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Nursing Care Plan


Subjective Deficient Long term: >assess motivation -learning requires energy. Patient’s must
Data: knowledge After series of and willingness of see a need or purpose for learning.
in taking implementatio patient to learn
“hindi na, drugs
n of nursing
meron naman (Isoxuprine,
na lahat sa ferrous intervention; >provide an -conveying respect is especially important
booklet na sulfate) The client atmosphere of when providing education to patients with
binigay nila” related to will show respect, openness, different values and beliefs about health
“parang hindi insufficient motivation to trust and and illness.
ko naman interest in learn. collaboration
kailangan learning as Short term:
yun… evidence by -allowing the patient to identify the most
After 8hrs. of >consider what is
[pertaining to refusal on significant content to be presented is the
isoxuprine, offered implementatio important to the most effective.
ferrous health n of nursing patient
sulfate] teaching intervention;
…kasi nung >focus teaching -purely focuses teaching allows the learner
first time ko >the client session on single to concentrate more completely on material
nagbuntis will show or idea being discussed.
ferrous sulfate
lang ininom
ko” behaviour by >give information -different people take in information in
providing with the use of different ways.
Objective: interesting media, visual aids
hesitant facts about like diagrams,
attitude the topic. pictures,
Inappropriate videotapes,
behaviour > the client audiotapes, and
(apathetic- not will interactive internet
having or participate on websites.
showing the discussion -the learner requires energy, shorter, well
emotion or as evidence > pace the paced sessions reduced fatigue and allow
interest) by asking instruction and the patient to absorbed more completely.
questions keep session short
>the client -questions facilitate open communication
between patient and health care
will be
professionals and allow verification of
interactive in >encourage understanding of given information.
the discussion questions -every individual has her/his learning style,
>the client which must be factor in planning an
will actively educational program. Some may prefer
participate in >consider the written materials over visual materials,
the discussion patient’s learning while others prefer group sessions over an
individual instruction. Matching the
>the client style (especially if
learners preferred style with the
will be the patient has educational method will facilitate success
interested in learned and in mastery of knowledge.
learning and retained new
gaining new information in the Self-efficacy refers to person’s confidence
information past) in his or her own ability to perform a
behaviour. A first step in teaching may be
knowledge >determine the to foster increased self-efficacy in the
>the client patient self- learner’s ability to earn the desired
will be efficacy to learn information or skills. Some lifestyle
encourage not changes.
and apply new
refusing the
knowledge -the patient brings to the learning situation
heath teaching
a unique personality, established social
>assess the barriers interaction patterns, cultural norms and
to learning (eg. values and environmental influences.
Change in lifestyle,
financial concerns,
cultural patterns,
lack of acceptance.
Subjective Fatigue Long term: >restrict -vivid lighting, noise, visitors, numerous
data: related to After 8 hrs. of environmental destruction, and litter in the patients
“pagod sa occupational implementatio stimuli especially physical surrounding can limit relaxation,
disturbed sleep, and contribute to fatigue.
trabaho, demand n of nursing during planned
maghapong As evidence intervention times for rest and
nagtitinda ng by; report the client will sleep
barbeque” “pagod sa report of -recognizing relationships between specific
trabaho” activities and levels of fatigue can aid the
improved > encourage the
Objective sense of client to maintain a patient recognize unnecessary energy
date: energy 24 hrs. fatigue or outflow. The log may indicate times of day
when a person feels the least fatigued.
Pale skin activity of for at
Heavy Short term: least 1 week
breathing After 8 hrs. of -a patient that balances periods of activity
Heavy eyes implementatio with periods of rest can aid the patient
v/s n of nursing > aid the patient complete preferred activities without
T- 36 intervention with developing a contributing to eves of fatigue.
P-84 the client will; schedule for daily
R-20 >the client activity and rest.
BP-90/60 will share her Emphasize the
feelings importance of -patients may need to learn skills for
regarding frequent rest delegating tasks to others, setting priorities,
fatigue in life period. and clustering care to use available energy
to compete desire activities. Organization
> the client and time management can help the patient
discusses > teach energy conserve energy and reduced fatigued the
what she conservation
-the patient will need properly balanced
thinks makes methods
intake of fats, carbohydrates, proteins,
fatigue worse vitamins and minerals to provide energy
> the client resources.
demonstrates -Fatigued caused by deconditioning and
4 energy prolonged bed rest can be reduced trough
saving > promote improved functional capacity using aerobic
techniques to sufficient and muscle straightening exercise.
help decrease nutritional intake
fatigue. -weakness can make ADL’s most not
> the client >encourage an possible for patient to finish being the
explains exercise patient prevents the patient from getting
energy conditioning harm during activities.
program as
plan to offset
fatigue appropriate

>identify energy -this offers a sense of control and feelings

conservation of achievement.
methods such as
sitting and dividing
ADL’s into -increased irritability of the CNS can make
the patient become easily excited, agitated,
segments. and probe to emotional outburst.

>set practical
activity goals with

>stay away from

topics that annoys
or disturb client
(e.g religion,

Energy Conservation Principles and Techniques


 Panning ahead
 Organize the work to be done first by prioritizing
 Eliminate all unnecessary steps
 Combine tasks or activities
 Consider making changes to tasks or activities

Balance rest and sleep

 Frequent short rests are of more benefit than fewer longer ones
 Plan your work so difficult tasks are done during your best time of the day and are distributed throughout the week
 Avoid activities which cannot be stopped immediately if they become too stressful.
 Plan a balance of work, recreation, exercise and rest.
 If possible lie down to rest
 Practice breathing techniques

Work simplification

 Cancel tasks that are not really necessary

 Delegate tasks that are not really necessary
 Simplify your methods of work
 Sit to work whenever possible
 Adjust height of work surfaces to allow for good posture
 Use equipment when necessary to conserve energy
 Avoid prolong exposure to moist heat


 Do activities with a companion

 Select activities that match your energy level
 Balance activity and rest. Don’t get over tired.

Micah Mendoza


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