have
done and learned.
___30. with whom I felt relaxed and comfortable.
___37. for whom I felt a feeling of love.
___31. who made me angry. ___38. I tried to ignore.

___32. I wanted to be with all the time. ___39. to whom I told my most personal thoughts and
___33. towards whom I felt cool and distant.
___40. I liked being with.
___34 who got on my nerves.
___41. I didn't want to tell what has been going on in in my

Following time spent together, I leave my parents...

__ __ 42. With warm and positive __ __ 43. feeling let down and
feelings. disappointed.

When I have a serious problem or an important decision to make. . .

___44. I look to my family for help. ___47. I work it out on my own, without help or discussion with others.

___45. I seek help from a professional, such as a therapist, ___48 I discuss the matter with a friend.
college counselor, or clergy.
___49. I know that my family will know what to do.
___46 I think about what my mom or dad might say. (go to next
column) ___50. I contact my family if I am not able to resolve the situation after
talking it over with my friends.
When I go to my parents for help. . .

___51. I feel more confident in my ability to handle the problems on my ___54. I feel confident that things will work out as long as I follow
own. my parent's advice.

___52. I continue to feel unsure of myself. ___55. I am disappointed with their response.

___53. I feel that I would have gotten more understanding from a friend.
(go to next column)

This questionnaire asks you about your mother and father.

1 2 3 4 5
Not at All Somewhat A Moderate Amount Quite A Bit Very Much
(0-10%) (11-35%) (36-65%) (66-90%) (91-100%)

In general, my mother/father.....

__ __ 1. is someone I can count on to listen to me when I feel upset.
__ __ 14. has no idea what I am feeling or thinking.
__ __ 2. supports my goals and interests.
__ __ 15. lets me try new things out and learn on my own.
__ __ 3. sees the world differently than I do.
__ __ 16. Is too busy to help me.
__ __ 4. understands my problems and concerns.
__ __ 17. Has trust and confidence in me.
__ __ 5. respects my privacy.
__ __ 18. tries to control my life.
__ __ 6. limits my independence.
__ __ 19. protects me from danger and difficulty.
__ __ 7. gives me advice when I ask for it.
__ __ 20. ignores what I have to say.
__ __ 8. takes me seriously.
__ __ 21. Is sensitive to my feelings and needs.
__ __ 9. likes me to make my own decisions.
__ __ 22. Is disappointed in me.
__ __ 10. criticizes me.
__ __ 23. Gives me advice whether or not I want it.
__ __ 11. tells me what to think or how to feel.
__ __ 24, respect my decisions, even if they don't agree.
__ __ 12. gives me attention when I want it.
__ __ 25. does things for me which I would rather do for myself.
__ __ 13. is someone I can talk to about anything.
__ __ 26. Is someone whose expectations I feel I have to meet.

__ __ 27. treats me like a younger child.

During time spent together, my mother/father was someone...


__ __ 28. I looked forward to seeing __ __ 35. Who made me feel guilty and anxious.

__ __ 29. with whom I argued. __ __ 36. I liked telling about what I have done recently.

__ __ 30. With whom I felt comfortable. __ __ 37. for whom I felt feelings of love.

__ __ 31. who made me angry. __ __ 38. I tried to ignore.

__ __ 32. I wanted to be with all the time. __ __ 39. to whom I told my most personal thoughts and feelings.

__ __ 33. towards whom I felt cool and distant. __ __ 40. I liked being with.

__ __ 34. Who got on my nerves. __ __ 41. I didn't want to tell what has been going on in in my life.

Following time spent together, I leave my mother/father...


__ __ 42. With warm and positive feelings. __ __ 43. feeling let down and disappointed.

When I have a serious problem or an important decision to make...


__ __ 44. I look to my family for help. __ __ 48. I talk it over with a friend.

__ __ 45. I go to a therapist, school counselor, or clergy (priest, rabbi __ __ 49. I know that my family will know what I should do.
or minister).
__ __ 50. I ask my family for help if my friends can't help.
__ __ 46. I think about what my mom or dad might say.

__ __ 47. I work it out on my own, without help from anyone.

When I go to my mother /father for help ...


__ __ 51. I feel more sure of my ability to handle the problems on my own. __ __ 54. I feel sure that things will work out as long as I
follow my parent's advice.
__ __ 52. I continue to feel unsure of myself.
__ __ 55. I am disappointed with their response.
__ __ 53. I feel that I would have gotten more understanding from a friend.

Scoring Instructions (3/94) for the Parental Attachment Questionnaire

c 1985 M. Kenny Ph.D.

Recode the following questions [ (1=5), (2=4), (4=2), (5=1) where the
first number is the respondent's answer, and the second number is the
value to which it should be recoded. Questions to be recoded:
3 20 29 41
6 22 31 43
10 23 33 47
11 25 34 52
14 26 35 53
16 18 27 38
55 45

Scale 1: Affective Quality of Relationships

1 26 35 52
2 28 36 53
4 29 37 55
14 30 38
16 31 40
20 32 41
21 33 42
22 34 43

Scale 2: Parents as Facilitators of Independence

5 15
6 17
8 18
9 23
10 24
11 25
13 27

Scale 3: Parents as Source of Support

3 44 50
7 46 51
12 47 54
19 48 45
39 49
Dimensi Favorable Unfavorable Jumlah
Affective Quality 1, 2, 4, 21, 28, 30, 14, 16, 20, 22, 26, 27
Of Relationships 32, 36, 37, 40, 42 29, 31, 33, 34, 35,
38, 41, 43, 52,
53, 55
Parents as 5, 8, 9, 13, 15, 6, 10, 11, 18, 23, 14
Facilitators of 17, 24 25, 27
Parents as Source 7, 12, 19, 39, 44, 3, 45, 47 14
of Support 46, 48, 49, 50, 51,
Total 30 25 55

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